So there will be no blood on any of our hands.
I disagree, many of the killing sprees in Iraq are staged for our edifacation.
Our reaction instructs our opposition .
It is a very interdependant and dynamic situation.
Sure. Al Qaeda and the Baathist Party Resistance is checking this forum daily, just to see if they are winning out hearts and minds.
What exactly is "our opposition"? Al Qaeda, which has zero chance of taking over Iraq? Saddam, who is in jail? Are we supposed to choose an opposition from a list of candidates? Muktada Al Sadr seems to me Newsweeks' choice. I tend to think of the thieves at Halliburton as sort of an opposition too.
I voted against every Bush that has ever come down the pike. I am not responsible. My vote has never decided any election or selection. I was not consulted about Iraq, nor will I ever be.
There is no blood on either of my hands.