Author Topic: Members of & motivated by "The Religion of Peace" try to assassinate the Pope!  (Read 8245 times)

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SIRS here is an interesting balanced article
that is related to our disagreements with BT:

Radical Islamism challenges notions of freedom

Michael Nazir-Ali From: The Australian

September 15, 2010 12:00AM

IT is often thought the main threat of radical Islamism to the West and, indeed, the world, is terrorism. It is also said to be the isolation of Muslim communities, which allows extremists to recruit people to their cause.

Such views are not mistaken but they confuse effects with causes. What the world has to recognise is that we are not simply dealing with faith, but with a political, social and economic ideology. Radical Islamism is a worldview. Its nearest parallel, despite many differences, is Marxism.

Radical Islamists claim their all-encompassing program for society is rooted in fundamental Islamic sources. They reject the interpretations of Koran and sharia law offered by reformist or moderate Muslims. We must, of course, respect the faith of ordinary Muslims, but the ideology has to be met in a different way.

It is basic to Western societies that there should be one law for all. This idea emerged from the Judaeo-Christian tradition that all humans are made in God's image. It has been mediated by the Enlightenment, which emphasised not only dignity but also liberty.

The radical Islamist vision is absolutist. It applies to every area of human life, including politics, business and, above all, law itself. Recent demands by British and some Australian Muslim leaders for the recognition of aspects of sharia law should be seen in this light. Western clergy and jurists who advocate such demands fail to recognise that acknowledging aspects of sharia in public law will lead to a greater involvement with Islamic law.

A few years ago some Canadian Muslim women campaigned against the proposal to introduce Islamic law to settle family issues in Ontario. Their instincts were right. Islamic law is not just an intellectual legal tradition; it exists in highly prescriptive codes of law called fiqh. These codes differ from one another but would all be incompatible with the assumption of equality in Western law.

Muslim scholars recognise the three great inequalities of their legal tradition: between men and women, Muslims and non-Muslims, slave and free. In the case of family law, for example, there is inequality between men and women in marriage, and in provisions for divorce, custody of children, laws of admissible evidence and inheritance.

In Britain two years ago, when the then lord chief justice was arguing for recognition of some aspects of Islamic family law, the British Law Lords were ruling that a woman should not be deported to her own country because under sharia law there she would be deprived of the custody of her child. The Law Lords saw this as a violation of her basic rights.

While many predominantly Muslim countries have signed international covenants on fundamental rights, some have entered codicils declaring their adherence to these covenants must be in conformity with sharia law. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference, representing the world's Muslim countries, has issued the Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. This differs from the international declarations in a number of respects, not least in the absence of a provision corresponding to Article 18 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights, providing for freedom of expression, belief and change of belief.

In a number of Muslim countries apostasy from Islam is punishable. In some, the punishment is death. In Pakistan, the so-called blasphemy law prescribes a death sentence for insulting the prophet of Islam. Muslim commentators admit that internationally recognised commitments to personal freedoms are difficult to reconcile with sharia law.

Although punishments for apostasy and blasphemy cannot be implemented in non-Muslim countries, they do contribute to attitudes that have consequences in these contexts as well. Such attitudes have resulted in harassment and persecution of those who have given up their belief or changed their faith, even in the West. They have led to demands for laws against defamation of religion, which would effectively restrict freedom of expression.

While we should all be committed to civility in public discussion, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights already provides protection from incitement to religious hatred, which leads to discrimination, hostility or violence. To go beyond this has implications for free speech.

Muslims, like anyone else, should be free to practise and propagate their faith. They are free also to contribute to public debate. The principle of one law for all, however, cannot be compromised. Freedom of expression and the right to change one's belief must be maintained. So must easy access to the courts and police.

Michael Nazir-Ali was bishop of Rochester in Britain, a member of the House of Lords and bishop of Raiwind in Pakistan.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Why do these news agencies insist on applying such a bigoted title, with applying Islam to these radically militant middle easterners??    :-\
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Perhaps you need to take a look at the ownership of these papers and see if they bring bias or an agenda to the table.

Is there a legitimate reason to try to cast aspersions on a larger group because of the actions of a smaller group?

Most Middle Easterners are Caucasian.

So maybe white people are the problem.

Damn white people.


