I realize Xo your propensity for continuing to not get it, yet the point still remains, that the U.S. has nothing to worry about from a neighboring Canada. Iraq has everything to worry about from a neighboring Iran.
NOTE; Again, Israel has nothing to do with this thread, or the points being made about the threat Iran poses to Iraq
What is there to get?
There are three times more Iranians than Iraqis.
That the United States must stay in Iraq until Iran moves out of the neighborhood?
Do you actually think that this will happen, that Iran will get so tired of living next door to an Iraq that won't ask its American buddies to leave that it will just cancel the lease, ask for its deposit back, and resettle in the Himalayas, or perhaps the South Pacific?
Maybe Iran's territory could be leased out to some Bengals. There are surely enough of them, and not only have they outgrown Bangla Desh, but the little territory they do have tends to flood every monsoon season.
I don't think Antarctica, though unsettled, is much of a viable alternative.
What are the odds that the US will stay in Iraq until Iran ceases to be a threat in the minds of the CIA or the Neocons?
I say very slim to none.
What is the conclusion that you draw from your "point"?
That the US should invade Iran, which has 77 million people, none of whm really want us to invade their country?
I would say that this is a tad foolhardy, seeing as Iraq which has 22 million people didn't turn out too well, nor did Afghanistan, which is becoming reinfested with Talibani again, except this time they seem to be narcotrafficking Talibani.
What was the good thjat came from invading Grenada again? We DID do that one right, didn't we?