<<Yet you keep focusing on it, [llack, or rather
alleged lack of evidence] as if it does prove the allegations. >>
That's not true, either. First of all, there IS no lack of evidence. There's actually a good deal of evidence:
- Abu Ghraib
Bhagram Base
Secret prisons in Eastern Europe
Secret prisons in Diego Garcia
Mickey Mouse sentencing of low-ranking personnel
Lack of prosecution of higher ranking officers
Reluctance of the "President" to endorse anti-torture legislation
I have NEVER "focused" on lack of evidence as proof of wrongdoing. Lack of evidence is something the DEFENDERS of torture raise to rebut the charges - - "Tee insists that . . . WITHOUT A SHRED of evidence that . . . " and this has to be dealt with. I am not in the habit of simply ignoring anything said to contradict my beliefs, no matter how idiotic the contradiction may be. I deal with it. I point out the simple truth that government wrongdoing is not usually advertised by the wrongdoers, it is usually covered up (again, as anybody with any knowledge of the real world would be forced to admit) and given the resources they have to work under cover, it is often, most of the time, SUCCESSFULLY covered up, so that we never hear about it.
For example, despite the passage of years, less than TEN PER CENT of the Abu Ghraib photos have ever been released to the public. What are they afraid of? What are they hiding? Of course, to right-wing fantasists and persistent deniers of reality, like sirs, these pictures probably don't show anything wrong at all - - they are probably of birthday parties given by the guards for their prisoners, with everybody wearing funny paper hats and eating birthday cake. To those of us more acquainted with the real world, those pictures probably show atrocities more horrible than anything the U.S. government has yet revealed, and are kept secret for that very reason.
So, when the non-existent "lack of evidence" is brought up - - inevitably by conservative defenders of the right to torture or by conservative deniers of torture - - the argument is answered with the common-sense proposition that OF COURSE you would not expect there to be much evidence of these things. Even the Nazis knew better than to publicize their own misdeeds. But to say that I
focused on lack of evidence as proof of the allegations is just more total bullshit. As usual.