So, your claiming EVERY defector, including General Sada, can't be trusted. Sorry, I didn't see that claim made by us or the Brits. Perhaps you can show me were American & British agencies classified his commentary as not trustworthy
You have no evidence. We've already established that. The word of an Iraqi defector, whose rank doesn't impress me at all, means little. What you have is hearsay.
So?? That's your answer?? another validation of the point, I've been making?
"So??" Is not an answer, it is a question. There are willing fighters in Iraq, naturally someone is going to supply them with weapons. Weapons in the Middle East, as in parts of Africa are a dime a dozen. Our problem isn't so much the supply, but the demand.
No, Bush is paramount in this, as it was his decision(s), prompted by the intel he had at the time, that have launched us into this
Of course this is taken out of context. Let me reprint the entire paragraph, which was a response to your assertion that I'm viewing Iraq through some anti-Bush prism - hence "Bush is irrelevant..."
Not at all. Bush is irrelevant in this. What concerns me Sirs, are the Iraqi people and the amount of human lives lost (no matter what nationality). What I care about are the people: American, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Kurd, Shi'a, Sunni, Christian, Zoarastrian, whatever. I want a solution that will allow the people of all of those nations to live in peace and preferably worship freely without worrying about losing body parts and lives in the process. I want them to feel safe walking with their children to the market. That is what matters to me. The political desires of Bush, Ahmadinejad, Assad, the Saud family, Clinton, McCain, Blair, and others are miniscule in comparison in my humble view.The point being that the political aspects of these two bit players are trivial from my point of view.
And what you continually ignore is how they all (outside of the Suuni who were the minority helping to run the dicatorship at the time), have been shown, via polls, and their actions, to have supported the taking out of Saddam & embracing democracy. Somehow, you've developed this warped notion that those who support the war on Terror, along with bringing freedom & democracy to the people of Iraq somehow don't care about American, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Kurd, Shi'a, Sunni, Christian, Zoarastrian, whatever. Couldn't be further from the truth. Our taking out of Saddam was necessary to enhance our long term security, but the side effect of helping to bring democracy to this ruthlessly oppressed nation can NOT be ignored, nor cast aside for partisan ideological differences, an Anti-war agenda, or simply hatred for Bush.
You are placing me into a camp with which I don't belong. I have not made generalisations about supporters of different causes, nor do I believe in partisan ideologies or hatred of Bush as being paramount to the lives of anyone. I do believe the first-strike war was unjust, but now that we are there we have dues to pay to the Iraqi people and therefore I don't believe in withdrawal. Perhaps you are the one with a partisan ideological problem?
We all want a solution Js. But going to talk to messers Syria & Iran, would be like going to talk to messers Hitler & Mussolini, prior to the outbreak of WWII. I seriously believe that this country is basically in 1941 mode, prior to Pearl Harbor. Let's just keep our boys here, and let them folks fight it out amongst themselves, right?
Why? It costs nothing to talk to either leader? Neither Mussolini or Hitler bombed Pearl Harbor as you may recall from history. This is a war that is far different in nature. It resembles Northern Ireland far more than World War II. Germany didn't invade Poland Sirs,
we did the invading this time. We have the sectarian violence to prevent. It falls on our shoulders to prevent the atrocities we saw in Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, and the former Soviet Republics.
We set this snowball in motion and we have to be the ones who make sure it does not become an avalanche. Villifying Iran is easy and let's face it they deserve some of it, but theya ren't to blame here. This is our mess and our burden, not fascism, Iran, Syria, or some other contrived enemy.
So in other words, you have an assertion, with no validation. Gotcha
Nice try, but as I said the Saudis and Kuwaitis support for anti-Israeli groups is well-documented. As is the Saudi warning to Bush. Just because I didn't do your research for you doesn't mean it does not exist. Honestly, poor effort Sirs.
The majority of those that vote. That is the cornerstone of democracy, last I checked. Not polls, not focus groups, not PAC's, but voting
Have you ever read the
Federalist Papers?
Regardless, what if the majority vote to deprive the Sunni of all their property?
And in the meantime, while Syrian & Iranian influence grows deeper and further within the Iraqi power vacuum.......that works for you, huh?
LOL - Iranian influence existed and was well in place long before our forces ever prepared for invasion. For some of the Shi'a it isn't a matter of "working for the Iranian government" in some sinister plot from a 1950's anti-Soviet movie. It is a matter of respect for a state that they believe keeps the proper Islamic laws.
And you don't think they've been trying to stop them at the borders? Gads, alert the Pentagon
Hm. Well, when they cannot even safely escort the Secretary of State from the airport to the Iraqi Leader's office, and when she finally gets there she and the Iraqi Leader sit in absolute darkness for nearly an hour - do you really want my honest answer?
How do you make Iran & Syria cease the backing and supporting of terrorist & insurgent activity within Iraq? Remember, that "talk", everyone keeps talking about?
You look beyond Iraq. Where else can you work with Syria or Iran? You build a base of support for those basic systems I was talking about for the Iraqi people. Perhaps you bring all of Iraq's neighbors into the talks. You can discuss water, oil revenue, pipelines, seaports, etc. Diplomacy is an arena for savvy minds and surely we have those at the State Department. It is a time to put away the blunt hammers and crude cowboy talk.
Iran & Syria will have vastly different "goals" that what Iraqis and we would like, I'm afraid
We don't know that until we talk.