I didn't "blur" geographical and numerical isolation, sirs, and it wouldn't matter if I had, because you are beaten either way - - U.S. torture of prisoners is neither geographically nor numerically isolated. And the geographical prevalence is significant because it makes it virtually impossible to argue that these are "rogue" acts by out-of-control soldiers - - they can't be out of control all over the world, can they?
<<OR, people 5-7 layers up the chain of command have no frellin clue/idea/or grasp of what nimrods are doing 5-7 layers down the chain.">>
Well, if they are the commanders, it's their fucking BUSINESS to know such things, unless they are considered too trivial or unimportant to bother with. They have the means to know and they have the duty to know. So they are either guilty of complicity or gross negligence. When the torture is widespread, it's kind of hard to believe that there are that many commanders asleep at the switch. It is obviously complicity, borne out by the total failure to prosecute.
<<Sentences handed out for what crimes committed? Show us.>>
Toughest sentence so far that I'm aware of is 8 yrs. handed out to Charles Graner of Abu Ghraib and last I heard, he's even appealing that. Meantime prisoners have been tortured to death and no sentences or even trials that I'm aware of.
<<Again, if all it [the 90% of the 1100 Abu Ghraib photos and videos not released by the Pentagon] is is embarrasing to terrorists, I wouldn't show them either. Panties on someone's head isn't what I'd call "torture", but the PC crowd would go apesnot, along with radical muslims>>
The above is exactly what you said, with a clarifying comment added by me in square brackets. Sounded to me like you don't want to realease the photos because they would embarrass the "terrorists." Now I see a different interpretation - - they don't show torture, so there's no point releasing them to expose wrongdoing, but the embarrassment they cause to the "terrorists" would cause "the PC crowd" to go apeshit." OK my apologies for unintentionally distorting what you said, BUT: your reasoning still doesn't hold water. The "PC crowd" are still American citizens with a right to know what their employees are doing in their name. The Pentagon has no right to withhold the photos simply because some citizens who have every fucking right to object might in fact object, whatever YOU may think of the merits of their objections. Furthermore, it's hard to imagine any humiliations depicted in the withheld photos and videos that could be more embarrassing to the "terrorists" than those already released. It's much more likely that the concern is not with "embarrassment" (a truly ridiculous concept) but with real torture, none of which - - apart from the dogs and the "not hooked up" electrodes - - has been shown to date.
<<Such a media spectacle, all in the effort to hurt Bush of course, simply will fuel the fire of muslim radicals, and those already predisposed to believing what the media want's them to believe about America. >>
TRANSLATION: Telling the truth about America and showing pictures of what they actually are doing (as opposed to what their TV spokesmen SAY they are doing) would enrage a lot of people. Nice to see such frankness and honesty from you.
<<Such a broadcasting would most certainly result in a significant INCREASE in attacks against americans & innocent Iraqis. Obviously, you don't care>>
Well that's only half-true. I do care about attacks on innocent Iraqis, but I don't think pictures of American atrocities will fuel attacks against Iraqi civilians, who are only the victims of the atrocities, not the perpetrators. I don't care about attacks on Americans, in fact I think they are well deserved and should continue until the last invader leaves Iraq to the Iraqis. As in fact they will.
<<And here again Tee's tactic to a shrewd sharpness....accusing me and like minds, along with Bush assumingly as trvializing actual torture . . .>>
The fact is, you can't have a debate about torture in this group without you or a "like mind" mentioning panties or loud music, NEITHER of which has ever been seriously described as torture by any member of this group. You are intent on trivializing the issue by dragging in non-related matter.
<<Waterboardering is borderline torture, since no one is either hurt or injured, much less killed.>>
That's outrageous. Do you think it's OK for other countries or "terrorists" to waterboard American troops or civilians? Your mother for example? What the fuck is WRONG with you? No, don't tell me about beheadings etc, just answer the question: any problem with "terrorists" waterboarding their American prisoners?
<<Tee, you wouldn't know common sense if it were a hive of African killer bees, who's nest you just kicked. It's not torture, which is what your rant tangentially was running off on>>
Forget common sense, sirs, which in your case is a hopeless goal, just try a little logic instead: If Bush reserves the right to define torture because he's afraid it might limit him from using such techniques as putting women's panties on the heads of his prisoners, why doesn't he just say, "Fuck it, I don't really need to put panties on their heads anyway, so I'll drop my right to define torture for myself?" That is obviously NOT the reason he wants to define torture for himself - - it is so he can torture people and say "It's not torture."
<<No, just the text of the quote>>
The text of the quote as I recall it is that the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of prisoners are quaint and old fashioned. That's my best recollection. If you want to challenge it go ahead, but I've stated my own recollection of it to the best of my ability.
<<endless supply of accusations, nothing more than referencing "reports of torture" minus any proof or evidence.>>
Well, I wasn't there, if that's what you mean. I refer to reports in MSM, the one I recall referring to a "desert base" of the U.S. forces in Iraq, probably in the Toronto Star or the Globe & Mail, and I'm sure in the New York Times as well, but I don't recall more now. Some members may remember the reports, some may not. If you are implying I made it up, I feel somewhat insulted that you would think that, although it's typical for you, but I really can't help it, and I certainly don't care enough about you or your opinion to waste even a minute of my time researching the issue at all. Far as I'm concerned, it's what happened and if you don't believe it, that's YOUR problem. I'm writing not to convince you of anything, which is impossible, but merely so your bullshit doesn't remain unanswered in public.
I made my "barrage" comment thinking you were still going on a paragraph-by-paragraph cut-and-paste format, and so I looked back no further than the preceding paragraph for the "barrage." You're right, of course, the whole post DID add up to a legitimate barrage. How about that? See what happens when you insult someone? You get insulted in return. Sometimes I feel I kinda went over the top. Moreso on some other occasions but . . . Sorry if I offended you.