So you want the restrictions against border crossing without official permissions to be strictly enforced?
What I want is for restrictions to be reduced to a just and reasonable level so that enforcing them is just, reasonable and manageable. None of which is currently the case.
On these points I have total agreement with you . I am .... dissapointed.
Without a good fence submitting application becomes ,practicly, optional.
If you make immigration simple and relatively easy with a relatively short waiting time, most of the folks will enter legally rather than break the law and/or risk death by crossing the desert and climbing or cutting fences. So I suggest that without good immigration law, you get what we have now, a fence and border enforcement that are practically useless.
Ahhhh disagreement at last.
I see your understanding to be understanding only half of the situation , the reciprocal of your position is also true.
If we restrict any sort of person or comodity even if only mildly , the restricted element will migrate through any chink in the fence.
Allowing more of the innocent and harmless to cross unimpeded would cause little harm in my opinion.If we only restrict violent criminals and infernal devices of the worst sort , then only the worst sort will cross the remote desert by night. So I certaily see room for improvement , but this improvement will have to include stronger barriers.