Chavez could be a useful figure on the world scene, subject, of course, to the political will of his constituents. I have long maintained that socialism, shorn of its totalitarian tendencies and practiced with a reality-based set of guiding eyes, has much to offer the world. Even yet, I hold out the hope that, run right, it can be a viable system emphasizing a SALUTARY (but not dysfunctional or counterproductive) equity among people, or otherwise to provide the most effective and stimulating critique of capitalism that the world can produce, and sorely needs. Above all, oil-rich Chavez must be judged on how he treats his own people, and, necessarily, how he cozies up to the world's leaders and practices geo-politics. We critics of Chavez must insist on his unwavering commitment to genuine peace while at the same time he he issues his public critiques of the injustices that must be rectified.