The popular media are pretty much always total numbskulls on the economy. The economy is a boring story because the average American knows nothing about it and cares less. The economy is passed off as the figures ever day on the Dow Jones Index, which is certainly less meaningful than the S&P 500 or the Wiltshire 5000.
The war has apparently been quite profitable. I am not rich, but I live on very little and have a variety of investments in mutual funds, so I certainly can't complain about the last two years. I don't hold the president directly responsible for the economy, because it's certainly far more complicated than one guy.
A president can crash the economy, but it's a lot harder for him to make it go up.
What is going to happen soon is a major devaluation of the dollar against the Euro, the Yen and the Yuan. This will benefit a few US industries for a short period, but it's not really a good thing for me, because I plan to travel more after I retire.
I am a long ways from having to worry about the inheritence tax.
I think it is foolish to take the usual simplistic bull we hear on the TV about the president (whomever he might be) and the economy seriously, and I don't do this.