I believe i answered Domer's question.
I believe i did it in two sentences.
Victory as defined by me would be a dismantling of the Saddam regime, already done, and the installation of a democratically elected Iraqi government capable of administering the country's affairs, in all that that entails.... partially done.
You then go on changing the theme of the thread from defining acceptable victory to one of designing a way to minimize causalties. And then decrying that no one responded to a query that was not asked. What do they call that? False premise, strawman?
You then make some nebulous claim that the world wants Bush to follow some plan other than "victory", so i am assuming you want Bush to engineer defeat. Am i correct in my reading of your words?
I stand by my charge that the American people have failed the gut check. Domer has defined the overall conflict as defeating or at the minimum reigning in violent radical Islam. That front is currently in Iraq, aided and abetted by folks in Syria, Iran and other Middle East countries. And as the battle drags on more and more people have turned against the war, going wobbly, blaming Bush but never arguing against the general worthiness of the conflict. In effect they are capitulating to car bombers.
As i have also stated, there is a new congress being sworn in in January. They were elected because they successfully politicized the Iraq War. Now they must either deliver on their promises or redefine their promises to save political face. How Nixonian.
And yes, their action or inaction will have repercussions for years to come. .