Jesus, what's your reticence towards reality?
I don't have a "reticence towards reality" - when presented with valid evidence, I accept it. You have brought no valid evidence. Just because there were some mistakes in the WC report does not make the fundamental conclusion incorrect. And the science leans towards a "lone gunman" scenario.
How does your version of "science" explain a plume of smoke coming from the grassy knoll?
How does your version of "science" explain half the people in Dealey Plaza running towards the grassy knoll and saying that shots came from the grassy knoll?
Last I heard, "science", in reality, showed a man in a policeman's uniform shooting from the grassy knoll. Not to mention the guy who was standing in front of the fence who "felt" the bullet whiz past his ear.
Science has proven that the Zapruder film is faked. Is that science or some crazy science?
The point is that Science emphatically supports the theory of a massive coverup of a massive conspiracy.
Your general cherrypicking at this thing is ridiculous when people who were present have spent the last 43 years looking at this thing and coming up again and again with Oswald (at least not the man who was call Oswald) not even having anything to do with the assassination act itself.