As examples of my "bare-faced lies," sirs cites the following:
- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election
Each one of the above is absolutely true. I could say that you, by denying all of this, are the liar - - but I don't. Because I think you are so fucking stupid that you actually believe the above are untrue.
and sirs goes on to cite more examples of my "bare-faced lies;"
- America advocates/supports all forms of torture
which I would never have said - - since we don't know what kind of tortures are being practiced in the C.I.A.'s secret torture chambers, we have no idea which kinds of torture are being practiced and which (if any) are not. Since the U.S.A. supported notorious torture groups such as the Iranian SAVAK and (at one point) Saddam Hussein himself, as well as the torture regimes of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, and the death squads of El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua (pre-Sandinista,) and Guatemala, that should cover pretty much all the torture inflicted since the end of the Second World War. Ooops, I forgot the Phoenix Program in Viet Nam. Although it is extremely unlikely, there may be some remote corner of hell in which there are tortures going on which America never supported or advocated (probably only because of their ignorance of that particular technique) the possibility does exist, for which reason I would never say that America supports/advocates "all forms" of torture.
sirs gave another example of one of my "bare-faced lies;"
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi
again proving nothing but his own fucking ignorance; a Nazi is never a crypto-fascist, it's a contradiction in terms. Bush is a crypto-fascist, some of whose crimes are similar or identical to some of the crimes of the Nazis.
still more of my alleged "bare-faced lies" (in the considered opinion of sirs,) which I have to admit is at least the equal of some of the considered opinions of some five-year-olds of my acquaintance:
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs
They are what they get away with and so far they have gotten away with murder and rape and thuggery. Hence, murderous rapist thugs. The fact that some of them are put on trial in purely media exercises, to receive Mickey Mouse sentences for their horrendous crimes is proof of official complicity. As is the fact that photographic and video evidence of their crimes is to this very day being withheld from the American people by the Pentagon. They are covering up the crimes of the army which they command.
And the last "bare-faced lie" of mine that this pathetic loser was able to dredge up was:
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"
Well, sirs, what is or is not a "fair share" is a matter of pure opinion because what is fair is a matter of opinion. Some people here think it's not fair that they have to pay anything. If you could explain to me how an opinion can be true or false, or how an opinion can be a lie . . .
Well, why bother starting a sentence addressed to sirs with the words, "If you can explain to me how . . . " We are talking about an idiot who can't understand anything, let alone explain anything.
Let me just say - - sirs, you were given plenty of opportunity when accusing me of uttering bare-faced lies, to come up with just one example. As I have demonstrated, each of your examples is as full of shit as you yourself are. So do me one small favour, sirs: next time you have ANY accusations to make against me or anyone else, stop; think carefully; and blow it out your ass.