<<Mikey spews>>
Anyone who calls these racist bastards what they are is "spewing." Good, shows where YOU'RE coming from.
<<And yet Webb, his Democrat opponent is accused of doing the same thing. And Webb used to be a Reagan Republican, you know, one of those states rights types, and we all know that they are racist as the day is long.
<<So all things being equal, what does Webb bring to the table that Allen doesn't, other than wanting to cut and run from Iraq. >>
All things being equal, they're NOT equal. Webb never stuffed a severed deer head in a black man's mail-box, for one thing. Hasn't singled out any black men recently and called them "macaca." Hasn't been accused, far as I can recall, of displaying a noose (now that's really sick) in his LAW OFFICE, displayed the Confederate Flag in said office.
Look, nobody is saying Webb is the IDEAL. He might be a piece of shit just like Allen, only not as bad. Sometimes a choice has to be made between the bad and the less bad. Looks to me like the choice is crystal clear. Here, the Webb voters also get the benefit of "cut and run," which is to say, sanity, common sense, honesty and the ability to admit to a huge mistake as opposed to blindly following the road to disaster to serve the gods of Bush's ego, militarism and fascism.
Any other questions?