<<Don't even try pulling this "poor me" victim card. >>
Huh? that was the "Fuck you too" card. Try reading for comprehension just once in your life.
<<Your versions of what is is, is consistently chalk full of barely credible circumstantial evidence, and prescious little direct evidence, if any. >>
Only a moron would expect direct evidence in most of these cases. What, a signed confession from Bush, "I knew all along but lied?" Or maybe from Brother Jeb, "How we stole the election for Dubya?" With regard to torture and massacre, the evidence is massive and indisputable; over 90% of it, in the case of Abu Ghraib alone, still unreleasd by the Pentagon. Only a moron would be unable to figure out why. In the stolen election or the lies of Bush, without circumstantial evidence, there's NO evidence. As for whether it's "barely credible" or not, a case which convinces three good investigative journalists and the editors of a national magazine is not "barely credible." It's credible enough for me and millions of others.
<<Then conveniently fill in these massive ommissions with your version of common sense, & then claim these accusations as supposed validated fact. >>
My version of common sense? There's only ONE kind of common sense, connect the dots, not that YOU'D know anything about it. Some people see it, some want more dots before they connect. I never claimed anyone who couldn't connect the dots my way was lying about it.
<<The closest you come is with the supposed SEC violation, that had no indictments of any kind. Was a Grand Jury even convened? >>
Now you're being stupid instead of crazy. Do you really think that every lie to every SEC investigator has to end up under indictment? Especially when the liar is linked by very powerful family connections to the SEC and its counsel? Bush told TWO DIFFERENT STORIES at two different times to SEC investigators looking into why he was NINE MONTHS LATE in filing an insider trading report. They couldn't both be true. One of them HAD to be a lie.
<<And I can't tell you how weak it is for you to use 1 example back in Vietnam as supposed examples of a current murderous military, that always seems to be validated by how well everything is covered up. >>
There are many more than one but you are just too fucking ignorant to know of them. There were about 60,000 victims of the Phoenix Program. Bob Kerrey's Silver Star, it turns out through the pure fluke of one guy confessing years later, was won under circumstances which, had they been committed by a Nazi in WWI, could have earned him a death penalty. Norman Poirier, for Esquire Magazine, wrote a story, later turned into a movie "Spoils of War," about the rape and murder of several Vietnamese women and their families by Marines - - one of them, about 15, being kidnapped and used as a sex slave for about a week by the whole squad, which then blew her head apart, extracted the gold teeth (how close to Nazis can you get?) and also getting "caught" through the fluke of one guy ratting out his buddies just like the rape and murder of that teenager in Iraq, except they killed her on the spot with her family. Common sense tells you most of these guys will just keep their mouths shut about it. Even if they don't, nobody is ever really punished for any of this shit. Look at the Mickey Mouse treatment of Lt. Calley for a classic example - - 800 people massacred, he's charged with the deaths of less than thirty, gets house arrest for a short time and is pardoned.
Your whole, "one bad apple" argument is bullshit, it's stupid, it's ignorant: but I don't call it a lie, just ignorance, stupidity and bullshit.
<<Every time the challange was given you to prove one of these Bush lies, you would quickly run to "it's been proven countless times", thus avoiding having to answer the challenge.>>
That is a direct lie. "Every time?" I had given numerous proofs of "Bush lied" and simply got tired of your waiting around a few weeks and then stating once again and despite whatever I and others had previously posted that there was no evidence that Bush lied. How many times can I be expected to put together a case that I had already put together in the past? At that point I told you I wasn't going to waste my time proving for the Nth time that shit runs downhill.
<< . . . the weakest effort by posting a Bush-lied web site, and claim "there". As if I could pull up Newsmax.com and claim "there" that proves he didn't. >>
More bullshit. The lies on many of the sites are numbered and concisely set out. You or another poster of your persuasion was easily able to pick out representative "lies" with which you disagreed and say what you could to disprove them. You certainly had a wide enough range of choices. Those sites had more Bush lies than any one person could possibly know about.
