In your eyes perhaps. Hardly the objective standard around these parts. Your rapid denunciation of eye-witness testimony demonstrates that for all to see
Sirs, if you read the testimony given to us (and the Brits) by Iraqi defectors after the first Gulf War, you'll see why I don't put much faith in their testimony. Without that, you have absolutely nothing. I think we can consider the Iraq to Syria WMD theory to be a hypothesis with no real evidence.
You asked for the connections. I provided them
Nice. I asked you to substantiate your claim that "Syria's contribution is much of what Iran tells them what to do" which you were unable to do. I agree though, both want to help Hezbollah, on that we can easily agree.
No one's putting all the blame on Iran & Syria. What Bush and "the right" have been indicating is the role they've been playing in perpetuating both the instability & in trying to start a civil war. You do grasp the difference, correct?
OK. So? There are willing fighters in Iraq. Syria and Iran help arm them. Saudi Arabia said they will help arm a particular side if the United States leaves as well. Clearly we are to blame in this as well. Now what?
And what I continue to doubt is your sincerity towards what the U.S is trying to do, and instead trying to play this Brass-like Bush-the meglomoronic tact
Not at all. Bush is irrelevant in this. What concerns me Sirs, are the Iraqi people and the amount of human lives lost (no matter what nationality). What I care about are the people: American, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Kurd, Shi'a, Sunni, Christian, Zoarastrian, whatever. I want a solution that will allow the people of all of those nations to live in peace and preferably worship freely without worrying about losing body parts and lives in the process. I want them to feel safe walking with their children to the market.
That is what matters to me. The political desires of Bush, Ahmadinejad, Assad, the Saud family, Clinton, McCain, Blair, and others are miniscule in comparison in my humble view.
So am I always sincere in what the US is trying to do? No, not always if you mean by "US" the politics of the administration, Congress, the Pentagon, etc. I think there is an overall good goal in mind, but I think it loses lustre once it gets run through the political cycle of Bush, Democrats, Republicans, military PR, etc.
So in other words, you have an assertion, with no validation. Gotcha
Seems to me that the Saudi warning was well-documented. I'm sure you can look it up if you like. Also, Saudi contributions to anti-Israeli groups is well-documented. Same with Kuwait.
As long as it's in the form that THE IRAQIS WISH, I'll be happy
The majority of Iraqis?
That's what democracy is all about Js. Providing the freedom of the citizeny to decide for themselves how they wish to be governed. You think that's so much more terrible that Iran & Syria, sponsoring and perptuating terrorist acts, both regional & global? You think our efforts at trying to bring freedom to the Iraqis are on par with Iran's & Syria's efforts to bring death & instability to the region?
That isn't what I said at all. I'm saying that Iran could easily claim to support democracy if they were reasonably sure that the Shi'a majority would approve of an Islamic Republic similar to Iran's. Then they could marginalise the minority Sunni and Kurd populations just as the Israelis did to their minority populations. Is that
really what democracy is about, really? I wonder if James Madison would have agreed? They could claim their right to exist as a Shi'a state and simply drive out opposing populations.
A) Again, the "blame" for "everything" is not being placed completely on Syria & Iran
B) When do they "determine" that bloodshed (terrorist endeavors) isn't going to settle their problems (gaining greater control and influence within the Middle East region)?
C) How long do we allow them to make their "determination"? How many innocent lives do we allow to be killed with Iranian weapons and Syrian insurgents
D) What are the concessions you're ready to provide the Terrorist sponsoring Governments of Syria & Iran?
A) That's not what I heard from the
Washington Times correspondent on CNN when he discussed the ISG report.
B) It took a few decades in Northern Ireland. Basically when the rest of the population (Sunni
and Shi'a) says "enough!"
C) So you stop them with more violence? Why not protect the borders then and allow the inner turmoil to simply be contained?
D) Who says we need to make concessions?
And of course, this has never been our goal, to "return to a state of normalcy".."to find common ground".." to get them water, electricity, schools, and a semblence of an economy". Naaaa, we just want to bomb the snot out of them and take their oil, right?
Think before you type. Of course it is
our goal. But we need it to be everyone's goal.
As someone who has been to Dachau I don't appreciate your "cartoon" at the end of your reply to me.