Author Topic: This sums it all up real well  (Read 46196 times)

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #135 on: December 08, 2006, 12:38:38 PM »
Of those who contributed, no one will ever know their real motivation but it's reasonable to assume that bribery and threats from the U.S.A. played a large role in their decisions.

"Obviously" right?.........of course, because Tee said so.  Brilliance yet again displayed for all to see
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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #136 on: December 08, 2006, 01:28:40 PM »
Canada did not contribute any troops to the Iraq war and I don't know how they got on that list.

Canada contributed an "undisclosed number of JTF2 operators" according to officials.

From the CBC:
"Pentagon sources have told CBC News that Canadian special forces were involved in the operation, but it's not clear who took part or what their role may have been.

"Thursday afternoon, RCMP Sgt. Martin Blais said, 'I can comfirm we were there, working in collaboration with DND, foreign affairs and our international partners.'

"For operational reasons, and to protect operational security, he would not elaborate. There have been reports that JTF2 commandos, based at Dwyer Hill in Ottawa's west end, had been working in Iraq. It's believed they worked in tandem with Britain's elite Special Air Service (SAS)." (emphasis mine)
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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #137 on: December 08, 2006, 01:50:16 PM »
<<I never said Bush said that.  That's your current re-write.  I said nearly everyone said that.  Shall I again post that laundry list of folks, Dems, European leaders, etc., who believed so, and SAID so?>>

You're confused. I realize this has been a long thread, so let me help you out here.  Bush said: <<Second, we have arrived at an important moment in confronting the threat posed to our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror. . .
Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people, and to all free people.

Your comment was:  <<Well, to folks with a grasp of what Bush was saying, especially as it relates to why we went into Iraq, his comments are perfectly in line with that reality. >>

I pointed out that what Bush said could not possibly have been "in line with reality" since the reality was that that Saddam had no WMD and that he wouldn't have attacked the USA with them anyway because he wouldn't dare.

Your response tactic then was to focus on "reality" - - you replied << That REALITY also included that nearly everyone believed he did.>>  Fine.  

But even if we accept that version of what reality was at the time, it leaves you with a problem:  the speech didn't refer to what "nearly everyone believed" - - it referred to the existence of the WMD, not as a belief but as actual weapons.  Belief was never mentioned in the speech.  So even if the "reality" was exactly as you described (and it was not - - I'll come to that later) the speech described a "reality" in which WMD existed as WMD, not as "beliefs" in the minds of "nearly everyone."  Result:  you STILL don't have a speech that was as you claimed "perfectly in line with reality."

When you claimed that Bush's speech was "perfectly in line with reality" because reality included what "nearly everyone" thought about WMD at the time, you were left with the problem that the speech said nothing about what "nearly everyone" thought about WMD; and therefore couldn't have been in line with reality unless it were re-written to include the reference to what "nearly everyone" thought.  If the speech were to be "in line" with reality, it would have to be re-written.

I did not mean literally that you physically re-wrote Bush's speech, or that you claimed that he said something he never said.  What I meant was that you COULDN'T be right unless you re-wrote the speech, in other words, that the speech as actually written and delivered did not reflect the reality of the time, was not "in line" with reality, and in fact was as I had claimed all along, just one more big fucking lie from the big fucking liar.

Oh, I also said I'd deal later with your claim that "nearly everyone" believed at the time that Saddam had WMD.  <<I said nearly everyone said that.  Shall I again post that laundry list of folks, Dems, European leaders, etc., who believed so, and SAID so?>>

Get serious.  What would the list really prove?  Do you know how many people on the list believed in Saddam's WMD because of what that lying bastard Bush TOLD them?  They believed Bush, but that doesn't and cannot prove that Bush wasn't lying to them too.  And I never said that Bush is or was the only lying bastard in the whole world.   Others who might have known better also lied.  Bush was not the only one who believed that America could benefit from grabbing Iraq's oil reserves, the second-largest proven reserves in the world, and not the only one who believed America needed a phony pretext for the attack.  The list is a list of liars and suckers proving absolutely nothing.  

Want a list of people who love Fidel Castro?  Would you accept that as proof that Castro is really a great guy?  Just for once in your life, THINK about things.  You got a list?  Fine.  THINK what does the fucking list really prove?

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #138 on: December 08, 2006, 01:56:33 PM »
<<Canada contributed an "undisclosed number of JTF2 operators" according to officials.>>

That's absolutely outrageous but I can't say surprising.  This Conservative Prime Minister is a lap-dog of the Bush administration.

I feel sick about this.  Can't do a God-damn thing about it, though.  Some fucking democracy - - say one thing in Parliament and do the opposite behind everybody's back. 

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #139 on: December 08, 2006, 02:02:51 PM »
<<"Obviously" right?......of course, because Tee said so.  Brilliance yet again displayed for all to see>>

Huh?  I didn't say anything was "obvious" or "obviously right."  I said it was "reasonable to assume," which is not the same thing at all.  Abysmal ignorance and stupidity yet again displayed for all to see, unfortunately.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #140 on: December 08, 2006, 02:15:57 PM »
<<"Obviously" right?......of course, because Tee said so.  Brilliance yet again displayed for all to see>>

Huh?  I didn't say anything was "obvious" or "obviously right."  I said it was "reasonable to assume," which is not the same thing at all. 

