Kramer....I have been saying for years that we are headed for Balkanization.
This country will split apart...hopefully in a peaceful manner...but probably not.
There is no going back....due to demographics caused by an intentional border chaos invasion
and other things....all one has to due is look at California.....thats our future.
We are headed for that kind of disaster....liberals will literally drive the country
off the cliff and run off business at any costs to pursue their agenda.
You already have governors speaking about "splitting from the Union".
You already have congressional leaders and states talking "Constitutional Convention".
These are all signs of the times....and a foretelling of the chaotic future.
A future of a very divided country of producers and leeches.
The conservative viewpoint will be able to win a few more elections and
postpone the coming chaos and meltdown caused from liberalism destroying
our country.
At our ages we'll probably be ok....
But enjoy your freedom while it lasts....change is coming ...if not for us...
for our children and grandchildren.....BIG CHANGE.
I'm just glad it'll be somebody else's problem and I will have lived in the Golden Era!