The wall of conservative, single minded, subjectivism is crumbling. The puritan zealots have been conducting an insurrection within the United States for more than twenty-five years. Now, the radical fundamentalist are involved in a holy war in the Middle East and Americans are beginning to understand that subjectivism, is creating a police state. The modern day moralist crusade is evident in every aspect of entertainment, news programming and print medias. It is evident in the authoritarian legislation be enacted. The moral to the story is this- The premise of democray is subjective. That premise has been replaced by a government agenda of subjectivism. That is why Americans must piss in a bottle to get a job these days. Religious oppression is the problem and only Americans can say enough is enough. It is our country and we know how to put the puritans in their place, and we know how to establish a democracy. We did it before and we can do it again.