Author Topic: And Poppy Wept...  (Read 14905 times)

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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2006, 11:23:02 PM »
Unfortunately, people will remember how he had a hand in JFK's death.

prove it. and try to do better than tenuous links at best.

You can tie Kerry closer to oswald than you can Bush.

Oswald didn't kill anyone.

And Bush 41 was working for the CIA and was briefed by Hoover on anti-Castro Cubans (that Bush himself was in charge of!).  They were daring Hoover to say the wrong thing.

Bush 41 ran weapons, boats and training out of his Zapata base.  He was best buds with Bissell who planned the whole thing.

Oswald was a patsy and possibly an American hero who was more than likely out to stop the assassination by surveiling the operatives who were planning it.

If he didn't kill anyone , then he was possibly played for a patsy by someone.

Who took that picture ?

Why take such a picture?

That Gun was never much of a great gun to be proud of , what is the innocent motive that caused this pose with it?


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2006, 11:36:11 PM »
Six degrees of sepration?

The picture of oswald with the rifle was taken in Kerry's cousins backyard.

His wife was staying with them. Do a lookup on Ruth Paine or Payne.

A.  That may be Oswald's head in that picture but that's about as far as it goes.  Someone else had their picture taken back there and the pic with Oswald's face is fake.

Ruth Paine's husband, Bill, was a CIA operative and more than likely helped frame Oswald.  Paine's family also had CIA ties I believe.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2006, 11:44:44 PM »
I feel bad for him.  W has ruined the Bush name.  Jeb is never going to get a chance to show what he could have done for the country.  I'd cry too, if I were Poppy.  

Oh, that's why he was crying, right Lanya?  You're convinced it's "W's" fault, you & Brass.  Couldn't POSSIBLY be how proud he is of his sons now, could it, Jeb specifically in this instance.   But no, you don't hate Bush, do you

IMHO, you've really hit a new low, Lanya      :-[

You support a "president" who has sent nearly 3000 Americans to their deaths for nothing but money and over half a million Iraqis to ddeath for the same reason and you have the unmitigate gall to sit there and say WE'VE hit a new low?

The only reason you haven't hit a new low is because there is no new low for you to sink to, sirs.   Your defence of the Iraq war and Bush's constant lies is criminal at worst, despicable at best.

Lanya's hypothesis in even more polite than my post.  Personally, I regret not having gone for the cheap shots in my post on Poppy.  George De Mohrenshildt's good buddy.  Skull N Bones brother of the Bay of Pigs designers and JFK murderers.  Son of Nazi sympathizer and Nixon benefactor, Prescott.

Don't like it?  Sorry.  But reality is distasteful sometimes.  Like that plane that never missile that hit the Pentagon.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2006, 11:47:55 PM »

 I don't see what I said that was bad.  I do feel bad for him.  He IS proud of Jeb.  I think he might be sad because Jeb now won't have a chance to be president.  Evidently that was "the plan."

because apparently your hatred for the "W" is so overt, you somehow can mindread "poppy" and conclude how stricken he is that his son couldn't possibly make a run for president.  All because of that bastard, "W".  Again, couldn't possibly be tears of joy at how proud he is of his son Jeb.  It's all about "W", and it's all his fault.  That's beyond arrogance Lanya, even for what I thought you would ever reach.  Brass, yea, Knute, well, that goes without saying, but you?  I thought wrong apparently        :(

Clearly spelling out to everyone your unfettered toady-like love of your master, W.

To you, the Bush name is not only not tarnished, but brightened and beloved by everyone because of W.  Jeb couldn't win the presidency without stealing it like his no good P.O.S. brother did 6 years ago.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2006, 11:55:29 PM »
Clearly spelling out to everyone your unfettered toady-like love of your master, W.  To you, the Bush name is not only not tarnished, but brightened and beloved by everyone because of W.  Jeb couldn't win the presidency without stealing it like his no good P.O.S. brother did 6 years ago.

Ignoring of course my frequent criticisms & condemnations aimed at the same "toady".  Can't be having those facts get in the way of a good pre-disposed mindset now, can we.  Once gain, unless one is burning Bush's name in effigy, by design, they must then be a cool-aide drinking Dean worshi....I mean Bush worshipper
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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2006, 12:13:07 AM »
Unfortunately, people will remember how he had a hand in JFK's death.

prove it. and try to do better than tenuous links at best.

You can tie Kerry closer to oswald than you can Bush.

Oswald didn't kill anyone.

And Bush 41 was working for the CIA and was briefed by Hoover on anti-Castro Cubans (that Bush himself was in charge of!).  They were daring Hoover to say the wrong thing.

Bush 41 ran weapons, boats and training out of his Zapata base.  He was best buds with Bissell who planned the whole thing.

Oswald was a patsy and possibly an American hero who was more than likely out to stop the assassination by surveiling the operatives who were planning it.

If he didn't kill anyone , then he was possibly played for a patsy by someone.

Who took that picture ?

Why take such a picture?

That Gun was never much of a great gun to be proud of , what is the innocent motive that caused this pose with it?

Indeed.  The Mannlicher-Carcanno was merely a set up to frame Oswald.

And is this the first you've heard of Oswald as a patsy?  Hello?!?!

