Left Behind and all its offspring are violent and intolerant because the Book of Revelation, on which they are based, is also violent amd intolerant. To this we can easily add 'insane'.
The main difference between a Crusade and jihad is that the goal of the Crusades was to secure the "Holy Land" so that should Jesus return as promised, he would not find himself in hostile territory. The idea of the jihad is merely to convert infidels to Islam as an evangelical exercise. Upon occasion, a jihad would be declared as the result of some provocation by practitioners of some other religion.
These are all nutty ideas. I see no real reason to ban a silly Christian-based game from a Wallyworld rather than to ban all violent games.
If the Muslims do not like a Christian-based game, let them develop their own game.
How about a "Bonfire of the Vanities" game in which the player gets to play the role of Girolamo Savanarola? That would be educational. Especially as Savarola discovers that the Pope is against him and has plans to barbecue him...