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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2006, 02:46:11 AM »
As to the particulars of talking with Syria and Iran, I would defer to James Baker and Lee Hamilton, who recommended it, and a host of prestigious commentators, who have spoken favorably of it. But I will add my own thoughts: talking is the preferred, favored mode of international relations. That stems from the fundamental human truth that you're not likely to resolve differences when operating in the dark about your opponent's wants, needs and aspirations and without a "bridge of communication" being established upon which future "settlements" (in the metaphorical physical sense, and the literal diplomatic sense) can be based.

Nevertheless it is a truely stupid idea.

From Iran and Syria flow wepons and agents who are intended to keep the confilct hot.

But if asked nicely they would surely stop , after all it is in their intrest to have a prosperous and democratic Iraq as a neighbor.


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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2006, 03:25:07 AM »
Jaw jaw is better than war war.---approximate quote of Churchill

I don't know if you've ever seen The Daily Show. 
The host had Musharref of Pakistan on (not very recently), and it was amazing: He had a whole tea service for him, kind of elaborate for the few minutes the interview was going to take. But how else to honor a leader of a country who is our ally (we hope?)?   He extended hospitality to Musharref. Food and drink.
 It was very gracious.  And, not incidentally, it was a very good interview.
This is what we have to do, I think. Talk, eat, drink together.  Hearts can be softened.     
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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2006, 03:52:53 AM »
Jaw jaw is better than war war

And again the demand to "talk".  About what, no one on the left will say, outside of soccer.  But "talk" is what we need.  "Talk" is what will set Iran & Syria straight.  "Jaw jaw" will bring about Syria & Iran's Terrorist sponsoring governments to cease trying to take over the region and in undermining Iraq's efforts to bring about democracy for its peoples. 

And there's some excellent prime Florida swampland they'd like to sell as well.  If we could have only "jaw jawed" with Hitler, we could have avoided all of WWII.  dang
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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2006, 06:09:24 AM »
Jaw jaw is better than war war.---approximate quote of Churchill

I don't know if you've ever seen The Daily Show. 
The host had Musharref of Pakistan on (not very recently), and it was amazing: He had a whole tea service for him, kind of elaborate for the few minutes the interview was going to take. But how else to honor a leader of a country who is our ally (we hope?)?   He extended hospitality to Musharref. Food and drink.
 It was very gracious.  And, not incidentally, it was a very good interview.
This is what we have to do, I think. Talk, eat, drink together.  Hearts can be softened.     

With Musharref there is something we needs us for , a reciprocity is possible.

The leadership of Iran and of Syria would be better off if we all came down with Dengue .


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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2006, 11:24:07 AM »
Syria & Iran's Terrorist sponsoring governments to cease trying to take over the region and in undermining Iraq's efforts to bring about democracy for its peoples.
There is not one shred, not one iota, not one farkling scintilla of evidence that Syria or Iran is trying to "take over the region". The only countries in the area that have been expansionist in the Middle East are Iraq, which tried unsuccessfully to grab a chunk of Iran, and then also unsuccessfully, to annex Kuwait. And of course, Israel, which has at least one political party that wants to grab everything from Damascus to the Nile.

The US is NOT trying to create a democracy. You are far too gullible if you believe that. What they want is a satrapy they can command through bribery or a pseudodemocracy they can control with advertising and lies.

Like for example, Reagan's message to the Nicaraguans: "Elect the Sandinistas, and we will continue financing the contras to murder, maim, bomb and kill Nicaraguan citizens. Vote for Chomorro and we will stop."

That is not exactly democracy. But it IS what Republicans do. Latin American dictators from Gomez to Pinochet have never had better friends than the GOP.

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Re: Truth and Reconciliation in America
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2006, 11:44:35 AM »
There is not one shred, not one iota, not one farkling scintilla of evidence that Syria or Iran is trying to "take over the region". The only countries in the area that have been expansionist in the Middle East are Iraq, which tried unsuccessfully to grab a chunk of Iran, and then also unsuccessfully, to annex Kuwait. And of course, Israel, which has at least one political party that wants to grab everything from Damascus to the Nile.

Xo, stop trying to rationalize the illogical.  Js, one of your greatest colleagues in denouncing the war, himself acknowledged the power vacuum that would need to be filled, and thus the continued overt efforts on their parts to perpetuate both the instability and to faciliate any civil war.

The US is NOT trying to create a democracy. You are far too gullible if you believe that.

Now you're just being a blinded leftist partisan, and "obviously" too stubborn to acnowledge that that's precisely what we're trying to do now.

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