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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2010, 05:35:52 PM »
to be honest I have to say that us humans are nowhere near the population to be unsustainable. literally barely a drop.but that`s in context if humanity is actively trying to sustain itself and doesn`t mind being around people.

seriously population growth is only an issue because for our wasteful ways.

I`ll ask this question what resource is dwindling  because of demand of a growing population not tied to economics.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2010, 12:23:26 PM »
They can be equal in civil rights, and THAT is the issue here.

of course they can be....but at what costs?

thats the problem with Leftist
"oh boss dat sounds good....lets go with it"
unintended consquences be damned
Male Marines openly dating each other...great morale booster...yeah thats gonna be great!
"Sgt gonna try to rescue Jim or Bill?...well I am sleeping with Bill so lets save him"

costs are always a factor in so called "civil rights".

If the openly flaming homos were to be welcomed into the military to make it
practical it would be very costly to have to build separate living quarters
separate bathrooms, separate battle groups, is lunacy!

I am color blind, but it would be ridiculous (and expensive)to demand that everything come with
a color tag so I know what color it is....but that is a violation of my so called "civil rights".
But as a society we have decided the costs are too much to make that equal.

My brother is left-handed which makes him sometimes at disadvantage but we don't demand
everything be left hand friendly. That is a violation of his so called "civil rights". But as a society
we have decided the costs are too much to make that equal.

We claim to be a society that can not discriminate on the basis of creed, color, age, ect....but
car insurance companies regularly discriminate against teenagers based because of their age.
But we have decided as a society that because teens have so many wrecks that it's ok to
discriminate for age in this situation.

20 year olds are adults, they can vote, they can marry, they can be sent to war, but they
can not drink alcohol a legal substance, because we are denying their civil rights based on
age discrimination for a full fledged adult....because as a society we have decided it is prudent
to ok age discrimination in this situation.

the list goes on and on.....

we pick and choose as a society based on multiple reasons...economics, practical-ness, ect..
when to enforce a so called "civil right".

the best and most practical thing is to not allow homos to serve in the US Military at this time
keep your elitist forced coercion social experiments away from our national security.

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #47 on: November 19, 2010, 02:17:25 PM »
So it is "elitist" to maintain that people of all sexual orientations be treated equally.

That is just stupid. Equal treatment cannot be elitist.

No one is asking for separate bathrooms. As I recall, that was a big deal in the anti-ERA campaign. But I notice that the local Wal*Mart has three bathrooms, one of which is a "family" facility for BOTH GENDERS.

No one complains.

If you can only save one Marine, you can still just save the one. I hardly think this would come up, because it's a stupid hypothetical question. Both Marines are equidistant from the rescue. It will take an absolutely equal effort to save both, but one is a boyfriend of a rescuer.

This is not gonna happen, it is just hypothetical hogwash.

Since dozens of countries have gays and lesbians in their militaries, it is not any sort of experiment: it is simply complying with fairness and good sense.

It is inevitable: there is nothing NOTHING you or I can do to prevent it.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #48 on: November 19, 2010, 03:42:53 PM »
So it is "elitist" to maintain that people of all sexual orientations be treated equally.

It is elitist to ignore reality in looney pursuit of political homo agendas.

Equal treatment cannot be elitist.

Yes it can...what if someone brought litigation against strip bars, cheerleading squads, ect
that forced them to hire fatass ugly chicks.....that would be "equal treatment" and it would be stupid!
You leftist wanna pretend everybody is equal and reality says they are not.

No one is asking for separate bathrooms.

Not yet Bozo because the problem you are trying to create does not exist yet.
But as soon as you get this asinine plan rammed down people that oppose it
there will be litigation brought for things like separate bathrooms
You think Muslims and others are gonna want to shower on ships in large
communal bathrooms with a bunch of homos?
There will be lawsuits...
It would be exactly like forcing women to shower with men.
It is insanity....but thats typical of liberalism...use force to enforce insanity.

As I recall, that was a big deal in the anti-ERA campaign.
But I notice that the local Wal*Mart has three bathrooms,
one of which is a "family" facility for BOTH GENDERS.

Exactly...make my point
Now Walmart has to have three bathrooms
One day we gonna have ten different bathrooms for all the freaks you want to give special rights to?

If you can only save one Marine, you can still just save the one.

Exactly...and you dont want "homo sex" to enter the thought process of who to save
You want to make the important decision free of bias from a personal sex relationship

I hardly think this would come up, because it's a stupid hypothetical question.
Both Marines are equidistant from the rescue. It will take an absolutely equal
effort to save both, but one is a boyfriend of a rescuer.
This is not gonna happen, it is just hypothetical hogwash.

You dumbass....the point isnt that this exact situation takes place (although it might)
the point is millions of decisions will be made...critical to our National Security
and we dont want sex and love lives to bias the decision maker's judgement

Since dozens of countries have gays and lesbians in their militaries

yeah and how do most of those stack up?
dozens of countries have pathetic shit militaries too
national security should be just that, not a leftist social experiment lab

it is not any sort of experiment: it is simply complying with fairness and good sense.

