Unfortunately, people will remember how he had a hand in JFK's death.
prove it. and try to do better than tenuous links at best.
You can tie Kerry closer to oswald than you can Bush.
Oswald didn't kill anyone.
And Bush 41 was working for the CIA and was briefed by Hoover on anti-Castro Cubans (that Bush himself was in charge of!). They were daring Hoover to say the wrong thing.
Bush 41 ran weapons, boats and training out of his Zapata base. He was best buds with Bissell who planned the whole thing.
Oswald was a patsy and possibly an American hero who was more than likely out to stop the assassination by surveiling the operatives who were planning it.
If he didn't kill anyone , then he was possibly played for a patsy by someone.
Who took that picture ?
Why take such a picture?
That Gun was never much of a great gun to be proud of , what is the innocent motive that caused this pose with it?
Indeed. The Mannlicher-Carcanno was merely a set up to frame Oswald.
And is this the first you've heard of Oswald as a patsy? Hello?!?!
As was touched on the movie JFK, why would Oswald go and order a gun from a magazine, a horrible rifle at that, when he could go into any gun shop in TX, give a fake name and have a better rifle with no traceability. Lone Nutters like to say that it was hubris. That Oswald WANTED to get caught. But then the harsh reality of his being arrested sets in.
Allegedly, the reason that a whole troop of cops descended on the TX Theatre was because some guy at a shoe store had seen Ozzie Rabbit sort of slinking along the street turning away from cops driving past as if he DIDN'T want to be caught.
Even better, he spends 12 hours of interrogation (without an attorney present at any time, quite illegal) outright DENYING that he didn't kill anyone.
Oswaldkovich even told the cops that he has NEVER purchased a rifle and that the photo is superimposed. (He worked at a place that processed photography, so he might have some credibility on spotting such stuff.)
The only reason to have a rifle purchased in the manner it was found in a garage with LHO said he never stored any rifle was to make sure he was framed, obviously.