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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2010, 03:48:59 PM »
So now the builders of this Mosque are Muslim bombers.

Uh?...Where in the english language does my statement say that?

The bombers and the builders are part of a "so-called" religion
that threatens world peace like no other and governments and
business around the world are spending billions of dollars to defend
against "the problem" that exists within this "so-called" religion
that is really a worldwide political movement with an end goal
of subjugating all people under Islamic law. Really our enemies
should take heart...because all they have to do is call themselves
"a religion" and then they can work freely to go about their task
and goals of dismatling Western Culture and democracy in any way
they see fit. Again Muslims bombs US buildings and other "moderate"
Muslims can pretend to take the high ground and buy the bombed out
rubble and rebuild mosques and Muslim "cultural centers". The Saudis
have deep pockets and I could see them funding the building of
many mosques on American soil where Muslims have blown up buildings
and BT would be right there singing their praise that "IT"S THEIR RIGHT"!
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2010, 04:11:15 PM »
I think you need to cut BT some slack, Cu4.  He obviously doesn't support terrorist activity or advocating its ok for Mosques to breed home grown terrorists.  We have no idea if that's what'll happen here, and will likely be under massive scrutiny by government officials (that'll open up a whole new can of worms).  He's simply stating that the U.S., has a guiding principle, the Constitution.  And as a rule of law nation, people have the right to exercise their freedom of religion, especially on private property.  Simple as that

Problem is, this is neither a "simple issue", nor is it about the Consitutution or denying anyone the freedom of religion.  Its about the wisdom, or severe lack of, in giving this symbol, invoked with the murdering of thousands, such a predominant spot on their grave
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 04:28:33 PM by sirs »
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2010, 04:24:00 PM »
Uh?...Where in the english language does my statement say that?

If they aren't bombers why should we care where they build a Mosque.

And if members of their Mosque are bombers we have laws on the books that will make sure they don't get to pray in their shiny new symbol.

I understand you want to call a spade a spade but you also don't want to participate in bigoted behavior so I can understand your dilemma.


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2010, 04:30:30 PM »
I understand you want to call a spade a spade but you also don't want to participate
in bigoted behavior so I can understand your dilemma.

Yeah BT and I can understand your dilemma and you're a fucking asshole too!
Your between the lines hiding is for the birds.
After each bombing proclaim this so-called religion can build Victory Mosques on every bombing site!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 05:37:43 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #64 on: August 17, 2010, 04:44:34 PM »
If I'm an asshole might as well act like one.

Show me the fucking link between Bin Laden or any other Muslim terrorist and the guy running the 7-11 who will attend this Mosque.

But just because you fear something doesn't mean it will happen and even if it does there a ways to deal with it.


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2010, 05:05:48 PM »
I think I best step out of this thread.  It's starting to steamroll out of control
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2010, 05:35:01 PM »
"If I'm an asshole might as well act like one"

LOL...yep.....the liberals are spending less time here (because they know whats coming in Nov)
so yeah bring it's obvious you are taking on the role while they are gone!

"Show me the fucking link between Bin Laden or any other Muslim terrorist
and the guy running the 7-11 who will attend this Mosque"

BT they both belong to a so called religion...a movement...that threatens world peace.
Lets be honest BT...when you take your shoes off at the airport that really wouldn't
be happening if not for Islam? Honestly? When did it happen before the IslamoNazis
started blowing up airplanes full of innocent civilians? Are Catholics motivated by their religion
blowing up airliners full of hundreds of innocent civilians? Are Baptist motivated by their religion
targeting and blowing up schools and buses full of kids and innocent civilians? Are Buddhist
motivated by their religion targeting girls schools with bombs or blowing up civilian airliners
full of people? BT why cant you admit the truth? This so called religion has a very, very serious
problem within it. It's such a serious problem it threatens world peace.

Would you support it if every time an anti-abortion whack job kills an abortion doctor
or blows up an abortion clinic if wealthy Christians immediately bought the land where
the violence had happened and built "ProLife Outreach Cultural Centers"? I am 100%
ProLife, but I would see that as an outrage and reasons should be found to not allow
that to happen.

Ya know I quess there was "a mosque in waiting" at Times Square recently when the "moderate Muslim"
that bought a nice pretty house in America before he tried to blow up Times Square recently.
Right now there are at least 8 functioning mosques in Manhattan in intolerant America!
Gosh we might end up with many more mosques after each & every building they blow up in America.
They..MUSLIMS....motivated by their no other religion....are blowing up stuff every
day all over the world.....hey maybe it will lead to less unemployment with all the construction
costs of rebuilding stuff that Muslims blow up in the name of their religion!


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #67 on: August 17, 2010, 06:04:44 PM »
Airport security has been in place since the 70's.

I don't know about airplanes but the IRA blew up quite a few things in their time. My guess is they weren't Muslim.

Participation in this forum is voluntary. perhaps the liberals who used to frequent this forum got tired of the personal attacks.

Case in point Brass's recent visit.

My positions are my positions. I don't argue a side if i don't believe in it though i guess intellectually i could and in fact it might be fun.

I don't believe Muslims are interested in world domination nor do i believe they are a danger to world peace. Some Muslims may have a different attitude, but at that point they become terrorists I think our dependence of foreign energy sources is far more dangerous to our well-being than anything Bin Laden could throw at us.


