So you admit that American fears of Iraq are irrational. Would you also admit that a state of irrational fear of Iran can be stoked or promoted by persons having the interests of another nation (say Israel) at heart, rather than the interests of the U.S., in the hope that an irrational fear, stoked as high as it can be stoked, could lead the U.S. to attack Iran, to the benefit, not of the U.S., which you admit has no reason to fear Iran, but of the State of Israel?
<<And you still cannot think of anything that would engender fear , lothing , hatred etc twards the Iranian government better than an atomic bomb program? How about a young woman stoning program?>>
There are a lot of things that will engender loathing and hatred, if not fear, towards Iran - - the torture and murder of the Canadian journalist Zahra Kazemi, the sentencing of a woman to be stoned to death for "improper conduct,' the atrocious persecution of the Bahai religion through torture, rape and murder and the public hanging of two 17-year-old alleged homosexual lovers. The whole fucking country is an abomination.
<<No? Do you suppose that a program of useless and expensive bombs is the very best way to justify actions against the Iranian government?>>
Yes, the American sheeple don't hate and fear the Iranian regime for its wickedness, since many of its own puppet rulers are equally wicked and atrocious, but the charges of nuclear weapons will galvanize the Americans like nothing else - - because they fear attacks on their own soil after 9-11 showed that it could be done. Doesn't matter one bit that 9-11 did not involve nukes and was totally low-tech; such is the fear, hysteria and outright cowardice of the American people that they are like elephants quaking in fear of mice.. Their racism leads them to fear the craftiness and malice of dark-skinned people, which they judge to be infinite.
<<How are these Americccan warlike ogliarchs able to get the Iranians warlike ogliarchs to co-operate so well?>>
That's like asking how does the cock's crow get the sun to rise in the sky. The Americans don't "get" the Iranians to cooperate, the Iranians are simply pursuing their legitimate national interests, and the rulers of America capitalize on this by falsely portraying it as some kind of dire threat to America. Nothing could be further from the truth.