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Lebanon Teeters on the Brink

Hizballah Leader Fears for His Life after Losing Syrian Protection

Hassan Nasrallah and Saad Hariri

Outwardly, as Lebanon sinks deeper into crisis, Hizballah's Secretary
General Hassan Nasrallah projects a strong facade and nerves of steel to show his following and his
foes that he is in full control and undeterred from action to undo the Special Lebanon Tribunal's
indictment of his top officials for the 2005 Hariri assassination.

If he can't overthrow the caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri and install a Hizballah-led government
for declaring the SLT's indictments null and void, he will seize control of Beirut.

But the pugnacious Hizballah leader's repeated shows of strength are beginning to be countered by setbacks.
Cracks are showing in his mask of self-confidence and his hand has been held back from further moves by
two fresh blows, which are first revealed intelligence sources:

Assad pulls the rug from Hizballah

1. In the small hours of Tuesday night, Jan. 18, at 3:00 a.m., Syrian President Bashar Assad abruptly summoned
the Lebanese Chief of Staff Gen. Jean Qahwaji to Damascus for an extremely urgent nocturnal interview.
When he arrived, the Lebanese general was surprised to find Assad flanked by Syrian defense minister Ali Habib
and Syrian chief of staff Gen. Dawoud Rahja, indicating the supreme importance the Syrian ruler attached to
the interview. Our sources can disclose here the two key guidelines Assad handed the Lebanese chief of staff:
"We have no interest in abandoning Saad Hariri and yourself or any desire to see Hizballah victorious and in control
of Lebanon" was one, and: "'This very night I am sending a message to Michel Aoun (Hassan Nasrallah's Christian ally)
not to overdo his backing and momentum for Nasrallah's moves so as not to help him gather himself to seize power in
Beirut by force." This sudden withdrawal of Bashar Assad's longtime patronage and protection bit deep into Nasrallah's

Hizballah successfully practices Beirut's takeover

2. Nasrallah had begun to pick up rumblings in Intelligence quarters suggesting that Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei would have no compunctions about having him assassinated if he failed to counteract the investigative
work of the International Lebanon Tribunal, the STL.

The prosecution is believed to have concluded that the high Hizballah security and intelligence officials complicit
in the murder of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri were acting on orders coming down directly from
Ayatollah Khamenei.

When he received word of Assad's betrayal and sudden switch in favor of his arch foe Hariri, Nasrallah aborted his
ultimate power move, which was on the point of going forward Wednesday in Beirut. The crumbling of his normally
authoritative manner stunned the Hizballah fighting units standing ready to undertake Step Two of his master-plan
for capturing the capital.

Step One had just been successfully accomplished, as described by our military sources:

Early Tuesday, January 18, the Hizballah leader proved that together with Lebanon's second Shiite movement,
Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri's Amal, he commanded the strength to seize control of the capital. He did this
by placing thousands of militiamen, unarmed but clad in black uniforms, in positions in seven Beirut districts.
By the time the first Lebanese army units reached the streets, the city's traffic was gridlocked and several
schools and government institutions unable to open their doors.

That night, the Shiite loyalists were ordered to withdraw to barracks as high-ranking Hizballah sources declared
confidently: "The time for talking is over, it is time for action now. The other camp wants confrontation, so be it."

Another official boasted how Hizballah and Amal personnel were able to capture several Beirut neighborhoods
without weapons. "This action told foreign interests (the US and Israel) as well as the country that the Shiites
were about to raise the stakes in Beirut," he said.

Hizballah took one step too many

Military sources report that this exercise was a practice run-through for units trained in recent months to take over
central Beirut, its main traffic hubs and government offices and to demonstrate its feasibility. They showed that
Shiite forces could move at lightening speed to take over government installations before being stopped by the
Lebanese military. Events 48 hours later showed that the last word may not have been with the Hizballah leader.

But, building on the success of Step One, Nasrallah was meanwhile approaching Step Two, which was timed for
Wednesday night, January 19. Hizballah's militiamen were to lay siege to all the UN offices in Beirut and their
1,000 UN workers, including the UN Economic and Social Commissioner for Western Asia ESCWA; the UN Special
Envoy to Lebanon Michael Williams; the UN Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon - UNRWA and the logistical
facilities of UNIFIL peacekeepers.

