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Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:59:36 PM »
Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 8, 2011, 11:20 PM

USS Kearsarge with Marine helicopters

A fresh surge of popular anti-Mubarak protest ripping across Egypt Tuesday,
Feb. 8 has brought the country closer to a military coup to stem the anarchy
than at any time since the street caught fire on Jan. 25.

Vice President Omar Suleiman warned a group of Egyptian news editors that
the only choice is between a descent into further lawlessness and a military
takeover in Cairo. The distinguished political pundit of the 1960s and 1970s
Hasnin Heikal saw no other way out of the crisis but a government ruling by
the army's bayonets.

The arrival of US naval, marine and air forces in the Suez Canal's Greater
Bitter Lake indicated that the crisis was quickly swerving out of control.

debkafile's military sources report that the American force consists of the
USS Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group of six warships. Helicopters on
some of their decks are there to carry and drop the 2,200 marines of the
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit which has been bolstered by two special
operations battalions.

The flotilla has a rapid strike stealth submarine, the USS Scranton, which is
designed to support special forces' operations.

The US strike force has taken up position at a strategic point opposite Ismailia
between the west bank of the Suez Canal
and its eastern Sinai bank. It is
poised for rapid response in the event of the passage of about 40 percent
of the world's marine freights through the Suez Canal being threatened or
any other extreme occurrence warranting US military intervention.

For a few hours Tuesday, it looked as through Egypt was finally going back
to normal after a two-week popular uprising. But then, suddenly, thousands
again took to the streets and squares of Egyptian towns - from the Western
desert on the Libyan border up to the northern Sinai town of El Arish in the
east, recalling Hosni Mubarak's warning of chaos if he were to depart too soon.

Tuesday, the protesters mounted their biggest demonstrations of their campaign
to oust Mubarak - in Cairo, Alexandria, the Delta Cities, the industrial belt around
Mahalla-el-Kebir and the steel city of Heluan, shouting "Death to Mubarak!" and
"Hang Mubarak!"Although reforms and pay hikes have been pledged by the new
Egyptian government, large groups of workers, mainly in Cairo, rebelled against
state-appointed managements and set up "Revolutionary Committees" to run
factories and other work places, including Egyptian state TV and Egypt's biggest
weekly "Ros el-Yusuf."

The stock market and the pyramids remained closed and traffic blocked solid on
the streets of Cairo.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 03:31:21 AM »

I wouldn't want to leave them n the canal itself very long.


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 12:07:36 PM »
They are not in the Canal: they are poised at the entrance to it. There is no reason why they would enter the Canal.
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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 09:39:54 PM »
Egypt's economy close to meltdown. Strikes shut down whole sectors

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 9, 2011

Customs officers have stopped collecting tolls from Suez shipping

The biggest Arab country with a population of 82 million is on the verge of breakdown as large
sections of is economic machinery are shut down by spreading strikes and workers' revolts
against managements appointed by the Mubarak regime and Vice President Omar's Suleiman's leadership.

debkafile's sources report there are no trains since railway workers declared a general strike;
the main state highways are barricaded by protesters. Egypt's 1,000-kilometer long Cairo-Aswan
lifeline along the Nile was shut to traffic all day Wednesday, Feb. 9 with no sign that the army or
security forces are willing or able to reopen it to traffic.

As protesters continue to pour into Cairo's Tahrir Square, blocked roads are preventing produce reaching
shops and markets ? or even the soldiers posted in the town centers. Men of the 2nd and 9th divisions
on street duty in Cairo have had no food rations for 12 hours. The disruptions threaten Egyptian towns
with dire food shortages.

The work forces of the big industrial complexes have downed tools and customs officers have stopped
levying toll fees from the approximately 50 ships transiting the Suez Canal every day and netting the
Egyptian treasury $3 billion a year, its main source of revenue. Around 1.300,000 foreign tourists have
fled the country since the disorders began taking with them another major source of revenue.

The closure of schools was extended Wednesday after teachers refused to go back to classrooms
until Mubarak was gone.

