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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2010, 02:16:54 AM »
One of the heads on my ship had four toilets faceing each other in pairs , as though they were seats for a poker game. Only the officers had heads with a door on it.

DD931 is retired now, more modern ships are more commodius.

Ships designed in the last twenty years have his and hers toilets , ships designed next decade may require four gendered shower spaces , berthing , and officers quarters.

I am a bit perplexed at the attitude that seems to minimise the power of sexual attraction and motive as a cause of problems, is there anyone who favors co-ed berthing and sexually integrated barracks that also considers abstenance to be an impractical birth controll method to teach in High school?


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #61 on: November 22, 2010, 09:20:41 AM »
toilets facing each other?

gay ,straight & female ,I`m pretty sure that`s not a preferable design by the sailors. sounds to me another factor the military thinks soldiers should endure without complaint.

like k rations. tooks decades to figure out hunger will not make soldiers eat them.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #62 on: November 22, 2010, 11:33:35 AM »
toilets facing each other?

gay ,straight & female ,I`m pretty sure that`s not a preferable design by the sailors. sounds to me another factor the military thinks soldiers should endure without complaint.

This suggests that the Navy men who were supervising the design of the ships were either not paying attention or just plain stupid. It's pretty clear that the designer of the ship was not thinking, either.

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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #63 on: November 22, 2010, 02:10:54 PM »
actually the military can only be partially blamed, alot of these designs are by private contractors who can`t get much on freedback

I mentioned k rations,did you know the policy was 1 can per soldier and since it not the policy to question orders. soldier were literally getting malnutritioned .

I`ve tried M.R.E.,lets just say military rations are still excellent weight loss food.
but it does taste better.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #64 on: November 22, 2010, 05:26:26 PM »
ships designed next decade may require four gendered shower spaces , berthing ,
and officers quarters.

Yes our focus should be on bullshit political correct agendas instead of focusing
on the enemy! Lets see build hetro and homo bathrooms-showers, have hetro male
shower time, then hetro female shower time, then male homo shower time, then homo
female shower time....oh and dont forget the cross-dressers may be next and we can
add new schedules for the next set of perversion the left wants to force on
it's victims. It is leftwing insanity. Savage is correct, it is a mental illness.

I am a bit perplexed at the attitude that seems to minimise the power of sexual
attraction and motive as a cause of problems,

It will be a huge "can of worms".
Lots of lawsuits.
I would sue as a hetro exposed to this kind of crap.
It violates my civil rights.
"But Sargent Bill is sleeping with John so I dont wanna go on battle patrol with them,
cant trust they got my back".

Like the military really needs to be dealing with this instead of dealing with enemies.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #65 on: November 22, 2010, 05:36:08 PM »
CU do you have any gay people working for you?


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #66 on: November 22, 2010, 06:01:51 PM »

if thiers separate shower or schedule it`s doubtful gays are the ones requesting it.

as I said before gyms don`t seem to have this problem so why would the military have this hang up.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2010, 06:16:01 PM »

if thiers separate shower or schedule it`s doubtful gays are the ones requesting it.

as I said before gyms don`t seem to have this problem so why would the military have this hang up.

I have never been in a gym in which I was expected to ask or to tell.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #68 on: November 22, 2010, 06:33:28 PM »
CU do you have any gay people working for you?

I would assume so. We don't have that on the application.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #69 on: November 22, 2010, 06:33:57 PM »
toilets facing each other?

gay ,straight & female ,I`m pretty sure that`s not a preferable design by the sailors. sounds to me another factor the military thinks soldiers should endure without complaint.

This suggests that the Navy men who were supervising the design of the ships were either not paying attention or just plain stupid. It's pretty clear that the designer of the ship was not thinking, either.

ON the USS Doran (my fathers ship) the enlisted head (there was only one) had a stainless steel trough in which water constantly flowed and the seats were side by side installed on the top of this trough. The ship is intended as a wepon first and a domicile second , more modern ships are more comfortable but they have an imperitive function to win fights no sunken ship is going to be comfortable .