In the south, Hizballah forces were instructed to surround UNIFIL patrols with armed fighters and pin them down.
The object of Nasrallah's Step Two was to show UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon who runs the show for the world
body in Beirut and blackmail him into negotiating with Hizballah changes in the international Lebanon Tribunal's procedures
and powers.

At the last minute, the Hizballah leader called this desperate venture off. He had received word that the night before,
Assad had pulled the rug from under his feet and he no longer enjoyed Syrian protection.

The next day, Thursday, Jan. 20, he found the Lebanese army suddenly willing to stand up to Hizballah's superior strength.
That afternoon, special military measures were set in place for guarding Prime Minister Saad Hariri and warding off Hizballah's
takeover of Beirut's centers of government and traffic hubs. Military units accompanied by tanks placed concrete blocks
at the main city intersections and moved in to man them.

A Lebanese military official commented that these measures were prompted by "concerns over movements on the ground
by some parties."

Clearly, the Lebanese chief of staff Gen. Qahwaji had taken aboard the guidelines he had received from Assad at their
nocturnal meeting in Damascus. This gave Hizballah's leader pause.

The STL: Hizballah cannot impede the course of justice

The international tribunal was not standing idle either, having been kept abreast of the turbulent events in Beirut
through UN and Western intelligence informants. Its action aimed to deter Hizballah from its bid to deepen the crisis
in Beirut by demonstrating that nothing Nasrallah did could impede the course of international justice.

Tuesday, the STL registrar Herman von Hebel confirmed on Dec. 24, 2010 that Hizballah officials refusing to appear
before court faced trial in abstentia.

Von Hebel said that "September/October, if things go well, we may see the start of the trial? with or without an accused."
He said the pre-trial judge was keen to expedite proceedings now that the chief prosecutor had submitted his findings.
Directing a barbed warning at Hizballah, Von Hebel added: "The tribunal's budget of 65.7 million dollars (49.4 million euros)
for 2011 should not be affected by the collapse of the Lebanese government". The obligation is for the state, not a government."
This comment told Hizballah that even if it overthrows the government in Beirut, the court will hold the state of Lebanon responsible
for obeying its decrees. What this means is that flouting the tribunal would lay Lebanon open to UN Security Council sanctions.
Intelligence and Iranian sources report that even that warning concerned Hassan Nasrallah less than anxiety for his personal
security that had increased after it dawned on him that Iranian intelligence assassins might be gunning for him.

Assassination is in the air again in Beirut

On the day the Hizballah leader made his moves on the Lebanese chess board and was countered by the STL,
a voice from Paris confirmed his worst fears.

In certain circumstances, Ayatollah Khamenei may well order the Hizballah leader's assassination, said Abol-Hassan Bani-Sadr,
the first president of Shiite revolutionary Iran (1980-1981), and its founder Ruhollah Khomeini's right-hand man.

The veteran revolutionary, who lives in a villa in the Paris suburbs under close guard by French security, wrote those
ominous words Tuesday in the journal Jomhuri-e Eslami.

If in the course of the STL proceedings, supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei's involvement in the Hariri murder comes
to light, he is capable of having Nasrallah liquidated, according to Bani-Sadr, who appears to have good access to
the French intelligence sources monitoring the ties between Tehran and Hizballah.

That estimate was backed up on the same day by US intelligence sources, who reported the suspicion that
Rafiq Hariri was indeed murdered on the personal orders of Ayatollah Khamenei.

This report made waves in all the Arab media, especially in the Persian Gulf, and caused a major upset in Tehran.
If the prosecution proves that Iran's supreme leader ordered Hizballah security chiefs headed by his close confidant,
the late Imad Moughniyeh, to murder Rafiq Hariri, Khamenei could find himself convicted of murder by an international
court. (Moughniyeh, a professional assassin among his other talents, was murdered in Damascus in February 2008.)

Bani-Sadr is of the opinion that Khamenei may be moved to liquidate Nasrallah in order to snap the chain of evidence
against him, bring the international investigation to a dead end without culprits and save the Islamic Republic of Iran
from becoming embroiled in an outrage that the world would not tolerate.

Although Khamenei has issued many assassination orders, this one would be to save his own skin.
Conscious of his peril, Hizballah's leader is reported by intelligence and counterterrorism sources to have instructed
his intelligence and security experts to look into the possibility of knocking off the President of the Special Lebanon
Tribunal, the Italian jurist Prof. Antonio Cassese (the first President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia), and the Canadian Chief Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare who is responsible for the indictments.

