T<<he fatal flaw to your timeline here is that the FIRST time you tried pulling this, was largely with a big finger pointing at some Bush Lied web site. >>
Uhh, actually not. The topic of Bush and his lies has been a perennial favourite in this group for as long as Bush has been around, ever since he stole his first Presidential election. I and others have posted numerous examples.
<< Like you'd say "ok" for anyone else pulling up a Newsmax web site as the end all for proving innocence. >>
Wrong again. Many times I have gone as directed to right-wing sites and examined their evidence. Usually it's hilarious and I have a great time with it. They're a lot of fun to pick apart although "Newsmax" itself doesn't ring a bell.
<<You actually refused to pick it a lie, just basically told everyone to go there. >>
That was sporting of me - - with so many lies to choose from, I allowed you to pick at the weakest (in your perception) pup in the litter.
<<Plane had no problem pulling just one of those lies out and showing it for the sham that it was. >>
He did? Funny I don't remember it that way. Leaving what? 999 more lies completely unexamined and uncontested? Notice it was plane who went there, YOU wouldn't bestir your lazy ass.
<< Let's move along the time line here now>>
Right, how many times can you shoot yourself in the same foot?
<<Your "back-up" has been consistently and systematically debunked. >>
Haw Haw Haw. Declare victory, hit enter.
<< Now you can sit there, jump up and down and claim I'm simply doing the same thing, by saying such. >>
So even YOU are starting to see through your own bullshit.
<<Difference is I, Plane, Ami, Bt, can all back it up, by doing it all again. >>
Better let them speak for themselves, but their defence of Bush's honesty was never any more successful than yours.
<<When I originally posted this challenge . . . >>
Proving that Bush lied is a challenge? Proving that water runs downhill is more of a challenge.
<< . . . only Brass made an effort . . . >>
He's a good-natured guy. I was sick and tired of posting the same stuff over and over again, only to be told a week later, as if I had posted nothing at all, that there was "not a shred of evidence."
<< . . . to which it was shot out of the water pretty quick. >>
You're definitely the marksman. In your dreams.
<< The 2nd go around, we got your Bush lied link. >>
That should give you plenty to work on. Oh, I forgot - - you're the moron who prefers the "You're a bare-faced liar" argument. Much less work.
<<The 3rd time was your paltry effort to claim Bush lied about WMD, which also was shot down. >>
Yeah? Shoot
this down, muthafucka:
<<President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference
The East Room
<<Second, we have arrived at an important moment in confronting the threat posed to our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror. . .
Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people, and to all free people.>>
<<Consistently every one of your supposed "back-ups" was debunked for what it was, a plethora of weak accusatory innuendo, with prescious little valid circumstantial evidence.>>
ahh, Jesus, sirs, if you don't stop smoking that stuff it will stunt your growth.
<<Actually the lack of "shreds" is more in line with proof. I realize you have miniscules of circumstantial evidence. I believe there's circumstantial evidence that could be presented that Elvis is still alive. >>
Let's see. The wisdom of sirs: "There is circumstantial evidence that could prove Elvis is alive. But Elvis is NOT alive. Therefore circumstantial evidence is wrong." I'm sorry sirs, but this is NOT your year to win the Nobel Prize for jurisprudential studies.
<<Your problem is the overwhelming circumstnatial evidence to the contrary . . . >>
Oh, yeah, what "overwhelming circumstantial evidence" would THAT be?
<< . . . the direct evidence to the contrary>>
And that direct evidence would be what, the word of the "President" and his handlers that everything is all one big coincidence and that they weren't really lying and didn't really steal the election?
<< and this reality's parameters for common sense. >>
Common sense was that Bush was really afraid that if he didn't invade Iraq, Iraq would attack the U.S.A.? That brother Jeb just coincidentally scheduled a state-wide police check for fake driver documents for election day in black neighbourhoods? Common sense is actually the WEAKEST link in your argument. I wouldn't even MENTION common sense if I were you. It's the only thing that remains to connect the dots when these guys lie and conceal what they really did.
<<When you continually ignore all that and keep claiming as if it's a documented certainty that Bush lied . . . >>
Well, calm down here. I
never claimed documented certainty, only that it's by far the likeliest explanation of otherwise bizarre and improbable events.
<<THAT lie is going to be exposed for the lie that it is. and no amount of repeating it is going to make it any more valid that when 1st tried >>
Well there isn't going to be any more repeating it because I am getting a little sick and tired of having to waste my time in here defending myself against your bullshit accusations of lying.
<<The molehill of "evidence" you chose to rely on while ignoring the mountain of evidence to the contrary. >>
There IS no "mountain of evidence" to the contrary, just a wall of lying bullshit from the "President," his right-wing commentator-allies and flacks and that rapidly-dwindling band of morons who still believe his BS.
<< My apologies for you choosing to take this as some personal attack. >>
What, being called a bare-faced liar? Don't worry about it, happens all the time, that's what everybody calls me. All the time, every day. All over the world. FUCK YOU and fuck your "apology."
<<It was an attack, but it was on the preponderance of the lies you keep perpetuating regarding Bush & American military, not on you. >>
[Huh? Maybe he's
not responsible for what he's saying. Maybe he's just crazy.]
<<Beyond that, I can't control how you're going to feel.>>
That's not your problem, sirs, I feel fine and every time you try your sleazy tactic of "debate by character assassination" I'll smack you down one more time and feel better and when I've had enough of the endless debate over my own character, I'll find a group that has more interesting topics to offer.