I thought it was opposite.
also there are other factors that would slow down jobs going overseas.
ever notice in all the talks about outsourcing no one ever mention quality .
I don`t recall anyone saying better quality.
in pretty much in all fields involved the outsource is less experienced than the u.s.worker
espeacially technology.
remember most of these jobs did not exist in these countries in any large capacity till less than a decade ago.
it`s hard enough train people in the U.S. .
can you imagine getting people overseas up to speed.
it`s not exactly happening.
ILM a fews years ago hired a bunch of animators overseas.
it was one giant waste of money.
none of these guys are experienced enough to do the job.
the only plus side is all this outsourcing is increasing the technology of these countries.
in 5 to 10 years we will have serious competition.
isn`t that the whole point of outsourcing?
notice japan don`t really outsource except to the U.S.
they don`t fear we`ll pirate their tech.