Author Topic: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again  (Read 1763 times)

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Re: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2010, 01:13:43 PM »
Helen Thomas is Lebanese-American. Helen Thomas was fired for badmouthing Israel. I imagine that she is more than a little resentful about that. I cannot say why she said what she said, but it is not entirely untrue: Jews do have a major amount of control in Wall Street, Hollywood and the government, certainly a far higher percentage in all these fields than their percentage in the general population.

It is true that while there are a lot of middle-class Jews, as a rule, Jews place a high value on education and therefore are less likely to be poor. I understand why Jews support Israel: if there were an independent country I could go to and be a citizen of instantly to be surrounded with people like myself, I would support it as well. It is the geopolitical equivalent of having a second home.

On the other hand, I do not support the Zionist land grabs in the West Bank and E.Jerusalem. There needs to be a two-country settlement soon.


The problem with people like you is you don't look at people as people you look at people in terms of their religion, race, gender, their politics, and then you judge them.

Liberals like you are mentally ill and think they are smarter than everyone else. Liberals like rules & regulations, as in free speech for Liberals but no free speech for people that are not Liberals. Liberals like black people but if the black people aren't Liberal enough then they call them names like Uncle Tom. At this moment Muslims are the Liberals pet project, therefore Jews are bad. In your eyes GW Bush is worse than Osama or even Obama. Now why would you like Obama's policies over Bush's policies? Clearly Obama has done more harm to our country than Bush. Clearly Obama lies more than Bush and clearly Obama is way more incompetent than Bush but you like Obama and of course you are a raving, mentally ill, Liberal.


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Re: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2010, 12:01:20 AM »
I don't see how a 2 state solution would solve anything.

What has it done for Korea?

It is like takeing the side of the Segregationists in S. Africa in 1980 or the US in 1950.

In 1965 the border was just about where they want it to go now , but in 67 there was an attempt to move the border by force.


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Re: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2010, 05:54:45 AM »
>>It is like takeing the side of the Segregationists in S. Africa in 1980 or the US in 1950.<<

Who is white and who is black in your scenario?  And who wants a two state solution and who doesn't?


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Re: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2010, 06:31:19 AM »
Aparthied is the right choice this time because it is the underdog that wants it just as much as the overdog does.


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Re: Helen Thomas badmouthing Jews, again
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2010, 12:07:17 PM »
Everyone in Israel knows what the problem of a one-state solution is. If Palisrael is one state, then the Palestinians must be given citizenship and the right to vote. The UN Charter does not allow for second-class non-voting citizens. Palestinians cannot be classified as immigrants who came to Israel/Palestine of their own volition, as they have lived there for centuries.

It is nothing like Korea, that is a political division, not an ethnic one. Eventually, Korea will be united, but at present there are officially two states.

The Palestinians would become a majority in a short time, because their birth rate is much higher,and at that point, all citizens will be given equal rights to everything, and every religion will be treated equally. Israel would cease to be a Jewish state.

Personally, I do not care what solution eventually takes place. I see no reason why any religion and any state should be united. The unification of religion and government is the worst idea that humans have ever come up with, and it originated in Egypt, which is a disaster for precisely that reason.

I simply do not like to be taxed to support the Zionists for their oppression of the Palestinians, who have just as much right to live in Palestine/Israel as do the Jews. Certainly a Palestinian born in Gaza has MORE right than some ultra orthodox person born in Crown Heights, Brooklyn who moved to the West Bank yesterday.
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