What republican wants his name associated with Mark Foley?
But what Republican really wants his blood?
What Democrat, for that matter? He is the enemy sure, but a homosexual given over to the wolves seems relevantly distasteful.
Several media sources that seem somewhat fair about being somewhat bipartisan reported that many republicans knew of Foley's sexual swing, and tv pundits on the political talk shows seemed to intimate many many republicans knew.
It will be interesting to see how gay groups react to the unfindings.
My prediction is that it--the clap, clap all done-- will quickly fade Foley away.
Perhaps there is a troublesome nagging in the consciences of most Americans, who, before the Neocon urging, really didn't care all that much about seeing Homosexuals treated in America like Jews and homosexuals were treated in early Nazi Germany.
I myself would rather not see a publically exposed homosexual bonfired by many of America's self-righteous reverential leaders. The Newest Testament seems to have it written that God does, in fact, hate gays. True to spirit, the Religious Right was reported to be woefully umbraged when Foley was outed. I would have thought those particular Christians understood that money trumps all, and all that money Foley raised was really for fighting the devil.
Heretofore, Foley did not seem to be despised by anyone, in any party, unless his money efficient to the republican party was 'despised' by dem strategists, but I doubt it. Grudgingly respected and hoped he'd break a leg, but not despised.
Feed him to the base Christians, and they will relish despising him.