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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2010, 10:45:11 PM »
Because he reminds me of a 12 year old boy.

How so?

He's immature. For example an adult, that takes his job seriously, doesn't (can't) play golf daily and vacation every other month. Being president is a full time job not all fun and games. Immature young boys are into sports figures and pop stars and not really into working full-time. Boys like to party all the time, men like to work. Boys flip people off, men don't. Men don't rush to judgment like Obama did with the Cambridge cop fiasco. A boy let's Maureen Dowd's comments about his ears bother him, a man would NOT let the world know it bothered him. “I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my big ears.” A boy reacts to the shellacking he got a week ago by proclaiming he got the message, not saying (lying) the American people didn't get his message. Maybe he's a boy because he never had a real father around to lead him by example. I don't know why he's a boy but he strikes me as a little boy  pretending to be a man. He really aught to watch what he does with his middle finger, especially when he's on camera! A president is presidential and I just don't get that from him.

Watch the boy flip off Hillary

Watch the boy flip off McCain
Obama Flips Off McCain


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2010, 11:00:18 PM »
Do you play golf? Have you ever taken a client out to the course? Was it all play or did some business get done?

And is a President ever really on vacation?

Not sure i understand your rationalization that you are only calling the white part of Obama boy, but you know what is in your heart, i don't.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2010, 11:11:06 PM »
Do you play golf? Have you ever taken a client out to the course? Was it all play or did some business get done?

And is a President ever really on vacation?

Not sure i understand your rationalization that you are only calling the white part of Obama boy, but you know what is in your heart, i don't.

His race(s) or skin color mean nothing to me. Clearly it does to him though, and I guess you -- and the press, and to the majority of people that voted for him. His critics are racist for criticizing his policies, that's just wrong. He's a boy because he's a boy not because of his race. Get over your racial perceptions and judge him for his character and job performance.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2010, 11:15:27 PM »
I'm German and Irish and both nationalities have influenced who I am.

I guess the same would hold true for Obama and his mixed lineage.

So do you play golf?


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2010, 11:29:34 PM »
And that is exactly what it is. A petty diversion of no consequence whatever.

How useful of Kramer to inform us that Michelle Obama's butt is as big as a VW. And to think, he did this without a teleprompter!

A petty diversion to what? Obama's massive debt and 10% unemployment?

Every time I've seen the topic brought up, your stupid ass has chimed in. It's a big consequence to you that somebody who claimed they had a gift for speech, can't speak without a teleprompter.

Michelle Obama is an unattractive woman. I don't care for her long arms, big gums, or gorilla like body in any way. But you are the one trying to distract from the issue now.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2010, 11:50:28 PM »
I'm German and Irish and both nationalities have influenced who I am.

I guess the same would hold true for Obama and his mixed lineage.

So do you play golf?

Haven't played golf in about 10 years. I used to play a lot of golf. It takes up a lot of time and I don't know anybody that plays as often as Obama, except the pros, or wealthy retired people. People with full-time jobs don't have the time to play golf at the rate Obama plays. I don't vacation every other month either, and the people that do are retired, not full-time presidents.

Maybe Obama should spend more time with his wife and children instead of playing so much golf. If being president takes up a lot of time, and the rest of your time you golf, then what kind of father doesn't want to spend time with their children? Maybe he's competing with his father in how much time he spends with his kids.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2010, 12:17:31 AM »
Did you take clients golfing with you when you did play golf?


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2010, 12:33:17 AM »
Did you take clients golfing with you when you did play golf?


but I know it used to be something that sales people did often. I know some retired sales guys that even belonged to country clubs for that reason. But in recent years less business is being conducted on the golf course because companies are getting cheap. Too much golf and too much teleprompter time isn't good perception for presidents these days. Sure, when we aren't fighting two wars, and not in a economic depression it might be overlooked but in the current climate Obama looks like he's milking his job for all the benefits while millions of people are unemployed, fighting wars, or just trying to keep their business afloat.

