Author Topic: Attacking Social Security  (Read 2103 times)

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Attacking Social Security
« on: August 16, 2010, 07:00:06 AM »
Attacking Social Security

 Paul Krugman, New York Times
Social Security turned 75 last week. It should have been a joyous occasion, a time to celebrate a program that has brought dignity and decency to the lives of older Americans.      Paul Krugman                            
But the program is under attack, with some Democrats as well as nearly all Republicans joining the assault. Rumor has it that President Obama’s deficit commission may call for deep benefit cuts, in particular a sharp rise in the retirement age.      
Social Security’s attackers claim that they’re concerned about the program’s financial future....


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Re: Attacking Social Security
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 11:54:23 AM »

Have you ever heard of the 100% of Nothing Rule?

Let me explain it to you. SS is broke and so is the US.

If we don't raise the age there will be no SS to distribute.

Raising the age (especially when we live longer) is one way

to improve the solvency of the entitlement and stretch it out.

You and your Democrat buddies want to use it for political bashing.

I guess when all you have is a failed president, bitch for a speaker,

prick for a Majority Leader and all kinds of legislation that nobody wanted

you really have nothing else to campaign on. You know that the Bush Bash

no longer is viable. OK Paul, hit us with your best shot you little ass-hole!


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Re: Attacking Social Security
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2010, 08:24:06 PM »
Why not just remove the cap?

If you make 20,000 you pay 7.5% like now and if you make 500,000 you pay, yes, 7.5%.

If you run the numbers, that alone will move the SS fund into solvency.

If you want to raise the FULL retirement entitlement ago, currently 65-67 then fine since we do indeed live longer. But, please do not reduce monthly benefits; many survive on SS alone.
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