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Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« on: November 15, 2010, 12:59:36 AM »
Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
by Jim Goad

November 14, 2010

There?s something to be said for the almost universal leftist tendency to ignore unpleasant facts in favor of smearing their opponents as mentally ill. Not only is it far easier than constructing a coherent argument, it often works marvelously as a propaganda technique.

Therefore, I can?t see these well-meaning Left Bank humanists complaining if I were to borrow their time-tested methods to describe a prominent mental disorder that currently runs rampant?although undiagnosed and untreated?among their own kind.

I call this disorder ?Passover Syndrome.? Almost exclusively, it afflicts relatively affluent Caucasians and is characterized by an array of cognitive delusions that ultimately may prove dangerous for its sufferers and those around them.

Passover Syndrome?s most prominent behavioral feature consists of whites projecting historical blame onto other whites and hoping that nonwhites will see them as not-so-white for doing so. Just as the ancient Israelites smeared sacrificial lamb?s blood over their doorways in order to escape the Angel of God?s vengeance, these delusional Caucasians smear bright red anti-racist graffiti?or, in extreme cases, the literal blood of ?rednecks? and any ?right-wing white? who refuses to get with the program?over their doorways in the hope that when the Dark Angels finally come en masse seeking ?justice,? they won?t accidentally notice that the people with the bright red anti-racist paint over their doorways also happen to be white.

What drives this syndrome is the delusion that collective historical ethnic guilt is a real thing rather than a pseudo-religious abstraction. Passover Syndrome?s sufferers tend to believe that all whites, by dint of skin color alone, are indelibly stained with guilt for unsurpassed historical atrocities and that their debt to nonwhites won?t be repaid until the very concept of ?whiteness? ceases to exist?if not white people themselves.

What?s most curious about this syndrome is the delusion that by merely acknowledging this imagined historical debt, they are able to somehow transfer it onto other whites?the ?unenlightened? ones who don?t acknowledge it?without having to make any sacrifices or installment payments of their own. A consistent feature of Passover Syndrome is an eagerness to offer up a whole other group of whites as sacrificial collateral for their own perceived debt. It?s fundamentally irrational and unethical to believe that one can atone for one?s guilt, real or imagined, by transferring it onto a family member, yet this delusion is surprisingly strong among those with the disorder.

Indeed, guilt-projection is one of Passover Syndrome?s most consistent features. Although the malady almost solely attacks Caucasians in high-income brackets, sufferers tend to blame lower-class ?rednecks? and ?white trash? for slavery and its after-effects. In truth, it?s far more probable that affluent Caucasians are descended from slaveowners than are low-income whites, who are more likely to count indentured servants among their progenitors. This constant finger-pointing of others as ?racists,? all while exhibiting an unceasing obsession with racial matters, also strongly suggests projection.

Passover Syndrome is similar to homophobia in that its sufferers make a point at every turn of assuring you that they aren?t racist, much as the homophobe feels a neurotic compulsion to constantly remind you he isn?t gay. Passover Syndrome shares features with Stockholm Syndrome in that its sufferers mistake as benevolence the fact that those who have a perceived right to kill them still haven?t killed them. This is often misinterpreted as tolerance and acceptance rather than, say, procrastination or lack of opportunity. Passover Syndrome also has many traits in common with oikophobia, but since so many Westerners who dominate the social sciences are themselves afflicted with oikophobia, this grievous disorder has not yet been properly classified as a mental disease.

Self-deception is another common factor in Passover Syndrome. Sufferers identify with the ?underclass,? yet they never seem to come from it nor actually spend any meaningful time around its members. In many if not most cases, they live in far safer and whiter areas than the white ?racists? do. Therefore, while they claim to intimately understand ?racism,? they rarely have experienced the sort of competition over jobs and resources that historically gives rise to it.

A common delusion among Passover Syndrome sufferers is that they represent the cusp of some bold revolutionary cultural vanguard rather than modern mainstream society itself. They seduce themselves into thinking they are rebels against an oppressively racist society, yet there is nothing dangerous or career-threatening in anything they say. In truth, to disagree with what they say is to court ostracism, assault, and possible legal action. So rather than being mavericks in the Nat Turner mold, their personalities more fit that of the obsequious and conformist House Negro who toes the party line with a wide, bucktoothed grin. They seem cognitively incapable of grasping the fact that their personalities are indeed so fundamentally conformist, they may have participated in lynch mobs a century ago.

In keeping with such conformist tendencies, they apprehend clearly that the ?racist? is our society?s new ?nigger,? and they want everyone to know, as loudly as they can manage without being arrested for disturbing the peace, that they?re with the majority this time as far as hating niggers is concerned.

Despite the desire to conform, severe social maladjustment is always present in Passover Syndrome. Any sort of nonwhite group the world over would brand such personality types as evil, freakish tribal enemies. The fact that nonwhites appreciate and welcome their overtures does not mean they respect them. The truth is that nonwhite cultures don?t tolerate traitors within their ranks to nearly the degree that supposedly ethnocentric whites do. Imagine a black person being able to make a career out of campaigning against black pride. Nonwhite cultures?to their credit?tend to view such individuals as sellouts, punks, and snitches.

A daily ritual among Passover Syndrome sufferers, as reflexive as washing their hands and brushing their teeth, is to smear an invisible layer of protective talismanic blackface on themselves. But until scientists develop full-body skin transplants, there?s nothing they?ll be able to do about it in practical terms. They?re pretty much stuck being white. Most nonwhites still see them, above all else, as white. Passover Syndrome sufferers would realize this if they?d actually spent any time in jail or had ever lived in a mostly nonwhite neighborhood.

