It makes perfect sense to give Bin Laden a proper Muslim burial at sea. The goal is to get rid of him without causing riots, chaos and disturbances, and in such a way as there is no shrine, no place to give any movement a place to focus on. A burial at sea accomplishes all of this. There are no relics, nothing to build a shrine to. It is the quickest and best way to have Bin Laden forgotten.
Muslims die all the time going and coming from the hajj, and are buried at sea. To defile the corpse could incite riots and disturbances in places like Pakistan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. It costs lives and money to put down riots and such. This was well thought out by people, probably in the Defense Dept. who understand how Muslims think and act.
I realize that it would make guys like Kramer feel really macho to kick the corpse, pee on his face, maybe take a dump on it, but suppose that it this were done it would cause a riot and thousands would die, and US-Pakistani relations were ruined for decades? Would it be worth it then?
I think not.