<<Which means ANY carrying out of a death penalty will be concluded to be a miscarriage of justice, by them. >>
Once again you are not thinking clearly enough to define the issues and so are as usual confused.
First of all the issue with Saddam's trial for those who, like myself, are very much in favour of the death penalty, was that it was unfair, flawed and a farce. AI and others felt the same way. They produced very specific criticisms of the trial procedure which went beyond the mere fact that the death penalty was imposed. Problems dealing with the inabiility to confront witnesses, the inability to protect defence counsel (three of whom were killed,) the replacement of a judge in mid-trial for what effectively amounted to procedural errors (including failing to respond the way the government felt he should have responded to threats from the accused to witnesses) - - and possibly other flaws as well. (I read only some abridged newspaper accounts of AI's objections.)
Although you would like to have seen AI attack the trial and find no flaw other than the imposition of the death penalty, that is just not what happened. Once again, when conservative theory meets actual fact, fact does not match theory and so must be "re-engineered." You would like to re-engineer the AI objections to be as silly as you would like to imagine them as being. But that just did not happen. Very real and very specific criticisms of the trial were put forth by AI, HR Watch and other human rights organizations. NONE OF YOUR BULLSHIT CHANGES THAT FACT. So get over it.
<<Procedures for such will be concluded to have been an illegitmate application of law and sentencing. Which goes back to the original point how simply citing 2 organizations that would have never supported the criminal trial and its resultant sentencing to begin with, doesn't bode well for you in trying to lay claim to some rational mind set in how you've concluded the trial to be illegitimate & a farce.>>
You are so full of shit. If you have one instance - - one! - - of a criticism levelled by AI against the trial procedure that you think is bogus or phony, let's hear it. Otherwise don't go blathering on about how phony their objections are.
<< I said, the difference between your protestation of Saddam's trial and Js's is the difference between lunacy and morality >>
I'm the lunatic for finding fault with the trial, AI are lunatics, HR Watch are lunatics, but
you're sane?

LMFAO, if YOU'RE sane, I wanna be crazy.
<<Now can we giive the readers a rest?
TRANSLATION: Every time I open my mouth your answer shows what a total idiot I am, but if I get one last chance to say something and you - - pleeeze, pleeeze - - don't respond, then maybe I won't look so bad? >>
Not a chance, pal. This is a debating club. If you can't stand the heat . . .
<< But it's your hole, so do as you wish>>
Thank you. It's my wish to continue exposng your fucking idiocy for the crypto-fascist garbage that it is. Nothing personal, sirs, in fact I kind of admire your perseverance, but (as I explained before) it's for the sake of anyone reading these exchanges who might otherwise be taken in by your outrageous bullshit. There's a real fascist poison blanketing America and you're part of the problem and I'm part of the solution. Get it?