This option is also under still-friendly discussion between Hizballah's "wet operations" pros and their counterparts in Tehran.


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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2011, 11:48:15 AM »
If Iran has Nasrallah assassinated, then how can it expect to use Hezbollah in the future? I would think that it would be counterproductive to kill the pleader of a personalist organization like Hezbollah.

Kahmenei seems to have painted himself into a corner with this meddling in Lebanese affairs. Iran has allowed dimwits to take over foreign policy.

It is highly probable that Nasrallah was responsible for the Hariri assassination.

I am pretty sure that there is a lot of pressure on Assad to cut Hezbollah adrift, most likely from France and the US.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2011, 04:52:51 PM »
If Iran has Nasrallah assassinated, then how can it expect to use Hezbollah in the future?

You cant be serious?
They would simply install a different puppet.....that would be the point.

I am pretty sure that there is a lot of pressure on Assad to cut
Hezbollah adrift, most likely from France and the US.

Yes...Iran has some very important linchpins and Syria is at the very top of the list.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2011, 06:28:55 PM »
They would simply install a different puppet.....that would be the point.

The Hezbollah regulars are Nazrallah fans, NOT Kamenei fans.

It's like saying that they could have Sarah Palin assassinated and the teabaggers would then follow anyone designated by the assassins.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2011, 11:20:41 PM »
"The Hezbollah regulars are Nazrallah fans, NOT Kamenei fans"

So if something happens to Nasrallah the Hezbollah movememt falls apart?
LOL....I wish it were that easy.
Hezbollah regulars are IslamoNazis.
And the biggest supporter of IslamoNazis in the world is the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Hezbollah is a proxy of Iran.
Hezbollah would have no choice as to accepting the new Iran puppet if they want to survive

It's like saying that they could have Sarah Palin assassinated and
the teabaggers would then follow anyone designated by the assassins.

No it's not at all like that because Sarah Palin is not a proxy of the Tea Party.
Sarah Palin does not follow orders from the Tea Party and neither do the Tea Party followers abide by orders from the Tea Party.
Comparing the Tea Party to Hezbollah is about as nutty as you have ever been and thats lots of nutty!

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2011, 01:55:41 AM »
You know less than zilch about Hezbollah. You mind is corrupted with crap from debkafiles.

If Nasrallah is assassinated by Iran, you will not see them appoint a new leader.

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2011, 08:02:11 AM »
If Nasrallah is assassinated by Iran, you will not see them appoint a new leader.

XO....Iran is not stupid.
They aren't going to come out and announce "We assassinated Nasrallah"
It will be like the Hariri assassination.....who knows for sure who did it?
Who knows who really was behind the assassination of MLK?, JFK?, RFK?
If Nasrallah was assassinated by Iran....I am sure Iran would not mind Israel being blamed.
And of course that's who would be blamed immediately...."The Mossad must have done this!".
There would be violent protests in the Arab street....REVENGE AGAINST ISRAEL!
Very soon a new leader for Hezbollah would emerge....
and he would be another proxy for Iran with a different name.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2011, 12:04:44 PM »
Iran would not appoint the next leader of Hezbollah. Of course, no one has been assassinated, so this is a moot point.
You see everything in black and white, and believe that everyone else does as well. This is not the case. Hezbollah and the Iranian government are extremely complex organizations with official alliances as well as hidden ones.

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2011, 05:03:24 PM »
Iran would not appoint the next leader of Hezbollah.

XO so let me ask you this...
Could the next head of Hezbollah be anti-Iranian?
Could that happen?
Iran would have veto power on who leads Hezbollah
Hezbollah can not exist in any meaningful form without Iran.

Of course, no one has been assassinated, so this is a moot point.

Well because something has not happened does not mean it is "moot"
But I agree it has not fact I would be surprised if it did.

You see everything in black and white

Not fact in my non-message board life
I am known very much for being able to see both sides.
I am often asked to arbitrate family, friend, and business disputes.
And unlike you even on political message boards I have been known
to give KUDOS and heap praise on my political opposition. If Obama
or Bill Clinton do something I feel is right I immediately praise them,
you on the other hand are the one that only sees "black and white"
and are so blinded by partisanship you seem incapable of the same.
I can rattle off multiple things I think Obama and Bill Clinton did right
without any hesitation and without any qualifiers...but you cant do that
about President Bush. Like I have said if President Bush would have
discovered the cure for lung cancer your first response would be
"well what about stomach cancer"?