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Yea, that's what it is, damn white people.  And you know, white people are bipedal.  Using Bt's theory, I think we can squarely lay the blame on anyone with 2 legs
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That seems to be the logical extension of the larger group is responsible and shares blame for the actions of the sub group.

So yeah

damn bipedals


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"Perhaps you need to take a look at the ownership of these
papers and see if they bring bias or an agenda to the table"

Yes the Associated Press has an anti-Muslim agenda!  ::)

"Most Middle Easterners are Caucasian.
So maybe white people are the problem"

You are comparing apples to's clever...but it's illogical

You can't match the fact that radical Muslims state their
motivation for killing all these people is because of Islam,
so you attach things that are not relevant pretending
that say "eye color" is as relevant as the motivation for
the murder. But eye color can't be shown to have anything
to do with the murders, where Islam can be shown to be
related to the murders because practically all of the terrorist
state emphatically that Islam is the reason they are doing it.
You are trying to pretend radical Islam is not related to Islam,
but that is to live in fantasy land.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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That seems to be the logical extension of the larger group is responsible and shares blame for the actions of the sub group.

So yeah
damn bipedals

Fit your mandate, so I suppose so
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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FEATHERLESS Bipeds. Let's not get out winged friends involved by mistake.

No Muslim has feather. Nor does the pope. All Popes are featherless, and bipeds as well, I think.

Or was Infecundius III a one-legged, or monopodal, pope?
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Yes the Associated Press has an anti-Muslim agenda!

The AP has been caught reporting with bias. Numerous times during the Bush Administration. And who owns the AP?

You can't match the fact that radical Muslims state their motivation for killing all these people is because of Islam, so you attach things that are not relevant pretending that say "eye color" is as relevant as the motivation for the murder. But eye color can't be shown to have anything to do with the murders, where Islam can be shown to be related to the murders because practically all of the terrorist
state emphatically that Islam is the reason they are doing it. You are trying to pretend radical Islam is not related to Islam, but that is to live in fantasy land.

I have no problem with slamming Islamic terrorists or more precisely terrorists who practice Islam.

I do have an issue with the sins of the few being applied to the larger group, because i doubt they have the ability to control the actions of these terrorists than you do of controlling the actions of a pedophile priest.

Throughout history horrible things have been done in the name of religion. Perhaps all the religions of the book need to be held in contempt.


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Perhaps all the religions of the book need to be held in contempt.

One rarely sees reports of violence by T'aoists, Buddhists and Jains.
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Buddhists seemed to have a bad habit of catching themselves on fire, but yeah, that is why i made the distiction between western and eastern religions. I'm not up on what the hindu's have done.


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"The AP has been caught reporting with bias.
Numerous times during the Bush Administration. And who owns the AP?"

Ok since you make the implication...can you provide any sources, studies,
or findings that the Associated Press or the British newpaper are biased
against Muslims?

And by the way what is "biased" about reporting the truth?
Most of the terror attackers are Islamists!....Or do you deny that too?

I have no problem with slamming Islamic terrorists or more precisely terrorists who practice Islam.

Your first term (Islamic Terrorist) is correct because they are committing the act in the name of Islam,
they are not just happenstance terrorist that happen to practice Islam as your second term implies.

I do have an issue with the sins of the few being applied to the larger group,
because i doubt they have the ability to control the actions of these terrorists
than you do of controlling the actions of a pedophile priest.

Oh I have posted many times in this very forum that the Catholic Church has acted
disgracefully by their actions and inactions concerning the criminal homo priests and
that I fully support the death penalty for these reckless criminal homo priests. The
inaction by the Catholic Church is indeed criminal and reflects poorly on the entire
Catholic Church.

Throughout history horrible things have been done in the name of religion.
Perhaps all the religions of the book need to be held in contempt.

We don't live "throughout history"...we live now in the year 2010.
Sure lots of things have happened throughout human history.
But most people are much more concerned with mass killings
happening everyday by a segment of the Muslim religion.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 12:05:40 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re AP:

Your first term (Islamic Terrorist) is correct because they are committing the act in the name of Islam,
they are not just happenstance terrorist that happen to practice Islam as your second term implies.

And i guess the Black Panthers spoke for the Negro Race


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Did they?  Did they publically declare, much like Islamic radicals do in justifying their acts in the name of Islam, justify their acts in the name of......negro?  Now race equals religion?  Really?
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I'm guessing Black Power applied to race, wouldn't you think?