No, I'm not confusing HUAC with Senator McCarthy. He did not have "lists" as in written explicitly on paper, but he did very much have them and made speeches as well as used the Lee list, the Tyding's Subcommittee list, and added his own "investigations" to his growing list.
And yes, Acheson, Pearson, and Marshall appeared on them. The Tyding's Subcommittee is the one you're thinking of that used only numbers.
For the very small minority that were identified on Venona, there were hundreds that were not. Moreover, there were some that were identified but were done so through complete coincidence, or had already changed views by the time McCarthy came to prominence (one example was Stephen Brunauer who was a communist, but later helped the United States by getting top scientists out of communist Hungary).
Of roughly 159 persons, there were 9 listed by Venona - most of whom were already being investigated by the FBI years before McCarthy yelled around in the Senate: Lauchlin Currie, Harold Glasser, Gerald Graze, Standley Graze, Many Jane Keeney, David Karr, Robert T. Miller, Franz Neumann, and William Remington.
Despite William F Buckley's and the John Birch Society's revisionism, McCarthy wasn't some shining example of shattering espionage. He was batting 5.6% and that was only because he was already using data provided by other subcommittees. He stood on the shoulders of weak data and made it weaker. Why the extreme right idolises that is really beyond me.