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Obama and Mexican Trucks
« on: May 01, 2011, 04:05:27 PM »
Obama and Mexican Trucks

April 15, 2011

Barack Obama's deal with the president of Mexico to allow Mexican trucks to carry their loads onto U.S. highways and roads is new evidence of his high-handed solo behavior that has become Standard Operating Procedure in the Administration. Here are ten reasons why Obama's plan is dangerous and must be stopped by Congress and public protest.

Obama's deal with President Felipe Calderon, announced on March 3, bypasses Congress, defies the wishes of the American people, and looks like the action of a Third World dictator who thinks representative government is a nuisance and can be ignored. Congress made its wishes emphatically clear in 2007 when it voted to continue our ban on Mexican trucks: the House roll-call vote was 411 to 3 and the Senate's was 75 to 23.

Obama's deal is a direct attack on the jobs available to U.S. truck drivers because it helps big-business interests cut their costs by hiring cheaper Mexican drivers. Obama's deal is also an attack on small business (i.e., the owner-operated and independent truck drivers) who constitute the big majority of U.S. trucks.

The claim that Obama's deal is reciprocal (i.e., U.S. trucks will be allowed to drive into Mexico) is so cynical that we can hardly believe anyone says it with a straight face. "South of the border down Mexico way" (in the words of the old popular song) is the most dangerous war zone in the world (more dangerous than Afghanistan or Libya), where U.S. truck drivers would become the targets of hijackings, theft, murder, kidnappings, and even beheadings committed by the drug cartels.
Built into the Obama deal is the sneaky imposition of costs on both U.S. truck drivers and U.S. taxpayers. Each truck will be required to install an EOBR (electronic on-board recorder) costing $3,000 plus maintenance fees: U.S. drivers at their own expense, and Mexican trucks as a gift from U.S. taxpayers paid out of the Highway Trust Fund. U.S. taxpayers are already paying $1,600 each for many Mexican trucks to replace their old mufflers with catalytic converters. 
Obama's deal will make it easy for Mexican trucks to bring in loads of illegal aliens and illegal drugs. Border inspection will be a farce, maybe only one in ten trucks inspected, perhaps merely one in twenty.

Opening our southern border to Mexican trucks will be a giant step toward the goal of creating a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada, a proposal launched by President George W. Bush using a website called Security and Prosperity Partnership (since deactivated). Obama is advancing the plan under less threatening names: the March 23, 2010 State Department fact sheet titled "United States-Mexico Partnership: A New Border Vision," a Nov. 30, 2010 "Trusted Traveler" agreement with Mexico signed by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, and a Feb. 4, 2011 declaration signed by Obama with Canada called "Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security."

When Mexican truck drivers have their layovers and turn-arounds in the U.S., what's to prevent them from enjoying a frolic and diversion? They could use that time to father a baby who would then be proclaimed a U.S. citizen and get generous financial benefits and handouts provided by U.S. taxpayers.

We can assume that Mexican truck drivers will not be required to speak and read English, as U.S. law requires. The previous Secretary of Transportation, Mary Peters, stated at a Senate hearing that if drivers respond to test questions in Spanish, the test-taker nevertheless checks the box that they are "English proficient."

While U.S. truck drivers are strictly limited to the number of hours per day they can be on the road, there is no way to figure out how many hours a Mexican truck driver has been on the road when he clocks in at the border. Has he been driving the typical Mexican 20-hour day?

Mexican trucks will make highway safety for Americans a major problem. We have no way to know a Mexican driver's record of accidents, alcohol or drugs, or a Mexican truck's record of brakes or emissions. Mexico doesn't bother with records or regulations.

Don't let anybody get by with saying that NAFTA requires us to admit Mexican trucks because it's a treaty. It isn't; NAFTA never complied with the treaty provision in the U.S. Constitution and is merely a law passed by Congress that can be changed or overturned.

Tell your Member of Congress to take action to cancel Obama's truck deal with the Mexican president. Solo deals like this one cannot be tolerated under constitutional government.


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 04:26:57 PM »
I know from personal experience that this is going to kill innocent people.