Egypt's foreign minister Abul Gheit said that the only way to save Egypt is for the army to step in.
He rejected US demands for an immediate repeal of emergency law and accused Washington of
trying to impose its will on Cairo and its advice was "unhelpful."

A high-ranking US source in Washington told debkafile's sources that the situation in Egypt is so
that a military takeover of the regime is no longer a threat but the only hope of rescuing
Egypt from economic meltdown. Yet at this critical moment, he said, "the Egyptian army appears to have
no figure capable of saving Egypt."

Tuesday, Feb. 8, debkafile reported:

A fresh surge of popular anti-Mubarak protest ripping across Egypt Tuesday, Feb. 8 has brought
the country closer to a military coup to stem the anarchy than at any time since the street caught
fire on Jan. 25.

Vice President Omar Suleiman warned a group of Egyptian news editors that the only choice is
between a descent into further lawlessness and a military takeover in Cairo. The distinguished
political pundit of the 1960s and 1970s Hasnin Heikal saw no other way out of the crisis but a
government ruling by the army's bayonets.

The arrival of US naval, marine and air forces in the Suez Canal's Greater Bitter Lake indicated that
the crisis was quickly swerving out of control.

debkafile's military sources report that the American force consists of the USS Kearsarge Expeditionary
Strike Group of six warships. Helicopters on some of their decks are there to carry and drop the 2,200
marines of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit which has been bolstered by two special operations battalions.

The flotilla has a rapid strike stealth submarine, the USS Scranton, which is designed to support special forces'

The US strike force has taken up position at a strategic point opposite Ismailia between the west bank of
the Suez Canal and its eastern Sinai bank. It is poised for rapid response in the event of the passage of
about 40 percent of the world's marine freights through the Suez Canal being threatened or any other
extreme occurrence warranting US military intervention.

For a few hours Tuesday, it looked as though Egypt was finally going back to normal after a two-week
popular uprising. But then, suddenly, thousands again took to the streets and squares of Egyptian towns -
from the Western desert on the Libyan border up to the northern Sinai town of El Arish in the east,
 recalling Hosni Mubarak's warning of chaos if he were to depart too soon.

They mounted their biggest demonstration of the campaign to oust Mubarak - in Cairo, Alexandria,
the Delta Cities, the industrial belt around Mahalla-el-Kebir and the steel city of Heluan, shouting
"Death to Mubarak!" and "Hang Mubarak!"

Although reforms and pay hikes have been pledged by the new Egyptian government, large groups
of workers, mainly in Cairo, rebelled against state-appointed managements and set up
"Revolutionary Committees" to run factories and other work places, including Egyptian state TV
and Egypt's biggest weekly "Ros el-Yusuf."

The stock market and the pyramids remained closed and traffic blocked solid on the streets of Cairo.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 02:05:56 AM »
They are not in the Canal: they are poised at the entrance to it. There is no reason why they would enter the Canal.
"The arrival of US naval, marine and air forces in the Suez Canal's Greater Bitter Lake indicated that
the crisis was quickly swerving out of control."

Strategically this is poor choosing.


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 12:38:07 PM »
Strategically this is poor choosing.

I tend to agree, but I am not a naval tactician. I am sure that a fleet in the narrow part of the Canal proper would surely be a terrible place for a fleet of battleships.

It seems to me that any naval officer with the rank of captain would have received extensive strategic intelligence about both Suez and Panama. I know that I have not, so I tend to believe that this will turn out to have been the proper decision.
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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 01:59:53 PM »
It seems to me that any naval officer with the rank of captain would have received .....

   I was a sailor for a while , then a civil servant ever since, to me it seems that the most common attribute of the high ranking is a very swift ability to say "Yessir".

    Will a captain now and then refuse an order that he can see causes a problem? Yes , but there is a small number of times he can do this without giveing up on further advancement, he didn't get to be a captain with a lot of "nosir" and he will not become an admiral without saying "yessir" more often than not.

   This same effect is the prevalant effect for chooseing the high ranks of the civil service also , our whole government is a winnowing process for finding the tame and promoting that same.

