<<The oil issue factors in to decisions, of course, in this way: not so much as to US "control" of the Iraqi output but so to keep the political situation in the Middle East conducive to a continued flow of oil. This is not, except corruptly, about oil companies and fat cat profits; instead, regarding this factor, it is, in a very real sense, designed to keep our nation's lifeblood flowing, and thus averting major dislocation, suffering and death of average Joes like me.>>
Well, since the oil was flowing without the invasion and in all likelihood would have continued to flow for the immediate future, the invasion could not have had anything to do with "keeping the flow going" since there was no immediate threat to it. There WAS, however, Saddam's threat to denominate Iraqi oil sales in euros, a decision which, if adopted, would have had serious negative repercussions on the strength of your vulnerable dollar, particularly if others followed suit. If you have anything in mind beyond the immediate future, then it seems you are agreeing with me: they want the flow [to them] to continue in my future scenario of vastly increased international demand outstripping production, when the major players (China in particular) are a lot more muscular than they are at present. I agree with the possibility you have expressed, that the concern might be more altruistic, in that it could genuinely be about the nation's need for oil, not Bush and Cheney's concerns for the bottom line of their oilpatch buds. However, given the corrupt and venal nature of both of these men, it is kind of hard to imagine them forsaking a God-given opportunity to reap the immense wealth that is just there for the taking.
<<But beyond oil, only a true incorrigible cynic would fail to understand the genuine fear and the reflexive impulse to fight back at the appropriate targets caused by the 911 attacks. >>
Quite honestly, I have yet to meet a real New Yorker who felt any "reflexive impulse" to invade Iraq in response to the 911 attacks. The only ones I know who will support the Iraq war are rabid Zionists who are just happy to see an enemy of the State of Israel destroyed and his country dismembered into feuding factions. They see it as one less problem for the Israelis to worry about. All of them, the Zionists and non-Zionists alike, feel it's sheer insanity to connect Iraq or Saddam to what happened on 911. If this "reflexive impulse" existed anywhere, it certainly wasn't prevalent in the city most directly victimized by the attacks and I suspect it was deliberately fostered for the sole purpose of facilitating a preconceived administration plan that was related only tangentially if at all to 911.
<<The rationales offered in the beginning were not fig leaves as much as they were the chimera of impassioned minds (leading, I must add, to a wrong policy choice on Iraq). ..
That might have been semi-convincing, had we known nothing of PNAC and the involvment of Bush's senior cabinet members in the plan. Passion had nothing to do with this.
<<The successive rationales, laudable if successful, were occasioned by the new situation that prevailed in Iraq post-invasion. >>
Does this mean what I think it does? That as the situation on the ground changed, new reasons for staying there had to be cooked up accordingly? [I'm leaving aside the "laudable if successful" part because it opens a whole nuther can of worms.] I'd go along with that. They lying bastards went in on false pretences and when the original lie was exploded, they had to invent new ones.
<<The idea now, according to all well-meaning people, is to end the matter most successfully according to the highest principles that can be brought to bear on the problem.>>
WOW. THAT'S lawyer-talk. You oughtta write for "President" Bush. It says everything and it says nothing, all at the same time. Who are "all well-meaning people?" Are Bush and Cheney included? Is Jim Baker? (If I might digress for a moment, WTF is so "well-meaning" about Baker and what group of Americans did he ever benefit?) Is Cindy Sheehan well-meaning? Is Ted Kennedy? Don't ALL "well-meaning people" want to end every project "most successfully" and what are the "highest principles" and which of them can be brought to bear on the problem? Is that really a confession that nobody knows now what to do?