As was touched on the movie JFK, why would Oswald go and order a gun from a magazine, a horrible rifle at that, when he could go into any gun shop in TX, give a fake name and have a better rifle with no traceability.  Lone Nutters like to say that it was hubris.  That Oswald WANTED to get caught.  But then the harsh reality of his being arrested sets in.

Allegedly, the reason that a whole troop of cops descended on the TX Theatre was because some guy at a shoe store had seen Ozzie Rabbit sort of slinking along the street turning away from cops driving past as if he DIDN'T want to be caught. 

Even better, he spends 12 hours of interrogation (without an attorney present at any time, quite illegal) outright DENYING that he didn't kill anyone.

Oswaldkovich even told the cops that he has NEVER purchased a rifle and that the photo is superimposed.  (He worked at a place that processed photography, so he might have some credibility on spotting such stuff.)

The only reason to have a rifle purchased in the manner it was found in a garage with LHO said he never stored any rifle was to make sure he was framed, obviously.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2006, 12:14:46 AM »
Dean worshi....I mean Bush worshipper

Any time you want to point out Dean's faults, of which there are few, then I'd be glad to join you in a new thread and hash them out.

Any time, brother.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2006, 12:18:56 AM »
Any time you want to point out Dean's faults, of which there are few, then I'd be glad to join you in a new thread and hash them out.  Any time, brother.

LOL......I could then pull out the tried and true, Brass; the Dean cultist coolaideworshipper, as-he-can-do-absolutely-no-wrong, fanatic.  You do realize he lied about Saddam's WMD, right?     :o
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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2006, 12:26:26 AM »
Any time you want to point out Dean's faults, of which there are few, then I'd be glad to join you in a new thread and hash them out.  Any time, brother.

LOL......I could then pull out the tried and true, Brass; the Dean cultist coolaideworshipper, as-he-can-do-absolutely-no-wrong, fanatic.  You do realize he lied about Saddam's WMD, right?     :o

If DEAN lied, then that would unequivocably indict BUSH as the liar in chief since Dean was merely going on the word of your "president".  He made the mistake of taking Bush at his word.  Which is what a lot of you have done over the years.

I'm aware that Dean has said that Saddam had WMD.  He was wrong.  The fact that he has also stated that even if Saddam HAD WMD, that was no reason to invade Iraq and get half a million people killed and many more maimed.

Dean has been proven undeniably right since making that mistake in taking Bush at his word.  I think he's more than learned from that mistake.  As has any person with half a brain in his head.  (Note that you have not and what that then implies about you, halfy.)

Start a new DEAN thread if you want to continue this effortless refutation of your nonsense.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2006, 12:33:21 AM »
If DEAN lied, then that would unequivocably indict BUSH as the liar in chief since Dean was merely going on the word of your "president". 

Oh, is that what he said?  That he came to his conclusion based solely on the word of Bush alone?  And you know this how again?  And that's an admirable trait you have in him?  Amazing.  Hope you have some ice cubes to chill the cool aide      ;)
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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2006, 01:36:06 AM »

 I don't see what I said that was bad.  I do feel bad for him.  He IS proud of Jeb.  I think he might be sad because Jeb now won't have a chance to be president.  Evidently that was "the plan."

Good greif?

You would be dissapointed in your son the Govenor?

I am always happy to hear that my children have found honest work.

Oh , ...............

Plane, You are an almost normal human being. The Bushes are rich, greedy , arrogant assholes and their motives are quite different


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #26 on: December 06, 2006, 10:16:56 AM »
Gentlemen (and a lady),

Can we try to have a decent debate? I really don't see anything coming from trying to infer the reasons why the elder Bush would break down in tears. Certainly debating the death of President Kennedy is probably not going to go anywhere without setting some guidelines up front. And debating whether Sirs temple for George W. Bush is less pure than Brass' temple for Howard Dean is possibly the silliest argument known to man. I happen to know that last week Sirs sacrificed a bull and a ram to George W Bush, whereas Brass sacrificed a ram and a camel.

As we all know, Brass is a reformed Deanist who accepts cloven hoof sacrifices and therefore Sirs wins by default!
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« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2006, 10:27:33 AM »
Olebush broke down in tears because of what we knew about him all along.

He's a WIMP :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(!
wimp :'(wimp :'(wimpy :'(wimpy :'(wimpy :'( wimp :'(!

There was Juniorbush :-[, the totally incompetent disgrace to the Clan, Nealbush :-X, ther total disgrace to businessmen, and now Jebbybush :-\, the moderately competent governor is retiring.

And Olebush, the bawling wimp :'(!

We should consider Bushes the weeds in the lawn that is the USA. :-[ :-X :-\ :'(
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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #28 on: December 06, 2006, 10:55:27 AM »
Ruth Paine's husband, Bill, was a CIA operative and more than likely helped frame Oswald.  Paine's family also had CIA ties I believe.

Like i said. It is easier to tie Kerry to Oswald than Bush.


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Re: And Poppy Wept...
« Reply #29 on: December 06, 2006, 12:43:22 PM »
Ruth Paine's husband, Bill, was a CIA operative and more than likely helped frame Oswald.  Paine's family also had CIA ties I believe.

Like i said. It is easier to tie Kerry to Oswald than Bush.

Tying Paine to Oswald would make her seem more heroic in my opinion.

Oswald never killed anybody.  Unlike Poppy Bush who weeps for his crimes.