<<You at least made a paltry attempt at trying to prove Bush lied about WMD, but not just the facts, but human common sense blew that one out of the water . . . >>
If you think THAT attempt was "paltry," as paltry goes, it's nothing compared to your rebuttals, which consist, as here, of pathetic claims that they have been "blown out of the water," and similar grandiose claims of non-existent logical proofs. The attempt, as I recall, was quite detailed and in fact unanswerable, which is why most people now believe that Bush DID lie about it.
<< . . . when at no time could you ever prove Bush knew there were no WMD, but took us into Iraq anyways. >>
Well, of course that's exactly what I DID prove. As best as circumstantial evidence can. Which is about all the evidence you're going to ever find in a case like this, unless Bush gets REAL religion and decides to confess.
<<You came close when you originally were accusing everyone of lying, but then quickly reverted back to the completely illogical nonsense of everyone else was mistaken, but Bush lied.>>
Uh, sorry, that never happened. It was a possibility to be considered and I might have considered it, but it doesn't seem likely and even if it did, a schmuck who is convinced by a bunch of lying subordinates on an issue as vital as war and peace has no business being President. HE is the one who has to get to the bottom of the whole thing and if he can't do it, must get out. Besides, if he were really deceived in the first instance, he would have fired all who lied to him and reversed course in Iraq immediately, apologized for the "mistake" and paid reparations. As even YOU must know, none of this has ever happened.
<<So yea, I called you on it Tee. >>
Yeah, you did, sirs. THAT'S what I am pissed off about. I make a case and you - - unable to prove your point in any logical or factual way - - resort to calling me a liar.
<< And instead of taking this supposedly "ad hominem attack" . . . >>
Supposedly? Fuck you, sirs.
<< . . . instead of . . . putting me in my place . . . >>
Oh, yeah, THAT would be a good idea. Why didn't I think of that before?
<< . . . by PROVING your accusations . . . >>
Yeah . . . next time I call Bush a liar, I'll have to provide some PROOF of the accusation. Next time I accuse the U.S. military of atrocities, I better have some EXAMPLES of the atrocities. Next time I refer to the stolen elections, I could show some FACTS that the allegation could be based on. Fuck you again, sirs.
<<you have to cry foul & how dare I call you a liar, >>
THAT can't be right. Standard debating practice: call your opponent a liar. Case closed. It's how everyone else here does it. What's the problem?
<<throw a temper tantrum, & toss out a bunch of gradeschool insults to boot.>>
Since you yourself are a liar, sirs, let me tell you something about people who aren't, which obviously you would know absolutely nothing about: they DO get pissed off when somebody calls them a liar. It is a natural reaction. One you should expect.
<< I just shouldn't be able to [call you a liar]. I should just let you keep repeating your accusatory garbage as supposed fact, and be thankful we have such a brilliant mind in this forum to show us the error of our ways.>>
TRANSLATION: Why should I have to prove that what Tee is arguing isn't true? Why can't I just call him a bare-faced liar and settle it then and there? Sure wouldn't have to waste my time looking up facts and articles like Tee does. Wouldn't have to sort through any left-wing garbage and be accidentally infected by bad ideas.
<<I don't think so. I do hope you reconsider however, as I don't see you as a too hot in the kitchen kinda guy >>
I did reconsider. This post basically settles it for me. The issue is not heat but time. Life's too short, sirs. When I have to prepare a post demonstrating that Bush lied or that the US military are thugs and killers, or that the Bush administration defends torture, or stole the election, that's real debate and I enjoy taking the time to do it. When the entire topic of my post has to be "Why I am Not a Liar" it's a complete waste of my fucking time. It's a response to an ad hominem attack, not a debate. I'm simply not interested in "debating" with the likes of you and I'm not going to waste any more of my life doing it.