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For what it's worth
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:13:55 PM »
Skulking Towards bin Laden: Obama Overridden by Military and Intel Officials in Takeout of OBL?

As Obama continues to politicize and mine the takedown of Osama Bin Laden and the outrageous "Islamic burial" that followed, new details emerge of his reluctance and refusal to sign off on the mission. It is the height of hypocrisy and crass opportunism to draw out the release of the death photos so as to prolong the news cycle on the story, and to neglect the tornado-ravaged parts of the country -- instead, Obama campaigns at Ground Zero on Thursday for an "O-victory lap," while it appears that in fact Obama had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the OBL operation.

The story that follows is deeply disturbing, but hardly surprising. When news broke that Obama rejected bombing the complex last month, one had to wonder why. It was reported that Obama feared collateral damage, despite being assured that the walls of the complex were high enough so that no civilians would be killed. Instead, he risked losing Americans in a mano-a-mano raid.

    A reluctant American president who was ultimately overridden by senior military and intelligence officials to finally take out terrorist Osama Bin Laden? Ulstermann (hat tip CO)

    Note:  This communication came from our long time D.C. Insider and details previous and ongoing conflicts surrounding the decision to assassinate terrorist Osama Bin Laden.  This has been reproduced here as originally communicated to us.


    Please get this out ASAP.  Want specific people to know we know.

     RE Osama Bin Laden.  Significant push to take him out months ago.  Senior WH staff resisted.  This was cause of much strain between HC and Obama/Jarrett.  HC and LP were in constant communication over matter ? both attempted to convince administration to act.  Administration feared failure and resulting negative impact on president.  Intel disgusted over politics over national security.  Staff resigned/left.  Check timeline to corroborate.
    Now Intel already leaking to media facts surrounding how info obtained. Namely from enhanced interrogation efforts via GITMO prisoners.  Obama administration placed in corner on this.  Some media aware of danger to president RE this and attempting protection.  Others looking for further investigation.  We are pushing for them to follow through and already meeting with some access.

    Point of determination made FOR Obama not BY Obama.  Will clarify as details become more clear.  Very clear divide between Military and WH.  Jarrett marginalized 100% on decision to take out OBL.  She played no part.  BD worked with LP and HC to form coalition to force CoC to engage.

    IMPORTANT SPECIFIC:  When 48 hour go order issued, CoC was told, not requested.  Administration scrambled to abort.  That order was overruled.  This order did not originate from CoC.  Repeat ? this order did not originate from CoC.  He complied, but did not originate.

    Independent military contacts have confirmed.  Stories corroborate one another.  This is legit.

    The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a Coup within Obama WH.

    Speaking with additional contacts RE info.

    Stay safe.


    HC = Hillary Clinton

    BD = Bill Daley

    LP = Leon Panetta

    CoC = Chain of Command/Commander in Chief


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 09:21:35 PM »
What's he (Obama) going to do about the coup, fire them all? He's a boy and this proves it. The little boy had to have his ass wiped and forced into the adult playground by the real men that stepped in and did the right thing.

Barry, get the hell out of the Oval Office and go play a round of golf and get the hell out of the way.


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2011, 09:24:38 PM »
  I seriously do not like this theroy.

  There is very good reason for the President to be commander in cheif, this is the means by which the people controll the military rather than putting up with it the other way around.


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 09:34:32 PM »
I would like to have an expert in body language and a psychologist analyze this picture and tell me what the think about the boys slouching body language and facial expression. To me he looks small, too small to be a president.

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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 10:03:20 PM »
>>When news broke that Obama rejected bombing the complex last month, one had to wonder why. It was reported that Obama feared collateral damage, despite being assured that the walls of the complex were high enough so that no civilians would be killed. Instead, he risked losing Americans in a mano-a-mano raid.<<

First of all, if you bomb the complex, who is going to do the BDA? It takes boots on the ground to do the kind of BDA necessary when one person was the target and the body is lying in pieces amongst piles of rubble. So, you blow the hell out it, the Pakistani military and or police is at the compound within probably 20 to 30 minutes, now what? It's at night. Your SEAL team has to be in the area anyway to do the Bomb Damage Assessment. They walk around with flashlights looking for a piece of Bin Laden?

As MT would say, hilarious.


And BTW, SEALS wait an entire lifetime to go on a mission like this. They love it.


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2011, 10:22:39 PM »
    It went well , arguing with success is tough.

    I might have brought Osama to the Smithsonian for a bit of Taxidermy, but I might have been wrong.

      A few years back the CIA pulled a wrecked Soviet submarine off the sea bottom, there were a few bodys recovered in the wreckage, there is a film of the CIA bvurying these bodys at sea with appropriate military honors. I don't think it actually produced KGB goodwill , but perhaps it didn't needlessly reinforce the hatred and negativity.

       All in all I think that showing respect to the defeated is a good idea , even if all we get from it is a higher opinion of ourselves.


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2011, 10:27:43 PM »
utterly amazing BT!.....Thanks for posting this.
Obama and Jarrett knowing we had Bin Laden and refusing to act!
then Obama had to be "conned" into acting because it might leak he didnt act would be worse
this is so sad for our country to have a man like this in charge of everything
sad to see people like Hillary, Panetta, Daley, Gates practically begging "we've got Bin Laden please let us get him"!
freaking insanity that this moron Obama runs this once great country!

