<<Mikey the causes are many but if millions of unqualified people that got loans didn't default we would not be up shit creek.>>
EXACTLY, Kramer. What do you think federal government oversight is for? With a regulatory agency demanding proper lending principles be applied, the whole God-damn clusterfuck would never have happened. Liberal principles: WATCH THE BASTARDS. Regulate them. Conservative principles: let the business people run their business without government regulation.
Well, in the repeal of Glass-Steagall, you saw the triumph of conservative principles over liberal New Deal legislation that dated back to the time of FDR. It didn't take more than a few years to see the whole fucking system go balls-up. So please let's not hear any more crap about "conservative principles." They just about sank the fucking ship and only the bail-out (which, naturally, the idiot conservatives opposed) was able to save it.
<<Democrats pressured lending institutions to make loans to these unqualified people. >>
And the bankers are paid millions of dollars in annual salary to knuckle under to Democratic demands. They made the loans kicking and screaming. None of them, not one, had the integrity, let alone the common business sense, to resist. Come off it, Kramer, that story (blame the Democrats) is a load of shit and you know it. It requires the heads of the biggest banks and financial institutions in the nation to be powerless wimps in the face of Democratic Party "pressure." Bullshit. They made the loans and took out their bonuses as fast as they could before the shit hit the fan, as they always knew it would. Democratic pressure, my ass.
<<The government got involved and mucked it up just it it has done and is doing to health care.>>
<< And at the end of the day everything Democrats touch turns to shit. >>
More nonsense.
<<Even I understood the Stimulus was silly and would not work. A four year old understands you can't spend your way out of a recession. The Japs learned that lesson back in the 80's. >>
They bought their way out of a total financial collapse that would have been worse than the Great Depression. And if they don't make radical changes in the financial system, it's all going to happen again.
<<Anyway, Obama is in way over his inexperienced head. He's only in DC to party and vacation and fly around on Air Force One like a 12 year old kid.>>
<<Conservative principals will turn this thing around. >>
LMFAO. Conservative principles almost sank the fucking ship. Take your head out of your ass, for christ sake. Look around at the real world, not some ideological BS that the conservative "think tanks" pump out every day.
<<The kids need to get out of our way. You and XO should just go play marbles, get out of the way, and let us do what we do best>>
What's that? Start wars that you can't win, let crooked businessmen bankrupt the whole fucking country in one bail out after another, and hand every fucking crook in the insurance business a licence to mint billion-dollar bills at the expense of the whole country? Thanks but no thanks.
<< American values are proven winners every time they are used.>>
Get over it. Your country's a fucking loser and is on its way down faster than you could ever imagine. The winners are the Chinese and the Indians, you guys are fucked and most of you know it by now.