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 04:46:16 PM »
I know from personal experience that this is going to kill innocent people.
They dont care....
The goal is to make the US/Mexico one country.
If there are dead bodies along the way as a result.....they could give a shit.
They know combining the two countries could not be won at the ballot box.
So they continue to use whatever tools they can to make this happen over a few decades.

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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 05:08:01 PM »
Kramer ya ever noticed Obama always seems to have other
countries interests at the forefront instead of US interests?

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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 05:31:22 PM »
That is what you get when you have an anti-American pretending to be our president.


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2011, 06:17:41 PM »
I know from personal experience that this is going to kill innocent people.

Because, of course, you were killed by a dozing Mexican truck driver in a previous life, right?

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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2011, 06:37:41 PM »


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2011, 08:33:15 PM »
But ya see BT thinks he's being a wise ass by rushing in to expose that "see Bush did this too!"
BT a defense attorney for Muslims/Liberals and prosecutor when it comes to Conservatives!
Weird in my opinion....but without weird.....the world would be pretty boring.
But BT will see me say Bush was full of shit for it too....
But BT wont see that from XO/Liberals in here....
That's the difference.....
And moral equivalents hate it when they see the difference because they always wanna pretend there is none.

BTW...Bush isnt's 2011!
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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2011, 09:44:07 PM »
Your email source seemed to be heavier on diatribe than fact.

This is all part of NAFTA and has incrementally been in the works for years.

And since conservatives generally are in favor of free trade i'm not sure why this has suddenly become an issue when Obama implements a portion of the agreement. The same deal applies to Canada.

But hey if it bothers you that much, write your congressman and ask him to exercise congressional oversight. Might as well ask him while you are at it why we are footing the bill to upgrade mexican registered trucks.

Don't consider this a defense of Obama. Consider this an attack on ignorance.

I don't see this as an Obama issue as your email author triers to paint it. I agree with Kramer it could be a safety issue. And taking it further i could see it as a protectionist issue because apparently American truckers aren't up to competing with Mexican drivers, shiftless, drunken, promiscuous unsafe  bastards that they are.

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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2011, 10:42:53 PM »
And since conservatives generally are in favor of free trade i'm not sure why this has suddenly become an issue when Obama implements a portion of the agreement. The same deal applies to Canada.

I'm generally in favor of free trade too. But I remain suspicious of supra-national trade treaties which compromise national sovereignty. It's not like this sort of thing is without precedence.

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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2011, 11:09:53 PM »
I'm generally in favor of free trade too. But I remain suspicious of supra-national trade treaties which compromise national sovereignty. It's not like this sort of thing is without precedence.

In your opinion does NAFTA do that?


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2011, 11:43:01 PM »
There is no evidence that Mexican drivers are poorer drivers than US drivers, or that Mexican trucks are more dangerous. This was a negotiated part of the NAFTA treaty that probably was not a good idea. Id' say the best way to deal with it would have been to simply hitch Mexican trailers to American tractors and American trailers to Mexican tractors in a couple of yard on the border.

I suppose that since this is a part of NAFTA that was signed off on, they will simply have to comply or renegotiate the treaty. The people who put this in there were members of the US and Mexican oligarchy, and they did it to make more profits.

I recall once I took a train from San Antonio to Mexico City. The locomotive just pushed the couple of cars with Mexico-bound passengers up to the border and then decoupled them, and we were hitched up to the Mexican locomotive on the other side.
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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2011, 12:20:27 AM »
There is no evidence that Mexican drivers are poorer drivers than US drivers

Why, because none came up when you Googled it or are you just running off at the mouth again?


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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2011, 01:28:08 AM »
Your email source seemed to be heavier on diatribe than fact.
This is all part of NAFTA and has incrementally been "in the works for years".

Oh really BT......who is President now?
Uh?......BREAKING NEWS it's 2011.
Dont matter what the F has been in the works for years.
Who sits behind the "Buck Stops Here" now?

I don't see this as an Obama issue as your email author triers to paint it.

Oh really BT...who is President now?

Why dont you go research some more and try to dig up some more dirt on Bush?
Maybe you can find more ways to take the blame away from who is President now.
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Re: Obama and Mexican Trucks
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2011, 01:46:11 AM »
Ya know CU if you want to put this all on Obama that is fine.

But that wouldn't be true.

And if the truth doesn't matter to you that is fine also.