I worked for a company that was hqd in Indiana. They gave everyone off on Indy 500 and they were a subsidiary of Xerox. If the Dems deserve a boot up their ass for this piddly lie, but the Bushidiot deserves a live Abomb up his for his monstrous and deadly ones . You know that RR doesnt really give a ratsass about this but only wants to stir up anti-Dem shit in any devious & shallow way he can.
Dude, it looks bad. They made a big shittin' deal out of working five days a week and then take off a day. The mistake that people are going to make is DEFENDING these assholes after hammering on the "other side" for the same kind of piddling shit for 6 years. The mistake would be not to call these jerkoffs on their crap. They think they can can get away with it just like Bush and the GOP thought they could get away with it.
Talk about fear of god. If they got a shower of emails hammering on their asses for this kind of stuff, it would scare the crap out of them. When I heard 100 hours, I didn't envision weeks of hour-long increments. I heard "100 hours". Anything else is the type of parsing of words that angered me when the GOP was in control.
Hence, I have just fired off a pissy email to my newly-elected congressman.