"What happened from there is what was described by me as a "masterful manipulation" by Leon Panetta.  Panetta indicated to Obama that leaks regarding knowledge of Osama Bin Laden's location were certain to get out sooner rather than later, and action must be taken by the administration or the public backlash to the president's inaction would be "significant to the point of political debilitation."  It was at that time that Obama stated an on-ground campaign would be far more acceptable to him than a bombing raid.  This was intended as a stalling tactic, and it had originated from Jarrett.  Such a campaign would take both time, and present a far greater risk of failure.  The president had been instructed by Jarrett to inform Mr., Panetta that he would have sole discretion to act against the Osama Bin Laden compound.  Jarrett believed this would further delay Panetta from acting, as the responsibility for failure would then fall almost entirely on him.  What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound.  Basically, the whole damn operation was already ready to go including the specific team support Intel necessary to engage the enemy within hours of being given notice.  Panetta then made plans to proceed with an on-ground assault. This information reached either Hillary Clinton or Robert Gates first (likely via military contacts directly associated with the impending mission) who then informed the other.  Those two then met with Panetta, who informed each of them he had been given the authority by the president to proceed with a mission if the opportunity presented itself.  Both Gates and Clinton warned Panetta of the implications of that authority namely he was possibly being made into a scapegoat.  Panetta admitted that possibility, but felt the opportunity to get Bin Laden outweighed that risk.  During that meeting, Hillary Clinton was first to pledge her full support for Panetta, indicating she would defend him if necessary.  Similar support was then followed by Gates.  The following day, and with Panetta's permission, Clinton met in private with Bill Daley and urged him to get the president's full and open approval of the Panetta plan.  Daley agreed such approval would be of great benefit to the action, and instructed Clinton to delay proceeding until he had secured that approval.  Daley contacted Clinton within hours of their meeting indicating Jarrett refused to allow the president to give that approval.  Daley then informed Clinton that he too would fully support Panetta in his actions, even if it meant disclosing the president's indecision to the American public should that action fail to produce a successful conclusion.  Clinton took that message back to Panetta and the CIA director initiated the 48 hour engagement order.  At this point, the President of the United States was not informed of the engagement order it did not originate from him, and for several hours after the order had been given and the special ops forces were preparing for action into Pakistan from their position in Afghanistan, Daley successfully kept Obama and Jarrett insulated from that order."
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 10:37:52 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 11:10:19 PM »
Lets see.

Obama thinks it over, gives the only order that makes sense, go in and kill him. It works. Bin Laden is dead.

The CIA and Delta request from Rumsfeld(Sec of Def)/Bush(CIC) several units from the 75th Rangers because they have Bin Laden located in the Tora Bora mountains. Request denied. Bin Laden gets away.



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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2011, 11:17:33 PM »
Lets see.  Obama thinks it over, gives the only order that makes sense, go in and kill him. It works. Bin Laden is dead.
The CIA and Delta request from Rumsfeld(Sec of Def)/Bush(CIC) several units from the 75th Rangers because they have Bin Laden located in the Tora Bora mountains. Request denied. Bin Laden gets away.BSB

Lets see......what a load of crap.
Comparing the Tora Bora mountains to a single house on a street in Pakistan....laughable.
They never had a positive ID on where Bin Laden was in that vast mountain area.
Your analogy does not hold up to logic
But why am i surprised from someone that cheers higher gas prices on the poor and soccer Moms
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2011, 11:20:52 PM »
Lets see.  Obama thinks it over, gives the only order that makes sense, go in and kill him. It works. Bin Laden is dead.
The CIA and Delta request from Rumsfeld(Sec of Def)/Bush(CIC) several units from the 75th Rangers because they have Bin Laden located in the Tora Bora mountains. Request denied. Bin Laden gets away.BSB

Lets see......what a load of crap.
Comparing the Tora Bora mountains to a single house on a street in Pakistan....laughable.
They never had a positive ID on where Bin Laden was in that vast mountain area.
Your analogy does not hold up to logic
But why am i surprised from someone that cheers higher gas prices on the poor and soccer Moms

IIRC, I do believe Clinton had him in his sights 1st, with on the ground intel.  Had him pegged, on numerous occasions, and Clinton denied the execution of any plan

IF, we're going to be objective here

And speaking of being objective, IIRC, we did go into Tora Bora, but the Pakistani Government, who we had given a heads up to, helped give Usama a heads up, as well as assistance into Pakistan

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2011, 11:56:55 PM »
Do your homework boys. I've only put up the facts on Tora Bora about 20 times in here starting from when it happened. The CIA and Delta had him located and were waiting for Bush and Rumy to send in the 75th.

Look it up for christ sake.



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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2011, 12:04:50 AM »
Do your homework boys. I've only put up the facts on Tora Bora about 20 times in here starting from when it happened. The CIA and Delta had him located and were waiting for Bush and Rumy to send in the 75th.

Look it up for christ sake.


How would the world be different if we got Bin Laden then?

How is it different if we got Bin Laden now?


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2011, 12:29:03 AM »
If they had got bin Laden at Tora Bora, they could have been out of Afghanistan in a year or so, I imagine.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2011, 12:41:51 AM »
If they had got bin Laden at Tora Bora, they could have been out of Afghanistan in a year or so, I imagine.

We kinda were for a while

Then we came back.


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Re: For what it's worth
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2011, 12:56:37 AM »

Good lord, it won't let me post a cut and paste. Anyway, check that URL.