Out of curiosity, what foods do the Seventh Day Adventists prohibit?
Adventists are vegetarians. I believe they also refrain from tobacco and alcohol. You can Google for more.
Here is why Mormons were unwelcome in NW Missouri according to Missourians:
In 1812, there was a huge earthquake in SE Missouri, the area we Missourians call the Bootheel. The town of New Madrid was destroyed, the Mississippi was out of banks for months,and many farms were ruined. The Territorial government told those who had lost their farms that they could move to NW Missouri, where the Indians had recently evacuated. So a lot of settlers went to what are now Jackson and Clay Counties and settled. Because they were a contentious bunch, the followers of Andrew Jackson settled in Jackson County and named the county seat Independence. The settlers who were Whigs settled in Clay County and named it after Henry Clay, and their county seat Liberty. They were mostly illiterate, and staked off the land and settled in, any not feeling any need to register anything. Everyone knew everyone, and everyone was armed and dangerous, as hunting game was a major way of getting food for the table.
A decade and change later, the Mormons came along. In 1831, Joseph Smith declared that NW Missouri was the new Promised Land, and of course, he did not mention that it was promised to the settled squatters who were already there: he meant that it had been promised to the Mormons, who were largely literate and went to the courthouse and registered their claims.
Many of their claims were to land inhabited by the squatter refugees from the New Madrid Flood. They did not accept that God wanted them to be driven off by a bunch of smartypants antislavery Mormons. When a Mormon popped in to ask some farmer for the hand of his daughter to be his second, third, fourth or fifth wife, that was was ill received. Mormons hunted and depleted the game. The lifestyle that the settlers were accustomed to was threatened.
What a settler did when a Mormon tried to drive him off his land was the very same thing that happened when some Indian staged a raid: he took out his gun and started plugging away. Eventually they decided to give the Mormons their own county, Caldwell County. But the Mormons kept getting new converts and spilled over the borders of their "reservation". Mormons were singularly unpopular and became so unwelcome that a man named Lilburn Boggs was elected in 1836 on the platform that the Mormons should be expelled from the state,and those who refused to leave could be shot on sight. It became legal to shoot Mormons, and the Mormons, not wishing to be shot, lit out for Illinois.
Joseph Smith preached that Jesus was going to return to a specific spot North of Clay County. He has yet to make an appearance. In 1983, I think oit was, my father, who was Recorder of Deeds of Clay County as well as President of the county historical society, got the state to allow the Mormons to put up a roadside marker at Adam-ondi-Ahman, in Daviss County, supposedly the site of the Garden of Eden and the spot Jesus is supposed to appear at whenever he gets around for it. We no longer shoot Mormons -- not just the Reorganized LDS buy Salt Lake Mormons -- in Missouri. In return, Mormons no longer try to register lands on which squatters have settled, being as there are no squatters left, and Mormons no longer try to marry local girls to be their second, third or umpteenth wives.
It is hard to argue that chewing tobacco is a rather nauseating habit, especially when you include the habit of spitting tobacco juice on the floor.