Your entire post was right off the mark, completely irrelevant to the thread, and addresses issues that I never raised.
<<Your continued fatal flaw Tee, is that to be a hypocrite, one must support or condone acts in one, while condemning another of a similar act. Republicans who have advocated high moral standards, and have then demonstrated themselves to have not adhered to such are indeed hypocrites. That doesn't make the GOP hypocrits, nor does it make those who support GOP ideals hypocrites either. >>
No, it doesn't, does it? Too bad that I never said that it did. In case you missed my point, it was that whenever a Republican falls from grace, it's particularly delightful because he, as a member of the GOP, was necessarily in and of the party that wants to teach sexual morality to the rest of us. He's in a party that built its base on an appeal to Puritan values and it's just a joy to watch those sanctimonious bastards fall back down into the mud. How would I know which of the un-fallen Republicans are the real thing and which are the hypocrites? I'd have to be nuts to say they're ALL hypocrites - - some of them are probably dumb enough to believe that bullshit.
Let me put it in another way, maybe you'll understand this: If they're all preaching morality, you don't know and I don't know which one is the hypocrite and which one is the true believer. When one of them gets caught, you know one of the hypocrites. Since the Democrats don't stand for sanctity and Godliness, when one of them gets caught, it's just another crook. Unless it's that sanctimonious little prick Lieberman. When he finally gets nailed, I'll be just as happy as if it were a member of God's Own Party.
<<The only one pulling that garbage at the present time would be yourself, taking great glee if a Republican is found falling from grace, while not raising a hair of concern, much less glee, when far more Dems are called on for their illegal/unethical acts. >>
Yeah? Far more? I guess you've got statistics to back that up, eh? Probably from the same Republican "research" firm that weeds out imaginary "felons" from the Florida voter rolls on the scientific basis of their skin colour.
<<Because, hey, they didn't run on high standards, so it's no biggie when they screw up, right?>>
Yeah, well that DOES fit the general definition of hypocrisy, doesn't it?
<<Or perhaps you can find a quote, or even an assemblence of an implication that I have been supportive of Republicans found to have committed crimes or found guilty of unethical conduct. If you don't want to be referred to as either a liar or Xo-like egregiously in error (AGAIN), demonstrate for us this support I have of GOP illegal conduct. >>
Uh, since I never said that you DID support Republican crooks, I don't feel obliged to respond to the challenge. Another straw man, another irrelevancy. It's not ALWAYS about you, sirs. How the fuck would I know if you were a hypocrite or a true believer, and why would I care?
<<Ball in your court, big guy>>
Uh, usually sirs, the player that gets to say "ball in your court" has himself hit the ball over the net. Wake me up when you get there.