Valor is the better part of discretion in this instance. The outcome in Iraq could be so portentous that we will be living under its shadow for the rest of the century. Thus, it is better to speak up -- again -- than to contemplate disaster unchallenged.
We are in a fix, folks, created and exacerbated by the very president of the United States. The haven in the Middle East we had envisioned in our fear-stoked glee, me included, has turned into a black hole of ancient hatreds, collapsing on itself. And we are caught there, in two damning senses: our troops are in the middle of a foreign civil war, more virulent by the day, and our hopes for a pivot against the radical, violent elements in the Muslim world are turning out to be our nightmares. Vicious hatred and instability in Iraq has already destroyed our dreams of an influential democratic citadel being born in the lap of our enemies. The violence and instability could be -- has every indication of being -- combustible and contagious, posed to spread throughout the region. This would be the most acute aspect of our nightmare: a resurgent and radicalized heart-of-Islam inflamed against the US and the West, casting a long shadow down the century and poisoning the world we share.
As an interlude I again will point out that many questions have yet to be answered, indeed some have yet to be asked, for which, since they are forward-looking and predictive, are one part speculation and one part reliable analysis.
Try as we may at this holiday season to wrap this package securely, there will always be innumerable loose ends by its very nature. And we Americans accentuate the problem by hoping, in turns, in two general camps, that the problem "just go away," or on the flip-side of the coin, "we're gonna fight to the bitter end," whatever that may be.
Internal American politics forms this divide -- in a time we should be driving towards consensus and national strength through unity -- with Democratic-Republican fault lines extending back to the Sixties, with liberal-conservative chasms growing with every outrage and retrenchment. IF we have a chance to salvage Iraq, we will self-defeat it by our petty domestic politics, as evidenced quite clearly on thisboard.