While they may compare themselves to abolitionist John Brown?who may or may not have been mentally ill or suicidal, but given the historical context, at least he was bravely nonconformist?their dangerously delusional behavior is more similar to that of Timothy ?Grizzly Man? Treadwell.

Although they tend to consider themselves sophisticated, Passover Syndrome sufferers are fundamentally na?ve. Fatally na?ve. They encourage tribal identity among nonwhites and forbid it among whites, yet they fail to see how such a double standard works against any hope of eventual ethnic harmony. They fail to grasp that the day may never come when their childlike fantasies come true and people of all colors hold hands, sing protest songs, and gently melt together into a non-threatening shade of beige.

It is said that a conservative is a liberal who?s been mugged, but in its advanced stages, Passover Syndrome appears to be incurable. Witness the white activist who moved to Haiti and suffered an all-night brutal rooftop raping at the hands of one of her black ?brothers,? only to blame it on ?the white patriarchy,? members of whom were suspiciously absent during her assault. Or observe the eagerness to excuse a recent anti-white bloodbath by framing it within a context of unsubstantiated allegations that the gunman had endured racist jokes at work.

If a racial Doomsday ever comes in America, I doubt that the nonwhite marauders will ever draw fine distinctions between the ?good? whites and the ?bad? ones. I lived a half-block off Hollywood Boulevard during the 1992 L.A. riots, and I recall a member of rap group Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. being quoted as saying that the rioters should quit looting South-Central L.A. and instead burn down Beverly Hills?home of the exact record executives who finance anti-white albums by ingrates such as Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.

If a large-scale Day of Racial Reckoning ever comes, Passover Syndrome sufferers will find that when it comes to hating whites, nonwhites truly don?t discriminate. Rather than the sweet scent of compassion, those with the disorder emit the rancid smell of fear. If a real race war were ever to pop off in America, they?d be the first to perish.

The only mystery is which side would kill them first.
I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke


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Re: Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 01:07:10 AM »
If a racial Doomsday ever comes in America, I doubt that the nonwhite marauders will ever draw fine distinctions between the ?good? whites and the ?bad? ones. I lived a half-block off Hollywood Boulevard during the 1992 L.A. riots, and I recall a member of rap group Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. being quoted as saying that the rioters should quit looting South-Central L.A. and instead burn down Beverly Hills?home of the exact record executives who finance anti-white albums by ingrates such as Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.

Talk is, of course, cheap: Observe how Beverley Hills was unaffected.

If a large-scale Day of Racial Reckoning ever comes, Passover Syndrome sufferers will find that when it comes to hating whites, nonwhites truly don?t discriminate. Rather than the sweet scent of compassion, those with the disorder emit the rancid smell of fear. If a real race war were ever to pop off in America, they?d be the first to perish.

The only mystery is which side would kill them first

The possibility of a "Day of Racial Reckoning" seems quite slim. If we did not have a Race War in the 1870s;, the 1920's or the 1950's, any such event is even less likely today. There may be the odd riot, but White folks who get killed in such riots can avoid this by being elsewhere.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 01:38:53 AM »

Race war can get pretty ugly, and it tangles into the other causes of war.

We can't be smug about the Tutsi and Hutu in Rwanda , their problem is a lot like our problem.

I don't see hatered of black people as a good thing , I don't think it is good to replace it with hatered of white people , it is really the same thing with a diffrent paint job.


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Re: Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 12:12:03 PM »
I see nothing like the Hutu Tutsi War in the US. First off, the Tutsis were in control, and were a minority.
White folks are in the majority in the US nearly everywhere.
It was a war for political domination. 
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 10:42:20 PM »
I see nothing like the Hutu Tutsi War in the US. First off, the Tutsis were in control, and were a minority.
White folks are in the majority in the US nearly everywhere.
It was a war for political domination. 

The diffrence is a matter of degree , it always will be.
The Tulsa riots were pretty nearly as bad as Rawanda but not as widespread , Wasn't something simular happening at Rosewood Fl ?

Neither the majority nor the minority deserves a right to geonocide.

The fastest way for us to go the same kinda bad is to be smug about how we are innately better in this particular way.


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Re: Diagnosing ?Passover Syndrome? Among White Liberals
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 11:19:17 PM »
If a racial Doomsday ever comes in America, I doubt that the nonwhite marauders will ever draw fine distinctions between the ?good? whites and the ?bad? ones. I lived a half-block off Hollywood Boulevard during the 1992 L.A. riots, and I recall a member of rap group Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. being quoted as saying that the rioters should quit looting South-Central L.A. and instead burn down Beverly Hills?home of the exact record executives who finance anti-white albums by ingrates such as Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.

Talk is, of course, cheap: Observe how Beverley Hills was unaffected.

If a large-scale Day of Racial Reckoning ever comes, Passover Syndrome sufferers will find that when it comes to hating whites, nonwhites truly don?t discriminate. Rather than the sweet scent of compassion, those with the disorder emit the rancid smell of fear. If a real race war were ever to pop off in America, they?d be the first to perish.

The only mystery is which side would kill them first

The possibility of a "Day of Racial Reckoning" seems quite slim. If we did not have a Race War in the 1870s;, the 1920's or the 1950's, any such event is even less likely today. There may be the odd riot, but White folks who get killed in such riots can avoid this by being elsewhere.

race wars won't happen now that the song ebony & ivory came along.