Found this transcript with yet an additional confirmation from that of CIA head Panetta, in an interview with Brian Williams:
NEW YORK, NY ? May 3, 2011 ? "NBC Nightly News" anchor and managing editor Brian Williams today spoke with Leon Panetta, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and nominee to be the next Secretary of Defense. The interview will air tonight on "NBC Nightly News."
On the role of interrogation:
BRIAN WILLIAMS: Can you confirm that it was as a result of water boarding that we learned what we needed to learn to go after Bin Laden?
LEON PANETTA: Brian, in the intelligence business you work from a lot of sources of information and that was true here? It's a little difficult to say it was due just to one source of information that we got? I think some of the detainees clearly were, you know, they used these enhanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees. But I'm also saying that, you know, the debate about whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always going to be an open question.
BRIAN WILLIAMS: So finer point, one final time, enhanced interrogation techniques -- which has always been kind of a handy euphemism in these post-9/11 years -- that includes water boarding?
LEON PANETTA: That's correct.
(note, that if waterboarding had NOT been intergral in aquiring such information, Panetta would have made that crystal clear. "NO Brian, waterboarding, especially on KSM, did not provide us with anything to go on. Not even in KSM trying to misdirect us. We managed to aquire our intel thru other, less invasive means", especially given who his boss is and advocates)