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« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2010, 06:11:01 PM »
To be honest Bt, "personal attacks" were largely both sides.  They still are, so if liberals left because of such, one can hardly conclude they did it because of the personal attacks, but more likely they got tired of the back & forth personal attacks.  I can't count how often liberals make every effort to demonize the messenger.  It's almost as if they took a book out of the Clinton machine's personal detruction manifesto.  And that's not to say the right doesn't contribute. 

Point being I see it both ways, and despite how many times I try to facilitate civil dialog and debate, I'm frequently left to conclude the worst, given either the lack of a response or the all to often personal attack, when one does respond.
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2010, 06:39:36 PM »
To be honest Bt, "personal attacks" were largely both sides.

Yeah i know, everybody does it.

Wonder why straypup left?


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2010, 06:48:14 PM »
I guess you'd have to ask him.  For my part, I make every effort to refrain from such, though I admit, I lose my patience with those who wish to mispresent my responses (not referring to you), and claim something I'm not or haven't
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #71 on: August 17, 2010, 06:50:47 PM »
why do we (the 75% of Americans that don't want this) have to be sensitive to 'their' fucking needs? I'm tired of being sensitive. Let them be sensitive to my needs, for fucking once, and find another location, one that is in the heart of their fucking community, not in an area where hardly any of them live?

Seems like the people that say we aren't being sensitive enough are the hate America crowd. I want the hate-America crowd for one fucking time to be sensitive to my fucking needs, just one fucking time.

Well fuck Obama and his minions of USA haters! Fuck him and his apologizing all over the fucking world for the USA, and fuck his bowing down to piss-ant dictators too. Fuck everyone of these insensitive cock-sucking liberal pieces of shit on the NYC Planning Commission and the fucking limos they rode in on.


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #72 on: August 17, 2010, 07:13:33 PM »
"Airport security has been in place since the 70's"

Come on BT why do we still play games?
Computers were around in the 70's and they are around what the heck....nuttin has changed!
We all flew in the 1970' it anything like today? Anything? Was the threat even close to todays levels?
Why is it the way it is today? Is it because Baptists blew up planes? Catholics? The IRA?
I wonder if the TSA or whatever it was called back then feared the IRA as much as Islamics?
The moral equivalence is ridiculous!

I don't know about airplanes but the IRA blew up quite a few things in their time.
My guess is they weren't Muslim.

Ya wanna do a body count on Islamic terrorist vs. IRA Terrorist? I doubt you do!
Equating or even implying equatement is nuts!
BT because Muslims are blowing up stuff and murdering innocent civilians in the name of their
so called religion ....Jihad crap...every single day...does not mean there are not other bad guys.
Is your logic since there are multiple "bad guys" that no one can be singled out as the worst?
The jaywalker and Charles Manson are both lawbreakers so Manson shouldn't be singled out?

Participation in this forum is voluntary. perhaps the liberals who used to frequent this forum
got tired of the personal attacks.

I doubt it...since some of them are clearly among the worst offenders of personal attacks.
They just know whats coming in November....and others dont like getting punched back.

Case in point Brass's recent visit.

I am not aware of this....but from memory Brass can be about as abrasive as the next guy.

"My positions are my positions. I don't argue a side if i don't believe in it"

Really? Honestly I see you enjoying playing the devil's advocate...especially when the
discussion becomes overly one-sided...

though i guess intellectually i could and in fact it might be fun.

Oh it can be....I used to argue for Slavery Reparations in Yahoo Chat and actually
pretended to be Black....and I did it often enough that I learned a new perspective
about how much Whites even today benefit from slavery and should be more understanding
of the African American plight in our society.....

I don't believe Muslims are interested in world domination nor do
i believe they are a danger to world peace.

So Islamist aren't even on the list as a danger to world peace?
Don't even make the list!
So all the aircraft carriers sitting right now on Iran's shores would be sitting there if Iran was Baptist?
Show me 1 incident of Baptist' violence in the name of their religion and I'll show you 1000 incidents
of Muslim violence in the name of their religion. And it's gonna get worse....much we've
got one Islamic Theocracy creating havoc sponsoring terror all over the globe...wait until we have
ten Islamic Theocracies! Gonna be fun looking back on the "good ole days" when we could have put
an end to the non-sense.

I think our dependence of foreign energy sources is far more dangerous to our
well-being than anything Bin Laden could throw at us.

We are only "dependent" on foriegn energy sources because we want to be.
Iran may get it's nukes and those nukes will find their way to Bin Laden types
and when they do.....and Miami or Chicago or LA looks like Hiroshima we'll
see how dismissive you are of the Muslim threat on the Western World.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 07:56:45 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #73 on: August 17, 2010, 08:10:31 PM »
You're a bright guy CU. You run your own business and all.

If this planned Mosque opens up the gates of hell then i will concede that you are right.

But I don't see that happening.


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Re: A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
« Reply #74 on: August 17, 2010, 08:22:39 PM »
"You're a bright guy CU. You run your own business and all"

Thanks...but not really.....I would say "savy" in certain areas.
I assure you others did much better on their SAT than me.
BTW is hurting....the worst it's been in years.
Scary for me...more scary for the country....
The business I am in is a barometer on the ecomony & it doesn't look good.
Layoffs loom...downsizing and relocating to smaller facilities loom.
I'll survive but I feel for the people with families that may get layed off soon.

If this planned Mosque opens up the gates of hell then i will concede that you are right
But I don't see that happening.

Well I hope it never sees the light of day.
But BT we can "F-in" respectfully agree to disagree!...LOL
And I hope you're not mad at me for getting a little fired up!
This issue really fires me up!...I think it is a volatile issue.
We'll see what happens.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987