     So could some idiot have ordered a fleet into a straight where our ships cannot maneuvor ?
     Could Lord Cardigan tell the light brigade where to charge?


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 11:58:21 PM »
From the aerial photos, it looks like the Great Bitter lake has plenty of room to maneuver in.

It may be deeper than the area around the delta. It would be embarrassing for one of our ships to run aground.
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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2011, 04:00:12 AM »
Mubarak "punk'd" the Egyptian people - and the world - yesterday. I don't know if it came through on the news yesterday over there, but it was announced that the Army had taken over and for 5 hours Egyptians celebrated and waiting for Mubarak's farewell speech.

Mubarak seems to be a nocturnal pharaoh - we sat up forever waiting for him to show his face on television - and finally, the broadcast started... and he refused to step down. There is now speculation that he threw the Army for a loop as well.

Today promises to be the worst day ever.


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 11:41:49 AM »
Mubarak seems to be a nocturnal pharaoh - we sat up forever waiting for him to show his face on television - and finally, the broadcast started... and he refused to step down. There is now speculation that he threw the Army for a loop as well.

I have noted that in many countries where the temperature is rather warm, the day begins late and ends very late. In Buenos Aires, for example, if you go to a restaurant before 9:00 PM, you will have to wait until after the waiters finish their cena. If you go to a nightclub there, the FIRST performance is at 11:00 PM. The buses run all night in Montevideo, Asuncion and Buenos Aires. The same is true in Spain.

Is Cairo like that? Do people tend to stay up  late there?

I agree that today being a Friday, something serious could happen. I don't think that Mubarak will last much longer as president: he is quite unlikely to last until September.
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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 12:09:21 PM »
Mubarak seems to be a nocturnal pharaoh - we sat up forever waiting for him to show his face on television - and finally, the broadcast started... and he refused to step down. There is now speculation that he threw the Army for a loop as well.

I have noted that in many countries where the temperature is rather warm, the day begins late and ends very late. In Buenos Aires, for example, if you go to a restaurant before 9:00 PM, you will have to wait until after the waiters finish their cena. If you go to a nightclub there, the FIRST performance is at 11:00 PM. The buses run all night in Montevideo, Asuncion and Buenos Aires. The same is true in Spain.

Is Cairo like that? Do people tend to stay up  late there?

I agree that today being a Friday, something serious could happen. I don't think that Mubarak will last much longer as president: he is quite unlikely to last until September.

XO, it is like this through the entire region, and for entire families - even small children stay up extremely late, which I think is kind of stupid since small kids tend to wake up early no matter how late they sleep!


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2011, 12:10:36 PM »
And... he is apparently gone. CNN, Fox and Jazeera are all saying that Mubarak has stepped down. The Higher Council of the Armed Forces is running things.


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2011, 12:53:31 PM »
Hosni Mubarak resigns,
hands powers to the army

DEBKAfile Special Report

February 11, 2011, 6:46 PM (GMT+02:00)

Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Friday, Feb. 11, that Hosni Mubarak had
decided to step down as president of Egypt and hand his powers to the High Council
of the Armed Forces.

The announcement was greeted with ecstatic cheers by the protesters assembled
in Cairo's Tahrir Square and other city centers on the 18th day of their demonstrations
for his ouster.

With a single sentence Suleiman marked the end of Mubarak's 32-year rule of Egypt.

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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2011, 02:01:49 PM »

Congradulations Egypt!

ON Fox they are showing a midnite party in Cairo.

This has the potential to build a better government for the nation , also there is the potential for a worse one, scoundrels always are availible , lets hope that the wise and patrotic win the year they way they have won this day.


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Re: Egypt nears military coup. USS warships in Suez Canal!
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2011, 03:30:34 PM »

Congradulations Egypt!

ON Fox they are showing a midnite party in Cairo.

This has the potential to build a better government for the nation , also there is the potential for a worse one, scoundrels always are availible , lets hope that the wise and patrotic win the year they way they have won this day.

Not quite midnight - it's about 9:30 PM now - we're on the same time.

Also, thousands of Arabs in other countries are heading for (or already at) Egyptian Embassies in their own countries celebrating with them.