Minus the distorted applications of the above claims...
Where, exactly? Have not each and every one of those taken place and been defended by the current administration and it's lackeys as vital to prevent another terrorist attack?
...who is spouting we need to lose more civil liberties in order to be more secure?
You have the same access to the news accounts of the day and the forum archives that I do. Go look them up.
Hint, mine won't be one of them
I don't recall mentioning anyone by name; why this overwhelming need to defend yourself?
Seems like these things have been defended by the last 5 or 6 administrations.
Don't see anything in what I said that limited it to just Bush's administration; the examples I provided are simply the most recent, thus the first that came to mind.
Just because Clinton did it, or Olbush, or Reagan, or Carter, or anyone else, does not excuse the fact that it is going on now. I didn't like it anymore during any of the preceding administrations, but there are a couple of reasons I don't bring them up. One is that I wasn't a member of this forum then, though I did protest similar activities elsewhere. The other is that Clinton, Olbush, Reagan, Carter, et al are no longer president; Bush is. Hard to press Clinton to change his administration's activities in that direction when he's no longer in office, innit?