Oh bullshit
it is just more of the homo leftist riun our our country agenda
because it makes no sense whatsoever
and is very unfair to the vast majority of hetrosexuals in the military

It is inevitable: there is nothing NOTHING you or I can do to prevent it.

Moronic leftwing agendas to damage our country are inevitable....
we see how california is doing after 40 years of being the Left's testing lab
complerte and utter failure....bankrupt
accepting the deviant repulsive homo agenda is not inevitable

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2010, 08:17:33 PM »
yeah and how do most of those stack up?

it is a intersting question, i really don`t know.

america like most (if not all) countries say thier the I can`t really take anybodies word on this issue.

don`t the U.S. military get training from isreal , russia &various other countries.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2010, 12:14:01 AM »
Most of the training with other countries in the US military is with fellow NATO troops,and occasionally Korea and Taiwan. I don;t think joint maneuvers with Russia and Israel are common.

I note that the phony "Christian" is particularly insulting.
But insulting me will have no effect. Homophobic dominance is coming to an end. You are a phony and a troglodite, "Christians" and you will become extinct, and we'll all be better off.

I fail to see how the country has been spoiled in any way by family bathrooms in the Wal*Mart/ Actually, those who use them find then convenient, and others really do not care.

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2010, 01:16:49 AM »
actually people should never complain about extra bathrooms. on this subject the more the merrier.

I got a bladder like a hummingbird those family bathrooms are a lifesaver.

I read a study that found that every single dept. store had thier display used as a toilet.

lets just say make sure you check that sofa is clean before you sit on it. it`s alot more common than you think.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #52 on: November 20, 2010, 12:00:25 PM »
actually people should never complain about extra bathrooms. on this subject the more the merrier.

hows that gonna work on warships with communal showers?
it is exactly like having men and women to shower together
why does this nuisance need to be forced on the vast majority of hetro soldiers

lets just say make sure you check that sofa is clean before you sit on it.
it`s alot more common than you think.

Gross Kimba!
I used to pee in sinks at concerts
drink for hours
Huge lines in the bathroom...hell I couldn't hold it.
Sink worked good.
I remember once I was peeing in one sink & some guy was puking in the sink right next to me
I remember yelling out in the bathroom "This is Rock-n-Roll Baby!"
I don't really miss those days....well sometimes....but mostly not.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2010, 02:05:54 PM »
I gave up concerts also because of the long lines also.

if you think about it restroom is a impossible situation, the sheer volume simply can`t be handle without problems. porta potties always give me pause.

I can`t say about other folk but when i gotta do a wicked wiz I don`t care who looks.  I had females storm the restrooms I`ve used and I just ignore them and keep on going. charity races can`t be brutal.

some females actually think we don`t need bathrooms because we can go to the bushes. despites it`s illegal to do in a public park.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2010, 08:49:51 PM »
I suppose that it would be quite easy to have heteros shower at odd hours and gays at even hours. It does not really take a genius to make this work.

We already have women and men serving together on ships. Why do ships require communal showers, anyway?
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2010, 01:10:27 AM »
hold it.
this issue is already been done without any difficulties.

ex. health spas in san francisco.

i was member of a couple of them and gays didn`t bother anyone. so a battleship without a nude hottube,sauna,steam room shouldn`t be an problem at all.

as long as nobody gets drunk it shouldn`t be a problem.

las vegas hotel spas can get very scarey.brrrrrr!!!

she was at least 300lbs. vegas is not all fun


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2010, 02:52:53 PM »
she was at least 300lbs. vegas is not all fun

One assumes that all that lard did not STAY in Vegas.

You have my condolences.

"Christians" seems to have a phobia against gays. The same may be true for much of the Marine Corps.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #57 on: November 21, 2010, 10:40:38 PM »
The integration of Females into the military is much less of a success ,in my estimation, than can be officially acnoledged.

They don't throw hand grenades far enough , they require difficult plumbing retrofit in old ships , when one of them gets captured in combat the nation goes bannanas and the rate of unplanned pregnancy is still pretty bad. Harrassment is indeed down, at the cost of constant disipline and effort.

In my opinioon effectiveness is harmed , but any commander who might say so won't because he would just get fired , he instead will put as much lipstick as he must on this pig and turns in the happy reports that congress wants him to turn in.

I don't think that four flavors of Barracks , foxholes , bathrooms and heads are going to be easy to incorporate even with a shift rotation scheme. I don't think that harrassment will be controlled without huge effort and harsh disapline I don't think that favoratism and bias problems in promotion and assignments will be easy to comb out , I think that recruiting will loose the legacy advantage it has with familys of traditional military service , I think that retention will decrease, I think that effectiveness of the armed services will be harmed a lot by the integration of Homosexuals.

I am mildly gratified to find that the President agrees with me , but he seems willing to kick the problem down the road and let it be adressed by the Republican that will replace him, I would rather he would say what he really thinks and I don't think he is.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #58 on: November 21, 2010, 11:47:29 PM »
what`s the plumbing changed? both use the toilet?

I`m pretty sure men would like the addition of partitions. us guys like that .


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #59 on: November 22, 2010, 12:10:40 AM »
I know that I prefer partitions in toilets,as well as in showers.

Doesn't everyone?

The acceptance of gays in the military is inevitable.
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