Hezbollah and the Iranian government are extremely complex
organizations with official alliances as well as hidden ones.

True.....but one is the alpha-male for sure.

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2011, 12:28:08 AM »
XO so let me ask you this...
Could the next head of Hezbollah be anti-Iranian?
Could that happen?
Iran would have veto power on who leads Hezbollah
Hezbollah can not exist in any meaningful form without Iran.
They would not have to be anti-Iranian, simply non-Iranian. Which would be likely if Iran assassinated the leader of Hezbollah.

You don't know diddly about Hezbollah and its arrangements with Iran or lack of same. You don;t know one single Iranian, or speak Farsi, nor do you speak Arabic and know a single member of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese political party and could surely get without Iranian support. There is no reason why it could not along with Lebanese suport alone.

All you know is what debkafiles posts: Israeli propaganda.

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2011, 12:05:26 PM »
They would simply install a different puppet.....that would be the point.

The Hezbollah regulars are Nazrallah fans, NOT Kamenei fans.

It's like saying that they could have Sarah Palin assassinated and the teabaggers would then follow anyone designated by the assassins.

Isn't this what they expected to happen when they assinated the head of elected government?
Rule by fear works exactly this way, don't you suppose that a few Trottsky supporters were persueded to be Stalin fans when they heard about what happened?


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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2011, 12:24:16 PM »
Hezbollah is a Lebanese political party and could surely get without Iranian support. There is no reason why it could not along with Lebanese suport alone.

All you know is what debkafiles posts: Israeli propaganda.

Hezbolla would be a minority party that jockeyed for power in the parlement if it wasn't well armed and financed.

It is not locally well armed and financed , it is very dependant on Iran for its military strength.

Some of its local support depends on largesse that is second hand money from Iran also.

Iran has their short hairs , so much ,so that a finding that Hezbolla was at fault in an assination would be an embarrasment to Iran.


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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2011, 12:53:33 PM »
They would not have to be anti-Iranian, simply non-Iranian.

Nice change of subject.

You don't know diddly about Hezbollah and its arrangements with Iran or lack of same.

Google allows anyone all they want to know about the terrorist Iranian backed Hezbollah.

You don;t know one single Iranian

LOL....yeah sure.
I have worked with Iranians, have Iranian friends, and actually went on a few dates with an Iranian hottie.
But what does any of that matter anyway? Quit changing the subject.
I guess it's fun watching you be wrong again.

or speak Farsi, nor do you speak Arabic

And Obama doesn't speak Chinese....BFD!

Hezbollah is a Lebanese political party

Hezbollah  is also an Iranian proxy and is classified as a terrorist organization by
The United States, The United Kingdom, Egypt, Israel, Australia, and Canada
and could surely get without Iranian support.
There is no reason why it could not along with Lebanese suport alone.

oh it would probably exist, but nothing like it's current form.
Hezbollah was established by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
Hezbollah is dedicated to creation of Iranian-style Islamic republic in Lebanon.
Iran provides Hezbollah with huge amounts of financial and military assistance.
In 2006 the Iranian government pledged 500 million dollars to Hezbollah which angered many Iranian citizens.
Thousands of Hezbollah members have been sent for military and terror training in Iran.
Tons and tons of weapons shipments from Iran have been intercepted.
But you can pretend Hezbollah would do just fine without Iran.  ::)

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah hugs Iranian president Ahmadinejad

"All you know is what debkafiles posts: Israeli propaganda"

One piece of a puzzle is not the puzzle....
there are many sources of information about the terrorist organization Hezbollah.
but on the same note all you know is anti-Israeli propaganda.

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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2011, 04:19:02 PM »
Hezbollah has representatives in the Lebanese Parliament because Lebanese have voted for them. It is a Shia movement in a country that has Sunnis. Druzes and a variety of Sunni groups. People do not vote for Hezbollah because they like Iranians. Hezbollah provides schools and aid to widows and orphans and such.

Regarding China (a) Obama does not claim to be an expert of China, as you do on Lebanon, and (b) Obama has a huge staff in the State Department to translate and provide him with informatuon on China, while you have debkafiles alone. You claim that the US and/or Iran are on the brink of an all out attack on Iran for years, and no such attack has occurred, so as an authority, you suck, and deeply.
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Re: Lebanon Teeters on the Brink - (Islamic Republic leaders fear exposure)
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2011, 06:37:00 PM »
If it feared not the US , why shouldn't Iran establish an empire ?