He's really very detached from Joe Six-pack American citizen, and seems to only care about his own agenda. Very self-centered and narcissistic. It strikes me that he just doesn't care or even grasp the ruination that he is causing to the USA. People like you should really stop defending and making excuses for him.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #38 on: November 10, 2010, 01:03:05 AM »
People like you should really stop defending and making excuses for him.

Oh I'm not defending or making excuses for him. I think he is narcissistic and really doesn't have a feel for main street.

But what i am also doing is stepping back and taking a look at your arguments against him.

Some hold water, some don't.

Golf is a metaphor for networking. The game is now played in a different arena. Could be lunch, could be a chamber meeting, could be at the kids soccer practice.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2010, 11:15:26 AM »
People like you should really stop defending and making excuses for him.

Oh I'm not defending or making excuses for him. I think he is narcissistic and really doesn't have a feel for main street.

But what i am also doing is stepping back and taking a look at your arguments against him.

Some hold water, some don't.

Golf is a metaphor for networking. The game is now played in a different arena. Could be lunch, could be a chamber meeting, could be at the kids soccer practice.

What really irritates me is the hypocrisy of the left. Remove Obama and slip Bush into his position for the last two years. The left would be unhinged at a golfing, vacationing, teleprompting, campaigning, detached, narcissistic, uncaring, un-connecting, unfeeling, incompetent guy. But since Obama is NOW president they praise and adore him and all his actions. And pretend like he's qualified to be president and he isn't. How did such an incompetent person become our leader? It is unbelievable!!!! I am 100% convinced that Obama is a Communist and sadly he appears to be a racist and hell-bent on redistributing money from middle class whites to minorities. I have concluded that fact because of what he says and does.

Last night Hannity had in interview with Bush. I am not a fan of Bush like I was at first. He did some things that really made me mad. But he has always comes across as TRULY a caring, honest, genuine man that is exactly as you see him. Not a phony, not a player and not deceptive. Warts and all Bush is a good man and I respect him and like him too. The interview was classic Bush. Anyone, left or right, that can't at least like the guy has a screw loose. But the left HATES him with a passion.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2010, 12:13:12 PM »
Golf is a metaphor for networking. The game is now played in a different arena. Could be lunch, could be a chamber meeting, could be at the kids soccer practice.

A lot of people don't golf though. Did Gandhi golf?


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2010, 12:31:25 PM »
Did Gandhi golf?

Not that i know of, perhaps when he was in England. But he did eat lunch. And i bet his advisors, confidants and allies ate lunch with him.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2010, 12:38:54 PM »
I agree that Bush will go down in history as a better President than Obama. And as a person i like him better.  I think the biggest difference between the two is Bush shows humility.

I think McCain was a bad choice for the GOP and Obama was a bad choice for the Dems, Hillary would have done a much better job. But the people spoke. And so it goes.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #43 on: November 10, 2010, 04:59:25 PM »
I agree that Bush will go down in history as a better President than Obama. And as a person i like him better.  I think the biggest difference between the two is Bush shows humility.

I think McCain was a bad choice for the GOP and Obama was a bad choice for the Dems, Hillary would have done a much better job. But the people spoke. And so it goes.

McCain was bad (terrible) but would not have pushed through a Health Bill anything like Obamacare. It's tough medicine to take but I feel that Obama winning (in the long run) was better for the country than McCain. The country needed to see what a committed leftist is capable of doing and in so doing Obama reinvigorated the country to the right and revived the R Party from flat-line dead.


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Re: Affirmative Action Teleprompter
« Reply #44 on: November 10, 2010, 05:11:30 PM »
The country need not look any further than California, to see just how bad the left & their "well intentioned" policies can get, in ruining a state & economy.  A State that was once the beacon that nearly every other state wanted to be like. Now Companies, jobs, and the middle class can't get out fast enough
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