Any necessacery accomodation to fighting power takes precidence to accomodations to crew comfort, this is because the looser in a fight at sea sinks and becomes useless at keeping its inhabiting crew alive.

The compromises we have already made fort the comfort and safety of Women on board are going to cost, perhaps too much. Compromises in anything made for reasons that have nothing to do with the fighting power of the ship should be a distant second prority.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #70 on: November 22, 2010, 06:37:34 PM »
hmm if thiers separate shower or schedule it`s doubtful gays are the ones requesting it.

XO suggested it not me.
However I doubt gays would request separate showers, they are not the ones being
forced to shower with people that are attracted to them from a different sexual

as I said before gyms don`t seem to have this problem so why would the military
have this hang up.

I bet they do and also gyms do not place people in living quarters and no other choice
bathing quarters....and gyms are not dealing with national security.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #71 on: November 22, 2010, 06:47:28 PM »
actually the military can only be partially blamed, alot of these designs are by private contractors who can`t get much on freedback

I mentioned k rations,did you know the policy was 1 can per soldier and since it not the policy to question orders. soldier were literally getting malnutritioned .

I`ve tried M.R.E.,lets just say military rations are still excellent weight loss food.
but it does taste better.

It is just a matter of meeting the bare necessity adequately and squeezeing everything in where it can fit.

Three generations ago sailors were still sleeping alongside their cannons and in hammocks slung in the same space that they would later eat in with the hammocks folded.

As wepons and propulsion systems become more powerfull and automatic it is less necessacery to croud the decks with wepons and less needfull to have large crews to tend the propulsion and wepons. We are  better equiped for giveing sailors privacy now but a civillian standard of privacy is still impossible.


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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #72 on: November 22, 2010, 06:51:49 PM »
I just said that any problems with showering would hardly present any unsurmountable problems, and suggested an easy solution.

We are entering the era of mechanized and robotic warfare. Fighter planes are pretty much obsolete: they go too fast, and other countries have no comparable planes to challenge them.  New weapons, robotic drones are sure to make huge lumbering things like carriers obsolete.

The Navy has not been all that useful in defending this country, as we seem to be picking enemy countries that have no coastline of late. I am sure it makes the sailors happy to feel that they are defending us from invasion by sea, but they have not actually done that for the past 60 years.

Had the US never gotten involved in Vietnam, everyone concerned would be better off, except for those who make the arms and ammo. And 58,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians would be alive today. No one defended US free speech or representative government or anything else in Vietnam.

I am pretty sure that the same will turn out from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #73 on: November 22, 2010, 07:12:06 PM »
The Navy has not been all that useful in defending this country, as we seem to be picking enemy
countries that have no coastline of late.

Thousands of sorties have been done in support of ground troops off warships.
The Navy is a huge part of being able to project power all over the world.
And I know that is something you don't like.

Had the US never gotten involved in Vietnam, everyone concerned would be better off,
except for those who make the arms and ammo. And 58,000 Americans and millions of
Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians would be alive today. No one defended US free
speech or representative government or anything else in Vietnam. I am pretty sure that .
the same will turn out from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as well.

Ta Dah!
And the real truth really comes out.
Adding political correctness only makes the military focus on other things than war.
So by supporting the agenda the indirect result is a weakened US Military.
Which is the bottonline of what XO wants.
"Everyone would be better off" if the US Military didnt exist is XO's whacked logic
Except XO would not be living in freedom right now without the US Military dealing
with people that didnt want XO to have the freedom to spew garbage.
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Re: Obama lawyers want the military to continue to bar openly gay people!
« Reply #74 on: November 22, 2010, 07:20:44 PM »
 We are  better equiped for giveing sailors privacy now but a civillian standard of privacy is still impossible.

don`t forget safer also. people complain alot but things are a whole lot safer today then in my time. lots of people get injured on the jobs,but today jobs actually make effort to prevent them. lets just say military don`t always take care of thier contract workers very well. common sense has a pretty good injury rate.