No, it's not even that.  That's the point.  Unreasonable is the closest qualifier you're going to come to accurate/legitimate, for most rationally minded folks that is.  Or perhaps add in-your-humble-opinion, which applies just how "reasonable" the claim actually is
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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #141 on: December 08, 2006, 02:41:18 PM »
<<No, it's not even that.  That's the point.  Unreasonable is the closest qualifier you're going to come to accurate/legitimate, for most rationally minded folks that is.>>

OK, that's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it.  Care to defend it?  WHY is it NOT "reasonable to assume" that some or all on the list of countries contributing to America's effort in Iraq were bribed or threatened into doing so by the USA?


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #142 on: December 08, 2006, 04:45:58 PM »
Lie by Lie

This is quite good. You can change the years, with the sliding bar on the left, and then the days and months on the right.  Shows what administration folks said, and then what other sources said.  Very interesting.
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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #143 on: December 08, 2006, 08:34:12 PM »
Wow, I could spend a month in the Mother Jones site and wherever you go you find interesting stuff, some indicating more Bush lies and some just exploding collaterial crypto-fascist malarkey, as for example sirs' oft-repeated claim that "nearly everyone" believed this bullshit about Iraqi WMD.  It's hilarious - - Tenet finds the aluminum tubes which he treats as the smoking gun till a more authoritative report indicates they weren't for centrifuges at all and rather than being acquired in secret, had actually been advertised for on the internet and the whole report debunking the aluminum tubes then vanishes inexplicably from the public report on the "reasons" for invading Iraq.  I kid you not.  Look it up under "aluminum tubes."

This stuff is priceless.  No matter where you enter it, you can find more evidence of Bush lies and coverups.  Why this guy isn't already behind bars awaiting his war crimes trial is a mystery to me.

Thanks, Lanya.  Brilliant find.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #144 on: December 09, 2006, 02:27:11 AM »
"But even if we accept that version of what reality was at the time, it leaves you with a problem:  the speech didn't refer to what "nearly everyone believed" - - it referred to the existence of the WMD, not as a belief but as actual weapons.  Belief was never mentioned in the speech.  So even if the "reality" was exactly as you described (and it was not - - I'll come to that later) the speech described a "reality" in which WMD existed as WMD, not as "beliefs" in the minds of "nearly everyone."  Result:  you STILL don't have a speech that was as you claimed "perfectly in line with reality.""

Congratulations for finding that Bush was wrong about something , but not for findig any intent to deceive .

I do draw a distinction in between "wrong" and "deceit".


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #145 on: December 09, 2006, 02:46:23 AM »
Michael, I think someone on Daily Kos or some other blog  mentioned it.  I'm just in awe of that Mother Jones site; I used to go to the Center for American Progress (not sure if that's even the name) but it was very clunky to search.  I'd love to buy a magazine to show them my appreciation.  Might just do that, or put it on my Christmas list.   Vietnam was an important time in my life; Watergate too, now this.  I want facts.   
Now if only I could find something like it for Iran-Contra, as my younger son has been learning about it and asking me questions.  I told him some of the same criminal people are involved in this stupid administration; we didn't stake them through the heart (metaphorically speaking)  last time.

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #146 on: December 09, 2006, 10:02:08 AM »

Charlie Wilsons War in movie form.

What Oliver North was attempting, Charlie Wilson accomplished.

But Ollie is doing alright now.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #147 on: December 09, 2006, 01:53:41 PM »

Charlie Wilsons War in movie form.

What Oliver North was attempting, Charlie Wilson accomplished.

But Ollie is doing alright now.

You know , of course, that Wilson helped create the Taliban and Osama.

Oliie is doing fine now, but I bet a very special place in Hell is reserved for him.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #148 on: December 10, 2006, 07:08:22 AM »

Charlie Wilsons War in movie form.

What Oliver North was attempting, Charlie Wilson accomplished.

But Ollie is doing alright now.

You know , of course, that Wilson helped create the Taliban and Osama.

Oliie is doing fine now, but I bet a very special place in Hell is reserved for him.

Yep, we made him, we can make his replacement.

Tom Hanks is in it , this could be a great movie.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #149 on: December 10, 2006, 10:56:22 AM »

Charlie Wilsons War in movie form.

What Oliver North was attempting, Charlie Wilson accomplished.

But Ollie is doing alright now.

You know , of course, that Wilson helped create the Taliban and Osama.

Oliie is doing fine now, but I bet a very special place in Hell is reserved for him.

January 18, 1998, Brzezinski was interviewed by the French newspaper, Nouvel Observateur on the topic of Afghanistan. He revealed that CIA support for the mujaheddin started before the Soviet invasion, and was indeed designed to prompt a Soviet invasion, leading them into a bloody conflict on par with America's experience in Vietnam. This was referred to as the "Afghan Trap." Brzezinski viewed the end of the Soviet empire as worth the cost of strengthening militant Islamic groups. Full Text of Interview