Author Topic: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind  (Read 1657 times)

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My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« on: January 02, 2007, 11:36:18 PM »
My subject line is merely to get attention because I really want to maybe get some perspective from the other side of the aisle.

Yesterday, the mayor of Memphis, TN, Willie Herenton proposed the Memphis build a new football arena to replace the Liberty Bowl.  I've already decided he's out of his mind but if anyone has any reason to think he's wise in this decision, please point it out to me.


Herenton pitches construction of new football stadium

Jan 1, 2007 09:27 PM

"Don't hate the playa, hate the game," said Memphis Mayor Willie Herenton, describing a run-in with a citizen on the streets of his city.  The citizen was giving the Mayor advice about how to navigate a run of bad press.

Herenton shared the story with a crowd of friends and colleagues at his "State of the City" address, an event which usually garners a measurable amount of controversy in its own right.

It didn't do that today, but Herenton did announce a plan for the Fairgrounds that a lot of people did not see coming.

Mayor Herenton's prayer breakfast seemed part revival and part campaign kick-off.

"I don't care who knows. I love the Lord," said Herenton.

There was none of the flamboyance and some would say arrogance of past addresses, though Herenton did say he was called to the job of Mayor by God.

The Mayor also talked about the city being in pretty good shape financially.

The Mayor added, "this city is not a broke city. It's a fiscally sound city."

Here's what the Mayor laid out for Memphis in 2007.

Herenton says he will look for $50 million in additional funds to support housing improvements around the city and end urban blight.

His next budget will include money for crime fighting tools.

The Mayor spent most of his time talking about a new football stadium at the Fairgrounds.

The Mayor said he will request City Council support for a new 50-thousand seat football stadium that would replace the Liberty Bowl.

The Mayor told the crowd of city staffers and elected officials he believes the Mid-South Coliseum should be torn down.

He said it is a waste of money to fix up two old buildings, the Coliseum and the Liberty Bowl.

"We need a new stadium. We need a gateway, an improved entrance. We need to rid the community of an antiquated coliseum that costs money," said Herenton.

The Mayor says his proposed 50-thousand seat arena could be paid for in part with private funds using naming rights.

Council approval is needed to get the project going.

Several Council members weighed in on the Mayor's proposal.

"We can't afford it. We have a Pyramid that's empty. We have a coliseum that's empty. We haven't paid for the Pyramid yet. We have a FedEx Forum that still isn't paid for. We have crime out of control. We need to get our fiscal house in order before we start a huge project," said City Councilwoman, Carol Chumney.

"I think the idea of a new stadium would be fine. But, I want to listen to the plans and take if from there," said Memphis City Councilwoman, Barbara Swearengen Holt.

Holt and Chumney say they would have a problem tearing down the Coliseum.

Mayor Herenton plans to present a comprehensive plan with drawings and more details to the City Council in 45 days.

City funding for the Mid-South Coliseum ended yesterday.

Memphis City Council members are considering closing the coliseum or handing over operations to someone else.

The city loses roughly $300,000 to $400,000 dollars a year on the building.

There's no definite decision on what will happen to the building now that city funding has stopped.

Now, call me crazy but Memphis is exactly rolling in outdoor sports teams that use a ball shaped like a football.  There are a couple of Bowl games played here every year and I think the U of M uses the Liberty Bowl some.  So, I have no idea what he thinks we're going to do with such a thing.

We already have the Pyramid sitting empty, the Coliseum sitting empty and the Liberty Bowl sitting empty most of the year.  Isn't it insanity to propose a new arena when we don't use what we have? 

I listened to the local talk conservative radio program this evening and not one person said it was a good idea.  Herenton's trying to tell everyone that it would be paid for with private funds for the most part but we've heard that when they wanted to build both the Forum and the Pyramid! 

It really worries me that he's giving a speech and saying a god told him to be mayor and saying things like "don't hate the playa, hate the game" and comparing himself to somebody in the bible named Nehemiah who I've never heard of.

I gotta say, I'm rattled.


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Re: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 11:40:23 PM »
 Nehemiah rebuilt and repopulated the destroyed and deserted Jeruslem.

Is Memphis in that bad of a shape?


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Re: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2007, 12:01:39 AM »
Sounds like he is trying to get people into the city without fixing the problems that made them move out in the first place.

Memphis competes with regional cities like Nashville , Little Rock and Charlotte as well as with its own suburbs.

If you can't stop people from moving to the burbs give them a reason to come back and spend a buck or two.

I don't know if a multi-use stadium (football, baseball and concerts at aminimum) is the answer.


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Re: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2007, 12:34:35 AM »

I think that Memphis IS in that bad a shape but I'm an idealist who thinks that urban blight is a crime against humanity.  The funny thing is that if Herenton is comparing himself to this guy who had to rebuild a ruined whatever, he really is sinking himself since the dumbass has been mayor for 16 years and is running for another four.


I agree with your assessment.  The problem is the one thing that he thinks will bring people in to the city is a stadium.  He gave the FedEx Forum a no-compete clause in Memphis, so if they're having a basketball game then the Pyramid couldn't have a show or a rock show or anything the same night.  One of the most infamous incidents involved a possible sellout show by CHER being moved to the Desoto County Civic Arena just across the Mississippi line.  These guys are morons that run this city and I'm starting to think that even I could run it better.

I actually went and looked up the city budget and it had stuff in there that I was surprised to see.  One of the things I've been thinking the city should do is some kind of energy efficiency program on all the cities buildings and they already are.

All they'd have to do is lift that no-compete clause with the Forum and the Pyramid could get revved up again, maybe even the old Mid-South Coliseum could get some stuff in and pay for itself. 


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Re: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2007, 01:31:06 AM »
FedEx is to Memphis what Coca Cola is to Atlanta. It is no surprise there was a sweetheart deal involved with the forum, even though i guessing Fedex just bought the name rights.

Follow the money, why would the city cripple one asset in favor of another. Do a little digging, do a little investigative reporting.

Who got the construction contracts? Who did the heavy lifting getting it past council? Who manages the forum and how do they profit?



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Re: My Mayor Is Out Of His Mind
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2007, 03:15:38 AM »
     I would have to have a strong monetary incentive to move into an urban area , I am liveing in a sort of urban area now because this location saves me a lot on gasoline.

      What is possible in Memphis ? Reasonable rents?  Safe and clean neighborhoods? Beauty , culture  , entertainment  , education  , Elvis?

     Good Jobs?

       There just has to be something that is attractive .