What specifically has Obama (and the Dems) done?? Yea, that debt would have been just as bad under Bush. Yea, that Deficit spending would have been just as horrendous. And the near complete Federal take over of the healthcare, banking, student loan, and various car industries were definately on Bush's agenda.
What part of ObamaCare has been implemented that has affected the economy.
THE UNCERTAINTY...of everything. From the quality of the care, to premiums, to access, to waiting in lines, to how it's going to be paid for, to how much taxes may be raised and/or how much greater in debt we're to go into, for it to even get started. Already, company after Union after comany is getting waivers of this supposed grand correction to our healthcare woes
What has Obama done to the banking industry? What did Obama do to Ford?
The Government has no business taking our tax dollars, and bailing out private organizations.
The issue is that with the gross uncertainty permeating the entire economic structure of this country, businesses were more inclined to make a profit with as little employee hiring as possible. And it soon became apparent it was mostly about employee firing....at least in the private sector.
Even during good times businesses try to maintain lean staffing to maximize profits to be reinvested in growth. What is it that you want Obama to do?
Get out of the way. Less regulations, not more. Less Fed intervention, not more. Less spending, not more. Less impeding of Private Enterprise, not more
For those companies that are about to go bankrupt....there was a reason. Some other entrepreneur will come in and revitalize it. If it takes off, more jobs, more revenue for the treasury. And if they don't, at least they tried with their money, not the tax payers, and someone(s) else comes in
You smoking up that good stuff again?
You sure you want to make this personal?
It's a jest made in reference to when someone is speaking kinda.....crazy like. Why?, do you actually smoke the stuff?? Personal is calling people names, insisting that their comments don't matter, making derrogatory references to family, garbage like that. You must be uber sensitive to think I'm trying to "get personal". If so, my apologies